
Chapter 681 The War: South Vs Demons Pt.6

The battlefield was chaos, with the clash of swords and the crackle of spells filling the air. But in the center of it all, Demon Lord Belthor seemed to be having a grand time. With a wicked grin on his face, he toyed with the degu users, effortlessly dodging their attacks and countering with deadly spells.

Belthor raised his hand, and a ball of flame shot towards a group of degu users. They scattered, trying to avoid the fiery explosion, but Belthor was one step ahead. He cast Chain Lightning, and bolts of electricity arced from one target to another, striking multiple enemies at once.

The degu users fought back, but their attacks seemed to have little effect on the demon lord. Belthor conjured an Acid Arrow and aimed it at a degu user who was attempting to flank him. The arrow dissolved on impact, spraying acid over the target and causing ongoing damage. The degu user screamed in agony, and Belthor cackled with delight.

As the battle raged on, Belthor grew more and more brazen. He cast Ice Storm, and a sudden storm of ice and snow battered the degu users, freezing them in their tracks. Belthor laughed as he watched them struggle to free themselves from the icy prison.

But the degu users were not so easily defeated. One of them managed to land a blow on Belthor, slicing through his arm with a sword. The demon lord roared with rage and retaliated with Eldritch Blast, a powerful spell that channeled raw magical energy into a focused beam. The degu user was thrown back, his body smoking from the blast.

"You foolish creatures," Belthor sneered. "Did you really think you could defeat me?"

But just as he was about to deliver the killing blow, a group of powerful degu users appeared on the battlefield. They were led by Fein, the commander of the Dark Knights.

Fein stepped forward, his eyes locked on Belthor. "You may have toyed with these degu users, demon lord, but you will not be so lucky with us."

Belthor\'s grin faltered as he realized the gravity of the situation. He knew that these degu users were not to be underestimated.

The battle between Belthor and the Dark Knights was intense and ferocious. Spells and swords clashed, and the ground shook with the force of their attacks. In the end, a finger penetrated Belthor\'s forehead. 

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Fein retracted his finger and looked at the twelve degu users that Belthor killed. "All of you died while fighting for humanity. May you rest in peace."


The battlefield was now nothing but a wasteland, littered with the bodies of demons and humans alike. The war was over, but it came at a great cost. Almost 55% of the human degu users had lost their lives in the conflict. The four Satans, leaders of the demon army, remained standing amongst the destruction, their faces expressionless as they surveyed the scene before them.

One of the Dark Knights, Azazel, one of the former big three in the Ranger\'s Eye stepped forward to confront the Satans. "It\'s over," he said firmly. "You\'ve lost."

The Satans remained silent, their eyes scanning the area for any signs of life. Finally, one of them spoke in a deep, gravelly voice. "We may have lost this battle, but the war is far from over. We will not rest until humanity is eradicated from this world."

Azazel  shook his head in disgust. "Your kind will never understand the value of life," he spat. "You\'ve caused nothing but destruction and misery for as long as I can remember."

The Satans merely chuckled in response. "You humans are so sentimental," one of them sneered. "But sentimentality will not save you from the fate that awaits you."

As the smoke and dust from the previous battle settled, the leaders of the human stronghold approached the Four Satans with an air of tension and apprehension. The demons stood tall and proud, their faces twisted into smirks of disdain and superiority.

Ceterus, the eldest and most respected of the human leaders, leader of Ranger Eye\'s Main Branch, spoke up first. "We came to negotiate a truce," he said, his voice steady but firm. "The war has taken too many lives on both sides. It is time to put an end to it."

Johan, the strategist of the group, chimed in. "We propose a ceasefire, followed by a formal peace treaty. We can work out the details later."

The Four Satans exchanged amused glances, clearly unimpressed by the humans\' attempts at diplomacy. "Why should we agree to such terms?" asked the leader of the demons, his voice dripping with contempt. "We have already proven our superiority on the battlefield. Why should we stop now?"

Red, the fiery-tempered leader of the human cavalry, stepped forward, his face twisted with anger. "Huh? What are you talking about? All your goons were wiped out and only the four of you are left. We are willing to negotiate, but we will not be pushed around by a group of arrogant demons!"

"All wiped out? The demon army that I brought here wasn\'t even 2% of population of demons in the Abyss!" Asmodues smirked which made Leviathan chuckle.

Yamamoto, the calm and collected leader of the human archers, spoke up next. "We understand that you have a lot of lower demons, but you must also understand that we are not the same as the others you have faced. We are the South and we have Fein, and we will not back down without a fight."

Zaro, the youngest of the human leaders, spoke up hesitantly. "Please, we don\'t want any more bloodshed. Let\'s find a way to coexist peacefully."

The Four Satans scoffed at Zaro\'s words, clearly uninterested in any sort of peaceful coexistence. "Your words are meaningless," said the leader of the demons. "We will not be satisfied until we have complete dominion over this world. As for Fein, he\'s just your SS rank, but has more SS rank in the Abyss!"

The tension in the air was palpable as the two sides stared each other down. It was clear that no agreement would be reached without bloodshed. And with that, the leaders of the human stronghold reluctantly drew their weapons, preparing for the inevitable fight.

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