
Chapter 616 Train, Train, And Train

"Speak," Fein commanded in a voice that boomed throughout the room.

One of the shadow lords stepped forward, his head still bowed. "Master, we have succeeded in our mission. The devils have been defeated, and the humans emerged victorious."

Fein nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He had expected nothing less from his shadow army.

"And the humans?" he asked, his voice calm and measured.

The shadow lord hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "They suffered heavy losses, but their spirits remain unbroken. They believe that they have won a great victory and are celebrating as we speak."

Fein nodded again, his smile growing wider. "Excellent. And what of the devils? Did Balanar fall?"

The shadow lord lowered his head even further. "Yes, Master. Balanar was defeated. His arrogance proved to be his downfall."

Fein leaned back on his throne, a sense of nostalgia washing over him. He remembered a time when he was weak and helpless, unable to even defend himself from that scum, Balanar. But now, he was one of the most powerful in the South or even in the continent, and it was all thanks to his system!

"I remember a time when I was powerless," Fein said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But now, I am the master of shadows. And with these new spells, I will be unstoppable."

The three shadow lords looked up at him in awe, their faces filled with admiration and respect. In their opinion, they serving the most powerful being in the world, and they would follow him to the ends of the universe if he asked them to.

Fein stood up from his throne, his eyes glinting with anticipation. "Now, let us celebrate our victory. For tomorrow, we shall begin a new chapter in the history of the continent. And it will be written in the blood of the devils."


Fein closed his eyes and focused his thoughts on the underground base of Ranger\'s Eye. Within seconds, he vanished from his current location and reappeared inside the dimly lit training room.

The room was empty, except for a few wooden dummies and training equipment scattered around. Fein stretched his arms and legs, feeling the muscles in his body loosen up after the teleportation.

As a former member of Ranger\'s Eye, he knew the layout of the underground base like the back of his hand. It had been a while since he had last trained here, but the familiarity of the surroundings put him at ease.

He walked over to one of the wooden dummies and drew his sword, slicing it cleanly in half with a single strike. The sound of the wooden dummy splitting echoed throughout the room.

Fein continued his training, moving from one wooden dummy to another, honing his swordsmanship skills. He was a master of the blade, but he never stopped training and improving himself.

Fein stood in the middle of a vast, underground training hall. His eyes were closed, his breathing slow and steady. His sword was held loosely in his hand, its blade glinting in the dim light.

He had been training for hours, pushing his body to its limits. But he was not yet satisfied. He knew he had to push himself even harder if he was to master all of his abilities.

With a deep breath, he opened his eyes and began to move. He started with his swordsmanship, going through the forms he had learned as a young man. But now, with his mastery of the Sword Domain, he added a new level to his techniques. His sword multiplied in the air, spinning around him like a deadly tornado. He closed his eyes again, focusing on the sensation of the swords as they moved around him.

Next, he moved on to his Elemental Sphere. He stood in the center of the hall and summoned the barrier, a shimmering wall of energy that surrounded him. He then called forth an SS-ranked creature, its elemental attack slamming into the sphere with full force. Fein felt the impact, but the barrier held, and he grinned with satisfaction.

As he moved on to his Lightning Speed and Elemental Gun, Fein\'s movements became a blur. He dodged, struck, and fired his deadly blasts with precision and speed, honing his reflexes and aim until they were almost superhuman.

His World Tree Domain was next. He planted his feet on the ground and closed his eyes, focusing his mind on the earth beneath him. Soon, hundreds of massive trees sprouted up from the ground, towering over him. He reached out with his will, controlling their movements, making them bend and twist as if they were alive.

Fein then moved on to his Flame Advent, unleashing a torrent of fiery destruction on a series of targets. The heat was intense, but he remained cool and focused, his blade flickering with flames as he carved a path through his enemies.

As the hours passed, Fein continued his training, moving from ability to ability with ease. His Lightning Flicks, Death Ozone, and Decay abilities were unleashed with devastating effect, and he pushed his High-Temp Adjustment to the limit, scorching everything in his path.

His Blood Lock and Blood Rush State were next, his body glowing with a purple aura as he pushed his speed and strength to new heights. His Destruction Flame roared to life, consuming everything in its path with its dark, malevolent power.

Fein\'s Temperature Adjustment allowed him to control the elements around him, raising and lowering the temperature at will. And his Power of Space allowed him to manipulate the very fabric of reality, bending space to his will.

Finally, he stood still, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes once more. He felt the energy within him, the power of all his abilities flowing through his veins. And with a single thought, he summoned his Perfect Transformation, allowing him to become anything he desired.

As Fein opened his eyes, he was surrounded by an army of shadow creatures, each one ready to do his bidding. He smiled, knowing that his hard work won\'t betray him.

After several hours of training, Fein sheathed his sword and wiped the sweat from his brow. He looked around the empty training room, feeling a sense of satisfaction and contentment.

Training was a way of life for him, a necessary part of his journey towards his path. He knew that he would face many challenges in the future, and that his training would be the key to overcoming them.

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