
Chapter 7: The Way to Leave the Forest

In a blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

This day, in a certain corner of the forest, Shien, with his clothes degraded and wielding his shining Holy Sword, is currently facing an enemy.



A group of devil like demonic beasts wielding sticks, with a body full of hair, a lone horn, and savage faces, while roaring, charged at Shien.

Every single one of them looked physically imposing, much like a gorilla.

Their bodies are giving off violent waves, just like the man-faced, serpent-bodied monstrous bird from the beginning.

By now, Shien already knows that those waves are magic power.

The demonic beasts before him have magic power two, and through the use of magic power, not only can they increase their strength, but also their defensive power. There are even demonic beasts that can use magic power to breath fire or lightning as if they’re using magic. They are quite dangerous.

During these past few days, Shien had even met demonic beasts that can petrify targets of their gaze. Besides that, even terrifying demonic beasts that can inflict curses or corrode the bodies of their enemies.

It could be said that without the max leveled [Physical Resistance], [Magic Resistance], and [Abnormal Status Resistance] in addition to the protection of the Holy Sword, Shien would have died countless times facing those demonic beasts.

By now, Shien could already face these monsters without a hint of fear.

Facing this group of charging one horned demonic beasts, Shien moved forward rather than retreating.


As he ran, Shien unhesitatingly activated the [Limit Evolution] skill.

In an instant, the max leveled [Limit Evolution] gave Shien an enormous boost, and every one of Shien’s stats received an explosive increase.


In an instant, Shien’s speed increased manyfold. He charged into the swarm of demonic beasts like a blur.


The brilliant light of the Holy Sword passed through, and a horned demonic beast at the very front was sliced apart at the waist, showing the ground in blood.



The horned demonic beasts immediately roared in rage and pounced one after another while swinging their sticks. The sound of the wind pressure blasted out continuously, and the sticks became like tools of killing, swinging madly towards Shien.

Facing that, Shien instead seemed like he had eyes all over. His form was like the wind, constantly moving. Sometime he charged, sometimes he backstepped, sometimes he leaped to the left, and sometimes he dodged to the right. There are even times he ducked and times when he jumped up, perfectly avoiding every single attack.

With the constant reminders from [Enemy Detection], it’s like the position of every monster was shown in his mind. Plus with the aid of [Dodge], there’s no way that Shien could have been hit.

This is in addition to the [War God] skill giving Shien an instinctive divine level fighting skill and instincts. In but a few moments, Shien’s figure could no longer be seen. All that was left is a gust of wind constantly blowing back and forth, as if it’s just playing around with those demonic beasts, making them both angry and fearful.

At the same time, the light from the Holy Sword is constantly flashing, sweeping back and forth.

“Rip!” “Rip!” “Rip!” “Rip!” “Rip!”

As the fight progressed, one horned demonic beast after another fell to the Holy Sword, turning into cut up corpses, falling into pools of blood.

Compared the current fighting power to ten days back is basically like comparing heaven and earth.

It’s all thanks to the list of skills Shien has since acquired.

As of now, Shien has learned a full 13 max leveled skills.

Including [Heavenly Grace] and [Blessing of the Highest God], Shien has a total of 15 skills. It’s only natural that things are completely different from how they were ten days ago.

Especially the two skills [War God] and [Limit Evolution]. One basically lets Shien, someone who never fought before, act as if he was possessed be the god of war, allowing him to unleash god-like battle power. The other boosts Shien in every way. With all that and the power of the Holy Sword, Shien was naturally able to practically ascend to godhood near instantaneously.

Shien had even leveled those two skills to the max. The effect would obviously be completely different from back when they were level 1.

Even so, Shien still has quite a lot of skill points left.

After ten days of constant battles, Shien has already reached level 10. All together, he had a full 1000 skill points. Even maxing out 13 skills only used up a mere 130 skill points, which still left 870 skill points unused.

Therefore, when considering the feel of his progression, Shien could definitively say that compared to the him from before, the current him can basically be said to be a different person altogether.

“However, given that I’m still living like a homeless bum, I’m really not sure whether I should be happy about all this.”

Shien felt very conflicted about all this. At some point the battle had stopped, and he sighed while flicking off the blood on the Holy Sword.

Around him, all the horned monsters are lying in pools of blood. Corpses were everywhere, and not one survived.

It’s rather Shien who was completely unharmed. He didn’t even get a drop of blood on him.

This is obviously due to the trauma he got from the first day he came to this other world. That certain Hero completely dreads the thought of getting near blood again, and thus always purposely avoids any blood splattering through the air and the puddles of blood pooling on the ground.

When remembering these days of wilderness survival, such as when he was occasionally awoken in the middle of the night by a demonic beast attack or the experience of being forced to cut up demonic beasts for meat, Shien felt like crying.

“When will these kind of days end, lady Goddess.”

Shien huffed and sighed, but he never slowed in his work. He begun cutting off the meat of the horned monsters around him and picked out the edible portions.

Ten days of time was already enough for Shien to grind up some basic wilderness survival skills. He also no longer have any resistance towards eating demonic beast meat.

He has [Abnormal Status Resistance] after all. Plus the Holy Sword’s status immunity and purification abilities, so there’s no need to worry about getting food poisoning.

Of course, whether it’s delicious or not, and whether he wants to eat or not are different subjects altogether.

“This is forcing me to become Bear Grylls!”

Shien split a horned monster in half as if releasing his frustrations.

At that moment…


Following a sharp shriek, a black shadow passed by in the sky.

The instant [Enemy Detection] gave a response, Shien had raised his head up and immediately saw a demonic beast.

“That is...”

The moment he saw the demonic beast, Shien paused a moment before getting a flash of insight.

Because, Shien thought of it.

Thought of the way to leave the forest.

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