
Chapter 515 Can't you just relax for a second?-1

Chapter 515 Can\'t you just relax for a second?-1

" You should head there first, they had been waiting for an hour at this point and they don\'t look happy about it." Arthur gave him a heads-up.

" Do you know why?" He asked.

" I don\'t know. They didn\'t tell me anything substantial."

" Alright, but first I should find Mayra. I left abruptly yesterday, she must be worried about me." Samuel had too many things on his plate. He had to look after the girls, and there was another business meeting coming up in a few days. On top of that, he had to regularly check up on Jane to find out about his enemy\'s movement.

Other than that, there was also the release of his next Harry Potter instalment, and he needed to talk to the studio regarding the abrupt cancelation of his promotion tour. He did give them a heads-up, but not personally. Being an investor in the film, he had some say in it, but lately, he had been neglecting his acting career due to several mishaps.

" I don\'t think that\'s necessary, Lady Laura had taken Mayra with her to visit her office and Miss Elise had followed them too." Arthur argued against it.

" Why?"

" I don\'t know the specific but she knew about her and Miss Anya\'s fighting incident. She wanted to avoid a similar incident so they went out." Arthur added.

" Alright, guess I am heading to the meeting then." Samuel was relieved and went inside to the meeting hall, which was right beside the dining area with lots of chairs. It was the least-used area of the estate, but it was one place where most of the decisions were made by the family.

He entered the room to find almost everyone was there, including his granduncle Donald, Uncle Daniel, and Oscar, whom he hadn\'t seen in a while. They stared at him simultaneously with serious expression; it didn\'t seem they were playing around and something serious had happened.

" Sorry, I am late. I got hung up with something." he made an impromptu excuse and took the only empty seat in the middle. It was facing the head of the family\'s seat, Robert, who was not pleased with his casual tone, which he found strange.

 " We know very well what you have been up to. We take our eyes off for one second and you go around poking sleeping tigers? Can\'t you just relax for a second?" He said sternly.

" I don\'t know what you are talking about?" Samuel said innocently. He knew why they were like this, but he tried to overcome it through his cute expressions.

" Quit playing around, you know how serious of a matter it is? Not only did you get arrested in a foreign country, but you razed Paris to the ground? You know how many strings I had to pull to keep the news from spreading?" Daniel, who was the head of security for the family, shouted. He had dark circles under his eyes and a tired look; even his voice cracked when he tried to yell at Samuel.

" I took full responsibility for the situation and the other party also apologized for the incident. Not only that we had a strategic partnership to kill a dragon in the cosmetic world. It\'s still in the process but I am certain we will gain a lot in few more months." Samuel was telling them about his partnership with Dahlia to make her the next person in charge of LVHM. 

" We already know about that. But don\'t get your hopes up, I know the current person in charge of the business. He is a shrewd man and has already shown his support for his eldest son. It takes a sly old dog to create such empire. You have to remember it." Kenneth said somberly. He could have been more optimistic about Samuel\'s action this time.

It could be that he had been winning all his life and had gotten arrogant; he didn\'t do a proper survey before he jumped head first to the partnership. There were many tales of people rising from the rubble, but those were few in millions; smart people backed more vigorous opponents or, better yet, backed both parties and cut their losses early to get the eventual win.

" I understand, but I will still side with the youngest daughter." Samuel said with determination, to which both current and former heads sighed. It seemed he was still young and saw the world optimistically. Let him know what the taste of defeat felt like.

" If he says he is confident, let him do it. Why are you harassing a child for using his own funds? Sami, do what you like don\'t listen to us old fogies." Margaret supported Samuel along with Oscar, who had full trust in Samuel\'s business mind because he watched him grow up in his arms.

" Okay, I concede on this issue but what am I hearing about your clandestine operation on foreign soil? You even went ahead ditching your security personal in other area? Do you know how worried we were when we first got the news?" Robert was calm, but his voice faltered several times, saying it.

Samuel felt a little guilty because he owed everything to his parents, but even then, he couldn\'t let his men suffer casualties when he had a better plan. His operation, although risky, was so successful that even the ghost soldiers were singing his heroic actions when they returned to base.

His popularity was already high, but this time, he was cemented as a five-star general! Since his return, it spread like wildfire inside the estate; even the soldiers\' wives were talking about it, much less the maids and their kids.

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