
Chapter 695 The Leader

Name: Fein Bonifacio

Race: Absorberus, Perfect Organism

Talent:  SS

Class: Wizard

Ratio: 1 in 1,000,000,000 Genius

Energies: SS rank (Degu Energy), SS rank (Magical Power)

Str: SS

Agi: SS

eαglesnᴏνel End: SS

Bestowed upon: Blessing of the Serpent Race.

Understanding of the Laws: fire lvl 26, water lvl 27, wind lvl 26, earth lvl 53, thunder lvl 24, ice lvl 27, wood lvl 26, shadow lvl 12, time lvl 3, space lvl 24, darkness lvl 23, light lvl 5, death lvl 26, blood lvl 15, destruction lvl 16, snow lvl 20...

Skills: Swordsmanship Lvl 51 (Grandmaster), Cooking Lvl 51, Climbing Lvl 51, Driving Lvl 51, Spying Lvl 51, Boxing Lvl 51, Blacksmithing 31 etc...

Elemental Techniques: Lightning Speed, Elemental Sphere, Elemental Gun, World Tree Domain, Flame Advent, Lightning Flicks, Death Ozone, Decay, High-Temp Adjustment, Low-Temp Adjustment, Blood Lock, Blood Rush State, Destruction Flame...

Degu Abilities: Storage Space, Stats Improvement, Probe, Map, Lottery, Titles, Disease Immunity, Lightning Manipulation (Pseudo-God), Wind Manipulation (Pseudo God), Super Typhoon Domain (Pseudo-Mythical), Greater Resize (Mythical), Golden Human Form (Pseudo-Mythical), Pre-Historic Human Form (Mythical), Phasing, Superspeed, Phasing Punch, Phasing Arrow, Shadow Manipulation.

Additional Abilities: Ghecko Substitution (Mythical), Gene Bank (Mythical), Perfect Transformation (Mythical), Absorption (God), Infinite Magic Power (Mythical)

Gene Bank (Recorded Creatures): Normal Animals, Ravens, Skeleton Warrior, Dark Ghoul, Undead Knight, Mummy, Bee Killers, Golden Giant, White Leopard, Zombie, Vampire, Wolf, High Rank Demon...

Spells: Illusionary Maze (A-rank), Shadow Assassin (A-rank), Rain Meteorite (S-rank), Hellfire (S-rank), Mighty Explosion (S-rank)

Fein could feel it. He only needs to read more advance books about blacksmithing and his blacksmithing skills would directly jump to level 51! Unfortunately, even with the huge library on his head, he couldn\'t find more complex or advance knowledge.

\'It seems the only way is contact those 3-star or even 5-star blacksmith. But where to find them?\' Fein sighed. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. \'Zero or Lucius should know someone!\'

Thinking of the two old foxes that lived for millennia. Fein didn\'t have a doubt that they must have some 5-star blacksmith friend!


Anthony stood in the middle of the hall, holding a folder in his hand, with Kassandra and Roger standing on either side of him. He cleared his throat and began, "As you both know, we have been keeping an eye on a group of B-rank criminals who possess a secret biological weapon. Our sources have informed us that they are planning to sell it to the highest bidder, which could have catastrophic consequences for the city."

Kassandra raised an eyebrow, "And what do you propose we do?"

Anthony handed her the folder, "I suggest we take them down before they can make the sale. Our mission is to infiltrate their hideout and confiscate the weapon."

Roger smirked, "Sounds like a piece of cake. When do we leave?"

Anthony adjusted his glasses, "The intel suggests that the criminals will be making the sale in two days. We need to act fast and leave tomorrow at dawn."

Kassandra nodded in agreement, "Alright, we\'ll take the mission. Make the necessary preparations, Anthony."

Anthony gave a small smile, "Good choice. I\'ll make sure to equip you with the necessary gear and give you all the intel you need. Be careful out there."

As they dispersed, Kassandra caught Anthony\'s arm, "Hey, don\'t take this the wrong way, but I didn\'t know you had it in you to suggest such a daring mission."

Anthony shrugged, "I may not be the strongest fighter, but I am a strategist. And sometimes, a good plan can be just as effective as brute force."

Kassandra nodded thoughtfully, "Fair enough. Let\'s hope this plan works."

The next day, Kassandra, Roger, and their team left for the mission, fully equipped and briefed on the intel.


After Anthony had finished briefing Kassandra and Roger, he turned to Kassandra.

"Kassandra, I need you to coordinate with the local police force and make sure they don\'t interfere with our operation. Roger, I need you to come with me. We\'re going to scout the area and gather intel," Anthony instructed.

Kassandra nodded in agreement, while Roger simply grunted in response. Anthony noticed his lack of enthusiasm and decided to address it.

"Is there something on your mind, Roger?" he asked.

Roger hesitated for a moment before answering. "I\'m just not sure if we can handle this mission. We\'re only a three-man team, and we\'re going up against a group of B-rank criminals."

Anthony smiled reassuringly. "We\'ll be fine. Remember, we\'re the Eyes of the Dark Knights. We\'re the best of the best. And besides, we have something they don\'t - the element of surprise."

With that, the team set out to begin their mission.

As they drove to the location, Anthony continued to brief Roger on the plan. "Our primary objective is to retrieve the biological weapon. We don\'t want it falling into the wrong hands. If we encounter any resistance, use non-lethal force if possible. We don\'t want any unnecessary casualties."

Roger nodded, still a bit unsure, but he trusted Anthony\'s leadership.

When they arrived at the location, they saw that it was a rundown warehouse in a secluded area. They parked the car and proceeded on foot, being careful not to draw any attention to themselves.

As they approached the warehouse, they noticed a few guards patrolling the perimeter. Anthony signaled for them to split up and take them out quietly.

Roger moved to the left while Anthony went to the right. They both took out the guards quickly and silently.

They made their way inside the warehouse, careful not to make any noise. As they searched for the biological weapon, they encountered more guards, but they were no match for the strategies Anthony concocted. 

After a few minutes, they finally found the biological weapon, and as they were about to leave, they were confronted by the leader of the criminal group.

"I see you\'ve come for our little prize. Too bad you won\'t be leaving here alive," he taunted.

Anthony remained calm and collected. "We don\'t want any trouble. We just want the biological weapon."

The leader laughed. "You think I\'m stupid enough to just hand it over? I\'ll give you one chance to leave now, or face the consequences."

Anthony knew that they couldn\'t leave without the biological weapon, so he made the decision to engage in combat.

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