
Chapter 351 - Sphinx

Sphinx, a legendary creature mentioned in both Egyptian and Greek mythology. There might be very minute differences regarding the creature inside the two mythology, but the outline description was still very much similar. A lion with the wings of an eagle and the head of a human. The beast currently standing in the distance had all the characteristics similar to the legendary creature.

Looking at the beast, Alex thought it was unlikely for the beast to be the result of normal animal mutation. There was also the fact he could feel the creature in front of him was very powerful.

After crashing the car to the ground from several meters in the air, the beast swiftly sent its final attack, as it once again plunged towards the car. The car was immediately destroyed by the sharp talons of the beast, and the two Medjai warriors inside it were probably dead as well.

When the beast threw its gaze at their direction, it let out a loud growl and immediately took flight into the sky again. Realizing the creature was locking on them, Alex immediately activated his [Hexagram Technique - stage 4].

Sensing the aura emanated from the creature was very powerful, Alex was unwilling to underestimate it.. While the familiar runes circled around his body, Alex also took out his two revolvers and loaded them with his special bullets, [Magic Bullet - Tier 3 Light Spell Smite-enhanced].

The creature rapidly flew in the air before it dived towards Alex at breakneck speed. Howling sounds resounded in the air as the creature made its way towards their location. When Alex was about to fire his revolvers, he suddenly heard a familiar sound in his mind.

[Run, Master]

In a split second, Alex\'s thought fell into bewilderment, as Stroke never warned him before. Countless thoughts ran through his mind, trying to understand the situation. Realizing the graveness of the situation, he swiftly took out his silver dagger and activated the [Haste] buff. When the ability took effect, Alex immediately stomped the ground, as his body launched to the side, narrowly dodging the beast\'s strike.


Deafening sound echoed through the air, while the ground seemed to be elevated when the creature crashed into it. Casting his gaze to the side, Alex\'s face couldn\'t help but turn pale.

When the dust receded and one could see clearly, a 7-meter wide and 2-meter deep crater was formed on the spot where Alex was standing before, as if a mini bomb had exploded in that area. In the middle of it, the beast was seen without an injury on its body while its claws embedded into the ground.

Raising his two revolvers in a hurry, Alex immediately fired a rapid shot as several bullets flew towards the beast in parallel lines, ready to take its life. Meanwhile, he continued to take a distance away from the beast.


Continuous loud shouts were heard, signifying the bullets landed straight on their target. Alas, when Alex turned his head, wanting to see the result of his bullets, he was bound to be disappointed and terrified. The [Smite] enhanced bullets, which were supposed to be able to destroy anything, seemed to be unable to leave even a scratch on the beast\'s body,

"What the f***?!! What is that thing??!" Alex cursed loudly, an incredulous expression distinctly seen on his face, showing he could not believe what his eyes saw.

Well, it was normal for the usually calm, steadfast Alex to curse to such a degree. Even the strongest opponent Alex ever fought to this date, the red abomination, was still injured by the [Smite] enhanced magic bullets. But this time, they didn\'t even manage to graze this beast\'s skin!

Alex quickly used the bracelet in his hand to check the flying beast information. The information showed in his bracelet brought a shock to Alex\'s entire being.


[Legendary beast - unknown level]

\'L-LEGENDARY? What the f***?!!\' Alex thought. Right as he finished reading the information, Stroke spoke again.

[Run. Run. Run.]

As if Stroke\'s words were the cue, the flying beast flew up from the crater and headed towards Ardeth and his other 3 warriors. Without even seeing the beast clearly, Alex knew the beast\'s intent was dangerous. The speed of the beast also made so Alex couldn\'t stop it on its track. Therefore, he chose to do one thing. Shout, as loud as he could, using all the energy he had, "RUN ARDETH RUN!!!"

Ardeth certainly heard Alex\'s shout, as the beast was coming towards them. However, where could they run?

Alex obviously knew about their current situation. Hence, he quickly threw his gaze around to check his surroundings. Naturally, he also fired his revolvers at the beast while doing so.

Looking around, Alex found there were only two possible escape routes in the area. Between the endless sandy desert and the mysterious ancient ruin, he decided the latter. Thus, he quickly ran towards it while still firing his revolvers.

While running, he could see the Medjai warriors were killed by the flying beast one by one. Even Ardeth as a Sky realm stage wind spirit enhancer was almost killed by a swipe from the beast. Fortunately, he managed to dodge the attack albeit barely and ran towards Alex\'s direction.

As the two of them approached the ruin, they noticed the ruin had nothing but broken pillars and stones strewn around the area. There was practically nothing here at first glance. Until suddenly, they saw a suspicious light coming from one corner of the ruin. It looked like a signal sent by a person.

Even though they were suspicious by the sudden help, the two of them didn\'t have much choice in their current predicament. Therefore, Alex and Ardeth immediately adjusted their direction and went towards that person. They ran as fast as they could.

They heard the pained scream of the dying warriors behind them. Alex really wished to turn back and help them, but hearing the stark warning from Stroke, he decided to keep running. Alex also beckoned Ardeth to keep running lest he lost his life here. 

Nodding his head with difficulty, Ardeth kept running, leaving his men behind. However, Ardeth gritted his teeth, clenched his fist, while also swore to take revenge for his men. The pain his men had gone through would be paid a hundredfold.

The flying beast seemed to have killed its prey and immediately looked after Alex and Ardeth. Fortunately, the two of them had arrived in front of a tunnel about the size of an adult man. They then quickly followed the figure who kept running, the one who flashed the light. 

When Alex and Ardeth only ran dozens of meters into the tunnel, a tremor suddenly appeared followed by a loud sound. Based on the sound, it appeared to be the sound of a large object crashing upon the tunnel\'s entrance. The flying beast probably rammed its body into the entrance, trying to enter it.

"Keep running!" Said the figure in front, when he noticed Alex and Ardeth stopped for a second. The three of them then continued to run through the tunnel. Alex felt they had run a few hundreds meters and wondered when they would stop. Luckily, Alex\'s thought was soon answered as their sighted were greeted by an appearance of a large chamber.

When they entered the chamber the figure finally turned around and showed his appearance. Alex and Ardeth were surprised to see who the figure was. It was Hanz from the Ahnenerbe organization.

"I\'m sure we are safe here, Mr Alex." Hanz said with a smile.

"Hanz?! Tell me, what is that thing? What are you doing here?"

"Follow me, Mr Alex. We will explain inside."


"Yes, Mr Heinrich is also here. He will explain everything to you." Hanz replied calmly, while began walking.

Heinrich was the leader of the Ahnenerbe organization, him being here meant this wasn\'t a normal site. Knowing the strength of that flying beast was stronger than cerberus and maybe on par with the chimera itself, Alex could only wonder what they were doing here.

Alex and Ardeth followed Hanz, as they walked through the tunnel passing many small chambers, from the looks of the dilapidated tools and equipment within the chambers, Alex could guess that this tunnel had been dug for quite some time.

"I know what you are thinking, Mr Alex." Hanz said, when he noticed Alex observed the tools. "It\'s indeed a century old tunnel."

The three of them walked for around a kilometer until they finally saw an even larger chamber. Inside it, there were more than two dozen people inside. All of them were wearing grey uniforms, and Alex could estimate that they were all Sky realm fighters looking from their aura.

"Mr Alex, these people here are the Iron Eagle squad, one of the top squad of Ahnenerbe organization." Hanz said, while pointing towards those fighters. He then shifted his finger and pointed in another direction, "And here, I introduce you to the Supreme Commander of Ahnenerbe organization, Mr Heinrich."

Alex had seen this mysterious-looking middle aged man when he attended the world conference in the Doomsday Pillar\'s network, but this was the first time he saw the man in person.

"You don\'t know how glad I am to see you here, Mr Alex. Your presence here is a godsend." Heinrich said with a warm smile.

"What happened here, Mr Heinrich? What is that thing outside?"

Instead of answering, Heinrich gestured Alex to come closer, "Here, Mr Alex. It\'s better for you to see this first."

Alex approached the man, followed by Ardeth. The three of them then walked to the edge of the ground they were in, it appeared they were currently standing on a platform. From where he was standing, Alex could see what appeared to be a large space of garden with rushing rivers flowing from four sides. There was even a light coming from the ceiling, as if there was a sun there.

"Mr Alex, you are currently inside the biggest discovery in human history. The Cradle of Life! The secret of our origin will be answered here."


Written and Directed by Avans, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, 

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