
Chapter 1021 Potential Weakness

Chapter 1021 Potential Weakness

How could she have ever known she would manage to snag such a prize on that particular afternoon?

The tale of how Miss Linda had managed to seduce Parker Heeat was an interesting one.

It was on one inconspicuous afternoon, after learning of the Heeat family\'s delegation arrival in Caira that Miss Linda had decided to lay in ambush in one of the regular paths the visiting young lord was known to frequent, where she hoped to catch her prey.

At that time, she of course did not know of her future husband\'s identity and was only fishing, trying to land any man who could help her escape this sinking ship.

The fact that the Margraves were not doing well was clear for all to see.

And in order to seduce her potential suitor, she had even camouflaged herself for the occasion, choosing to forego dressing as one of the ladies of the house, but instead taking the role of a mere maid, just like she had done with Alexander, all aimed at lowering the man\'s guard.

And then the story developed as one could easily guess.

A maid somehow \'accidentally\' stumbled into the path of the young lord, who was instantly smitten by her absolute charm and beauty.

Thus when invited to a small room to spend some time with her, the young lord instantly agreed, not at all caring about the consequences since she was only a mere maid.

Such offerings were hardly uncommon for a man of his status, as numerous maids regularly threw themselves in front of him, all in the hopes of obtaining various things from him- be it money, jewelry, favors, and the most desirable of all- his love and attention, as they all dreamed of becoming one of his mistresses.

Most of the time however Lord Parker would only throw a few coins their way as compensation for the good time.

And this was his intention this time too, as he rejoiced that such a beautiful girl also had such a low status.

In his mind, this was the perfect match.

Hence lustfully tearing off Miss Linda\'s clothes the moment they entered the room, the healthy lord wasted no time in taking the winsome, slender girl all over that small abandoned room- from the bed to the window, to the couch, to the table, in all sorts of positions, standing up, on all fours, spooning against the wall, over his lap, you name it, always making sure to end inside her.

Lord Parker was usually not this reckless with his trysts, but despite having no experience, Miss Linda just felt too good to resist.

So good in fact that the young lord even forgot to ask how a maid this beautiful and this flirtatious could remain a virgin in a house filled with so many young men,

Surely they would have taken her by now.

It was only after he had finished his deed and Miss Linda was lying on the well-built man\'s chest with half-lidded eyes that Lord Parker woke up to this suspicious act.

But by then it was already too late.

Because as if by magic, the old Lord Margraves just \'happened\' to walk in on the two just as Lord Parker had finished his session and was getting ready to get dressed, officiously smashing open the door to enter inside.

And then appeared enraged after seeing the state of his granddaughter- still fully nude, with her lower garden yet bearing proof of their recent union, which had even started to trickle down her toned thighs.

The old lord then and there demanded Lord Parker take responsibility for this.

And if you are thinking all of this was suspiciously oh-so-convenient timing, then you are not alone.

Lord Parker had thought it so too. And he was pretty sure that the old man had put his granddaughter up to this to seduce him.

But he did not resist, despite it being fully within his power.

The Heeat family was magnitudes more powerful than the Margraves and so he could have certainly gotten away with banging the youngest daughter of their family.

At least they could not have forced him to take him as his wife, which was a unique title.

Because remember, Sybarsis was a monogamous country where men were only allowed to have one wife… at least officially.

Thus, logic dictated that the next Duke of Lynican would take someone of higher standing, similar to his own, not the youngest daughter of a poor, down in their luck earldom.

However, Miss Linda had proven to be the most magnificent drug, an unforgettable experience for Lord Parker.

So much so that in spite of having many sexual experiences, no woman had made Parker Heeat feel like she did, making the man feel his loins heating up every time he recalled those salacious moans she had made and the charming way her body had twisted and swerved under his pounding.

Lord Parker thought he could hear those lewd songs everything he closed his eyes,

\'Ahh! Young master… so good… Ehhhh… it\'s so big, uh uh, no. Oh I\'m going to be stretched out! Too fast… ahhh please slower… it\'s too big, ah… so! Little maid is going to be killed… Uh-huh my pussy… can\'t stand it anymore … yes… harder…yes young master…ahh.. ah I\'m going to let it out… soon… I\'m coming… I\'m coming… ugghgg coming!"

He did not think he could live without her.

Thus despite knowing it was all a planned plot, Lord Parker chose to take the bait, and married Miss Linda, rejoicing in the enjoyment the girl provided him every night that he could spare.

While Miss Linda reciprocated the pleasure too, though it was due to an entirely different cause.

Miss Linda enjoyed sleeping with Lord Parker because of his identity, which she had come to know later.

And imagine her glee then!

When her grandfather had put her up to this, she had only assumed this was him looking out for her, that she was going to marry the distant, illegitimate, not-so-favored son of a duke to leave a way out for her family.

Yet, now she found that she had somehow managed to get into the pants of the next Duke of Lynican- Parker Heeat.

It had sent her into a spiraling rollercoaster of ecstasy.

There were even times when that happiness was so great that it threatened to burst out of her chest and inform everyone of her husband\'s real identity.

She only managed to keep herself in check due to the warning her grandfather had issued her, urging her that the reveal would alert her sister and make it harder for her to get the family\'s seat.

Thus she had to settle for only making cryptic hints alluding to her husband\'s greatness, such as the phrase \'my lord has no idea\' she used with Alexander.

Although unbeknownst to her, these innocuous words were enough to pretty much confirm Alexander\'s suspicion about her husband- that he was not who he was claiming to be.

Although it was not enough for Alexander to determine Parker Heeat was Duke Heeat\'s eldest son for sure, he had a pretty good hunch.

Which also meant that joining Miss Linda\'s side made no sense for him.

Because there was no Miss Linda\'s side, that was all an illusion- it was already taken by the Heeat family.

And this put Alexander in a dilemma, where he did not know how to proceed.

Lady Miranda was too weak so siding with her made no sense.

While Miss Linda was already taken, so siding with her was not an option. Alexander could not control her as he could Lady Miranda.

The situation hence made Alexander feel like he was between a rock and a hard place.

And he could not help but think that without further outsider interference, he would be preaching to the choir here if he were to try and convince Miss Linda to share power.

It was right when thinking this that Alexander suddenly thought he had just gotten one of the greatest ideas he ever had.

Thus turning to Miss Linda, Alexander suddenly gave a bright grin and proposed,

"My lady, I admit I\'m very tempted by your offer. It is all I could have asked for. And I\'m willing to accept your offer and switch sides just as you wanted… but I have one small request." Alexander interjected before Miss Linda could cheer, and then laid the trap,

"I seem to recall that the Kaiser family are great adversaries to your family. And it just happens so they are to me. In fact, one of the reasons for me coming here was to seek justice against them for the various atrocities they committed and allowed others to commit on their behalf."

"So would it be possible for one to meet one of their representatives, such as Governor Straus, and work with Lord Parker\'s Heeat family to pressure them into some kind of concession?"

Alexander relished how the light dimmed in Miss Linda\'s eyes the moment he said so.

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