
Chapter 706 Hard Battle

Melissa, Fein\'s mom who was spectating, could barely keep her footing as she watched in horror at the scene before her. With a flick of his finger, Niki unleashed a devastating blow that struck Fein\'s stomach, creating a gaping hole and causing him to collapse onto the floor. Blood spurted out of Fein\'s wound, creating a pool around him.

Kidd watched helplessly, knowing that he couldn\'t intervene in the battle. He felt his heart break as he saw his friend lying on the ground, struggling to breathe. Fein, though seriously injured, showed remarkable tenacity and refused to give up.

The hole in his stomach regenerated in just split seconds thanks to his vampire and demon lord passive abilities...

As Niki and Fein continued their intense battle, the sound of clashing swords echoed through the air. Fein\'s sword domain was causing an intense rain of swords to fall upon Niki, but Niki\'s hyperspeed allowed him to dodge each of them with ease. With a sinister grin on his face, Niki decided to taunt Fein.

"Is this all you\'ve got, Fein? I thought you were supposed to be the strongest in your little group." Niki mocked, his voice echoing through the battlefield.

Fein gritted his teeth and charged towards Niki with lightning speed, but Niki simply stepped aside and grabbed Fein\'s arm with his dark hand, causing Fein\'s lightning speed to come to a sudden stop. Fein struggled to break free, but Niki\'s grip was too strong.

Meanwhile, Melissa and Kidd watched from a distance, both of them visibly worried for Fein\'s safety. Melissa was sweating profusely, her hands trembling as she muttered under her breath.

"I should have never let Fein get involved with all of this... I\'m so sorry, my son."

Kidd, on the other hand, was clenching his fists tightly, feeling a mix of guilt and anger for betraying Fein in the past. He wanted to help, but he knew that he was no match for Niki\'s strength.

Back on the battlefield, Niki released his grip on Fein\'s arm and suddenly appeared behind him, using his time manipulation ability to increase his speed. Fein was caught off guard, but he quickly reacted by summoning his elemental sphere, which formed a barrier that blocked Niki\'s attack.

The ground shook as Fein activated his world tree domain, causing hundreds of giant trees to sprout from the ground. Niki, however, remained unfazed as he dodged each tree with his hyperspeed. With a flick of his wrist, Niki summoned a bolt of lightning that struck Fein, causing him to scream in pain. Yes, even though he used his law of space to become intangible, Niki imbued blue energy, or space energy, to hit Fein and neutralized one with the space. Due to this, Fein knew that Niki was far higher level than him in terms of understanding of space. What\'s worse, Niki also has time-manipulation ability. 

Fein has to admit that Niki was an old monster with terrifying talent that wasn\'t worse than him. If he doesn\'t have a system, he wasn\'t even worth comparing with the latter.

Fein retaliated by using his high-temp adjustment ability to increase the temperature of his sword, causing it to glow as hot as the sun. He swung his sword towards Niki, but Niki simply raised his hand, using his dark hand to block the attack with ease.

"You\'ll have to do better than that, Fein." Niki taunted.

Fein gritted his teeth and unleashed his blood lock ability, causing Niki\'s blood flow to accelerate and harm his internal organs. Niki groaned in pain, but he quickly recovered with his regeneration power and strong vitality as an SSS rank. Seeing this, Fein entered his blood rush state, increasing his speed and strength by 500%.

Fein, fueled by his rage, stood up with his sword in hand, ready to face Niki. He had learned to control his power of space and fuse with the surrounding area, rendering him immune to physical and energy attacks. He looked calm, but inside he was trembling with fury.

Niki, on the other hand, was standing motionless. He looked relaxed, as if he was ready to face a mere child. But his eyes betrayed his confidence. He knew how dangerous Fein was.

"Fein, you don\'t have to do this. We could rule the world together," Niki said, his voice echoing in the empty street.

Fein gritted his teeth. "I\'ll never join you, Niki. You\'re a monster, and you\'ll pay for what you\'ve done."

Niki just shrugged. "Very well then. Let\'s see what you\'re capable of."

With that, Niki charged at Fein with his hyperspeed, his Dark Hand ready to strike. Fein didn\'t flinch. He fused with the space, and Niki\'s attack went right through him.

But Niki was ready for that. He stopped on his tracks, and with a flick of his wrist, he stopped time. Fein was still fused with the space, but now he couldn\'t move. Niki walked up to him, examining him as if he was a lab rat.

"You\'re quite an interesting specimen, Fein. I wonder what other tricks you have up your sleeve."

Fein couldn\'t respond. He was trapped in the frozen moment, unable to do anything.

Niki raised his hand, and his Laser Eye glowed red. He pointed it straight at Fein\'s head.

"I\'m sorry, Fein. But I can\'t have you interfering with my plans."

Just as he was about to fire his laser, Fein\'s Lightning Manipulation kicked in. A bolt of lightning shot out from Fein\'s hand, hitting Niki\'s Laser Eye and causing it to malfunction.

Niki stumbled back, momentarily stunned. Fein saw his chance and unfused from the space. He charged at Niki with his sword, ready to strike.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ But Niki wasn\'t done yet. He recovered quickly and resumed his hyperspeed, dodging Fein\'s attack with ease. Fein tried to fuse with the space again, but Niki was too fast. He grabbed Fein\'s wrist and used his Dark Hand to drain Fein\'s power.

Fein felt his strength leaving him. He struggled to break free, but it was no use. Niki was too strong.

Melissa and Kidd, who had been watching from the sidelines, gasped in horror as they saw Niki drain Fein\'s power. They knew they had to do something, but they were powerless against Niki

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