
Chapter 174 - Good Shot

The situation was getting more chaotic.

One platoon consisted of 10 units with 10 fighters each. But currently, not even half of them were able to fight. 20 severely injured troops lay on the third-floor classroom of the old school. All loaded firearms and ammunitions were brought on the 3rd floor\'s balcony where the most accomplished shooters took up position. 

Tratatattat! Traattatatatata!

Among them, Dinda was also there using iron arrows. "Pull... Aim.... Fly true!"

Each iron arrow he released penetrated two to three zombie heads. Dinda unequipped the quiver from his back and leaned it against the balcony in front of him. "Only 16 arrows left..."

Dinda now needed to make sure each of his arrows would not be wasted. This time, he chose to target the more powerful monsters.

"Dance... Aim... Take off!" 


Dinda\'s iron arrows began to pierce the heads of red zombies that had gathered on the roof of the building opposite to them. 1 arrow, 1 red zombie died. Around Dinda, snipers with firearms also took aim at the red zombies on the roof.




At the school\'s yard, 40 troops were engaging hundreds of zombies in a fierce battle but more kept on entering. Although 40 people included the newly formed Spirit Enhancers unit, they were starting to get overwhelmed. Every couple of seconds, one troop fell by the relentless attacks from the zombies.



Major Sandi, with a body full of wounds, raised his machete high trying to keep his platoon\'s morale steady even though he knew that the giant creature would soon arrive. Even now, there no signs of reinforcements coming. The Sandi knew he needed to do something soon, otherwise, everyone here would be dead before reinforcements arrived.

The black zombie was only 100 meters outside this school building; not far behind them was another sighting of the same monster. Major Sandi looked at the whole army that was fighting and decided on something. He approached the pile of weapons lying near him and found three RPG launchers as well as a bag containing three additional rockets. Major Sandi immediately took the three rockets and the backpack as he steeled his nerves to carry out his plan.

When the black monster was only a few steps in front of the school\'s wall.

Shuuuhhh KABOOMM!

A rocket flew and managed to hit it and made it stagger down! Major Sandi rejoiced at his fortune of hitting the abomination with the first shot. But everyone knew that the monster wouldn\'t die because of just one rocket. He immediately shouted, "I need volunteers to help me! I have to go to that place on the other side, but I can\'t make it alone."

The troops near him were in disbelief with the Major\'s plan to cross this sea of ​​zombies. But seeing the giant monster trying to stand up and the other monster from their behind was near, Sandi knew he could not wait anymore as he immediately barged out with the sword in his hand. But in less than 5 steps, zombies surrounded and one jumped on him. 


The zombie who jumped at Major Sandi was thrown away by a baton attack. Raufgar, the fat soldier, immediately took the lead and opened the way for the Major. Oscar and Oliver also didn\'t want to be left behind followed immediately as well as the other spirit enhancers.

"You guys..."

Sandi knew how important each of these spirit enhancer troops was to Alex. He couldn\'t let them die here. But if the plan that he had in mind failed, everyone might still die.

Each of these members was actually very worried, but they got carried with Raufgar\'s action who was walking in front of them. 

Cindy shouted, "I don\'t know if you are all brave or stupid!"

Theo waved his ax as he looked at Cindy with a smile. "Then why did you come along?"

"I just don\'t want to miss the train. Anyway, there must be one smart person among you."

Theo glanced to the left and right and asked, "Who?"

"You, stupid priest!" The more annoyed Cindy was, the faster she used her whip. Every release of her whip bounced off between three to four zombies.

They had just walked only a few meters when the black zombie had stood up but.

Shuuuhhh KABOOMM!

One more rocket hit the black zombie.


The black zombie became more enraged and chased the small group that just came out of the old school ground. But Major Sandi did not stop there and fired one more rocket at the other black zombie not far behind the first zombie.


Although the second shot missed the second zombie, the nearby explosion also provoked it and decided to chase the running group. Two stage three zombies ran towards Sandi\'s group with a distance of 100-200 meters behind them.

Major Sandi ran while reloading all three rocket launchers with its last ammunitions. "KEEP RUNNING!"

This entourage lured the two black zombies along with thousands of zombies towards a building not far from the school. A gas station with a yellow and red logo. Seeing where they were, Major Sandi\'s plan was as clear as day. But the success of this tactic would depend heavily on good execution.

As they arrived at the gas station, Sandi immediately told the spirit enhancers to enter the small convenience store and take cover. To ensure the maximum blast, Sandi needed the black zombies to stand right above the gas tank. This plan was full of holes and the possibility of failure was high. He hoped for a miracle.

The moment the first black zombie walked past right above the tank, Sandi fired the first rocket immediately. 


But the black zombie easily avoided it and the rocket continued to fly toward the zombie horde outside of the gas station area. 


Having seen the rocket before, of course, the monster would not stand still taste that explosion once more. 

Major Sandi\'s face began to pale as he watched the black zombie preparing to jump. It would seem that his plan would fail but out of nowhere, two human-shaped shadows appeared beneath the black zombie and grasped its legs in place.

Tommy used his special ability from inside the shop.

Not wanting to lose this good opportunity, Major Sandi simultaneously fired the two rocket launchers.

Shuuuuuhhhh... SHuuuuuuhhh... 

One rocket flew at the black zombie and the other went straight to the floor under its feet. 

It\'s going to work this time! All the members were thinking of the same thing when a black zombie appeared from the sky and landed in front of the first zombie as the rocket crashed into it.


Whether it was due to dumb luck or the intelligence of these monsters, the plan had failed. The explosion wasn\'t close enough to the tank so it did not explode.

The first black zombie still couldn\'t move because of Tommy\'s shadow power and the second black zombie was lying underneath the gas tank. It would now be a very good opportunity to blow up both of these zombies at once, but unfortunately, the rockets were all expended.

Major Sandi looked at the eight people behind him hoping they had some idea. 

Tommy heavily said, "5 seconds… Major…"

When Major Sandi\'s eyes landed on the boy, Tommy, using all of his strength to keep this giant monster at bay, without hesitation, Sandi grabbed the grenades hanging from Ark and Theo\'s waist. 

Theo could immediately tell what was on Major Sandi\'s mind and shouted, "Don\'t do it, Major!"

They didn\'t have time; Major Sandi couldn\'t deliberate for too long. He readied himself to die for the safety of the remaining people here. Since he didn\'t want to leave to lady luck his throw to hit the gas tank above, he decided to blow himself up with the two grenades in his hands.

"STOP! Major!"

Major Sandi hurriedly ran and pulled out the safety pin. The grenades would explode 3-5 seconds the moment he released his grips, lighting the axis. Estimating the distance between him, the gas tank and his speed, he loosened his grip and ran with all of his strength. 

But unfortunately, the zombie horde had already arrived and prevented him from moving forward. Sandi struggled to break through the crowd of zombies but all he met was their claws and bites. The zombies scratched his back as let out a muffled gasp of pain. Finally, Major Sandi fell. 

The grenades rolled not far away and then it exploded and blew dozens of zombies around near him. The twin, Oscars and Oliver rushed forward to protect Sandi but with everything that had happened, Sandi regretted his failure. 

In front of his eyes, he watched Tommy\'s shadow disappear as the other black zombie stood up.

The opportunity had passed. He failed.


Suddenly, something flew and struck the feet of the first black zombie as well as the the tank above. An iron arrow. And attached to its tip, a released grenade.


A small explosion immediately followed by a larger explosion from the underground, the whole 10 square meters produced massive fire and shockwave throwing hundreds of zombies away from the gas station. As for the zombies inside the 10 square meters, all were obliterated into ashes.

The fire continually consumed the zombies as it emitted and covered the entire area of the gas station with thick smoke. 

All of the spirit enhancers held their ears as it buzzed from the deafening explosion. But as soon as the buzzing eased off, they came out of the store and started to dispatch the zombies that fell on the floor.

Even though the smoke still blurred their eyesight, they all ran toward the direction of the school.

"Good shot, Dinda!"

Dinda was standing at the roof of the school\'s third floor and from there, he watched and figured out Major Sandi\'s plan and helped the Major to succeed.

After they had arrived at the school, Theo advised everyone that they should retreat as soon as possible. They needed to leave before a third black zombie came. 

Daisy then used her sensing ability to scout, but she couldn\'t help but shout.

"What is it, Daisy?" Theo asked.

"Two… no… three..."


"Theo, more stage three zombies are coming towards us..."

Daisy continued her sensing and then in the direction of the burning gas station, she felt two signs of life coming out of the flames. The two black zombies were apparently not dead.

Slowly, the bodies of the two black zombies that were burning were regaining its shape as before.


"What should we do?"

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