
Chapter 663 Importance Of The Law

The demons arrived at the destroyed B rank stronghold under the cover of night. Their sudden appearance caught the survivors off guard, and rumors about their intentions began to spread like wildfire.

Whispers and murmurs filled the air, and a palpable tension hung over the survivors like a heavy cloak. Some speculated that the demons had come to help humanity, while others were more skeptical, believing that they had come to claim the stronghold for themselves.

As the demons made their way through the ruins of the stronghold, the survivors watched with a mix of fear and fascination. They were unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. Their skin was black as pitch, and their eyes glowed like embers in the darkness. Their long, spindly fingers ended in sharp, talon-like claws, and their wingspan was so massive that it seemed as though they could blot out the moon.

The demons moved with an otherworldly grace, their movements fluid and effortless. They seemed to glide through the air, barely touching the ground. It was as if they were in perfect harmony with the darkness that surrounded them.

One of the demons suddenly turned its head, its glowing eyes locking onto a group of survivors huddled together in the shadows. It let out a low, guttural growl, and the survivors recoiled in fear. But to their surprise, the demon simply turned and continued on its way, leaving the survivors unharmed.

As the demons continued through the ruins, their intentions remained a mystery. But one thing was clear - they were not to be trifled with. The survivors watched in awe and terror as they disappeared into the night, their presence leaving a haunting impression that would stay with them for years to come.

The demons\' appearance had shaken the survivors to their core, and the questions that plagued their minds would linger for a long time. Why had the demons come? What was their purpose? And most importantly, were they friend or foe?


The news of the demons\' actions in the North quickly spread throughout the continent, igniting a flurry of speculation and skepticism among the population. Rumors and hearsay filled the air, and the people\'s emotions were at a fever pitch.

At a small village near the destroyed B rank stronghold, a group of farmers gathered together, discussing the news that had reached their ears. They sat around a wooden table, their faces contorted with confusion and fear.

"Did you hear what happened up north?" One of the farmers said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I heard that the demons came and wiped out all the monsters," another replied, shaking his head in disbelief.

"But why did they just leave without harming any of the humans?" A third farmer asked, voicing the skepticism that many felt.

The group fell into a heated debate, each person expressing their thoughts and opinions. Some believed that the demons had come to help humanity, while others thought that they had more sinister motives.

Meanwhile, in the bustling city of the South, the news had also reached the ears of the wealthy and powerful. A group of nobles sat in a lavish room, their expressions solemn as they discussed the situation.

"I don\'t trust those demons," one noble said, his voice low and gruff.

"Agreed. We should keep a close eye on them," another replied, nodding in agreement.

"But what if they really came to help and want to set aside the differences? What if they really did come to help us?" A third noble chimed in, causing the others to fall silent.

"Demons are demons!" The fourth noble bellowed.

The uncertainty and fear caused by the demons\' actions continued to spread, affecting everyone from the lowest peasant to the highest noble. The people\'s minds were clouded with doubt and suspicion, unable to discern the true intentions of the demons.

As the days passed, the rumors and speculation continued to grow, fueled by fear and uncertainty. The demons\' actions remained a mystery, and the people could only wait and watch, wondering what would happen next.


Fein sat in his room, deep in thought. His mind wandered to the topic that had been bothering him for a while - the backward law in this world. He knew that unlike Earth, where laws and constitution were taken seriously, this world lacked such systems.

Fein\'s furrowed brows and clenched fists showed the intensity of his thoughts. He understood the importance of law to society and justice. He couldn\'t help but wonder how the world would look like if the law was more structured and rigid.

As he sat there, lost in his thoughts, he decided that he needed to discuss this matter with the council. His high position would undoubtedly make it easier for him to raise his concerns, but he knew it would be an uphill battle.

Fein stood up from his chair and paced around the room, his mind buzzing with ideas and arguments. He envisioned himself standing before the council members, passionately arguing his point, backed up by facts and examples.

"I need to prepare well," he muttered to himself. "I can\'t let this go unnoticed. I have to make them understand the importance of law."

Fein took a deep breath and sat back down at his desk. He reached for a pen and a piece of paper and began jotting down his ideas. As he wrote, his thoughts became more organized, and his ideas more coherent.

He worked tirelessly for hours, pouring over his notes, analyzing different scenarios, and building his case. His dedication was apparent from the deep concentration etched on his face.

Lost in thought about the importance of law to society. He leaned back in his chair, stroking his chin as he considered the many different ways in which law impacted the world around him.

"For example," he thought aloud, "take the concept of contracts. Without a clear set of rules and obligations for both parties, contracts become meaningless. How can anyone trust each other if there are no consequences for breaking agreements?"

Fein reached for his copy of the book of De Leon law obligations and contracts, flipping through the pages to find specific examples. "Ah, here it is," he murmured to himself, reading aloud. "Article 1305 states that a contract is a meeting of minds between two persons whereby one binds himself, with respect to the other, to give something or to render some service."

As he read on, Fein\'s mind began to wander, imagining different situations where the law was crucial. He thought of a small business owner who couldn\'t trust their suppliers to deliver goods on time without a legal agreement in place. He thought of tenants who needed to have a clear understanding of their landlord\'s obligations under the law to ensure they were being treated fairly. He even thought of a neighborly dispute that could escalate into violence without the intervention of law enforcement.

Fein sat up straight, his eyes lighting up as he considered the implications of these examples. "The law is what keeps us safe, what allows us to trust each other and live in harmony," he declared. "It\'s not just a bunch of dry rules and regulations - it\'s the foundation of our society."

He continued to ponder for a few moments, lost in thought about the importance of the law. As he did, his facial expression and body language shifted, becoming more animated and engaged.

Finally, Fein stood up, tucking the book under his arm. "I need to share my thoughts with the council," he said aloud. "It\'s time to start a conversation about the importance of the law and how we can strengthen it in our society."

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