
Chapter 399 Covert Ops-1

Chapter 399  Covert Ops-1

" State your business!" He asked after approaching the driver\'s side window. Steve was driving the truck disguised as a slightly older man with grey hair and thick glasses.

" The cameras are off, do like we discussed." Zero informed over the radio.

" Sir, we are here to deliver supplies." Steve passed him his fake identification papers.

" This late? We haven\'t received anything regarding a supply run." The guard was suspicious.

" It was an urgent call. Our boss only said that it was for some wealthy family holiday trip?"

" Get out. We have to search and confirm it from our superiors first. Anyone with you?" The guard knew it was common for their customers to make such requests. It was almost midnight, but they couldn\'t outright deny them entry.

People may pay thousands of dollars every year for their designated spots; if they didn\'t provide good services, everyone would pile the blame on him and his companions to save their own skin.

" Yes my boss\'s daughter, he wanted to make sure we do it right." Steve said as he exited the truck. On the other side, Jane also walked out wearing extra revealing clothes and holding her phone, completely ignoring the guards. Her whole appearance was tweaked to the max, blonde hair, flashy nails, and some fake tattoos; she looked nothing like her usual self.

" Yeah I can see that, miss! Stand on that side." The guard asked her to get away from the vehicle.

" Che." She glared at the guard but followed his instruction. She was supposed to be a spoiled brat that had to follow her father\'s business vision, and for that, she needed real-life experience to understand their business model. It was all made up but added an extra layer to their disguise.

" This brat... Hey, go check if they have a schedule for delivery and you, Nicolas?" He checked the ID for Steve\'s fake name, " Open the truck. We have to check the contents." The senior guard gave a bunch of orders.

At the same time, Jane messaged Adrian to intercept the signal. They would direct all the outgoing calls to a specific room where Zero\'s people would act as the command center personnel.

" Is that necessary? I don\'t think our customers-" Steve tried to stop him.

" That\'s not my concern, it\'s company policy don\'t you know? Also now that I look at it carefully, I never heard of this company." He cut him off and pointed at the logo.

" Ah, it\'s okay. Please check to your heart\'s content." Steve took him toward the back of the truck and opened the door.

The guard stepped inside and began checking everything; there were a lot of supplies, especially alcohol and other recreational stuff. These were everyday items; how else were the people of the yacht going to a party? There was everything, even a large box of condoms which meant it would be a wild night in the sea!

" Is everything fine sir?" Steve asked.

" Yes, wait! Why is there a hatch in the center?" The guard notices a hidden compartment at the bottom of the truck\'s floor.

" That sir is for storage."

" Really? Do you think I am a fool? Open it!" The guard was sure that they were hiding something in there. It was three or four feet long and about two feet wide; such compartments shouldn\'t exist in a transport vehicle.

Steve opened the door carefully; the guard peeked inside to find some spare tires neatly packed to fit the compartment.

" Why put it in here?"

" Sir, it\'s one of many features of our companies special delivery trucks! The boss custom ordered it to be made that way that\'s why our trucks look so neat and tidy?" Steve lied through his teeth without blinking. Several firearms were tucked behind the wheels, but it was hard for the guard to see due to the darkness.

 " It looks like useless money spending to me. Okay! pack it up and wait for confirmation." They walked outside, where Jane and the other guards were already waiting for them.

" Did you confirm it?"

" Yes sir. Everything checks out."

" Good, go inside. Someone will be waiting for you." Finally, they were let off the hook; they drove inside the designated warehouse and parked their truck to wait for further instructions.

Some came and told them what boat they had to unload the items; it was already midnight, so the person didn\'t hang around much and simply left. With such a hectic schedule, sleep was a luxury, and he didn\'t want to hamper it by hanging around to watch a couple of people doing menial tasks.

" What now?" Steve asked.

" Get to work, I will look around to find some clues." Jane replied.

" Wait! There are ton of stuff in there, you want me to do it on my own?"

" Yeah, after all I am playing my part. A rich brat as you asked me to!" Jane said mischievously while walking away. See a locker room in the distance.

" At least help me with that heavy case! It will kill my back if I do it alone!"

" Less talking more working old man!"

" Fuck!"

Regardless of his feeling, he got to work and began moving things on the boat alone. Zero had arranged for a spot very close to their target boat; it was only a matter of pulling some strings and renting a boat under shells corporation.

Even if someone suspected something after they left and looked into that corporation, they would be unable to scratch even the surface of it. It was so mangled and messy that it would take them years to uncover Zero\'s involvement. Even then, they would come empty-handed, as it would lead to another goose chase!

" Motherfucker! Who is making these noises?" Hearing loud noises in the middle of the night woke the people of their target boat. There were already many people guarding the place, but the main perpetrator was not on the deck, probably sleeping inside.

" Go look where it is coming from!" A short bald man came out on the deck and ordered one of his henchmen.

Steve was dragging a steel case grinding against the floor, making obscene irritating noises.

" Hey! What the fuck are you doing here?" The person came and asked Steve while massaging his head to elevate his frustration.

" Sir, I didn\'t mean to disturb you but it\'s quite heavy. I will be done in a minute." Steve resumed his activity, making even more loud noises. All the sleeping people came to the deck to curse at him!

" Hey! help him hurry before I kill his ass!" The bald man said furiously. He was already frustrated not getting instructions for days; without any orders, he couldn\'t even go on land, and floating in this fucking boat made him quite grumpy.

Now someone was disturbing his sleep. The only thing he had left to let go of his boredom? He was about to snap!

" Yes sir!"

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