
Chapter 727 Waves Of Monsters

As the first rays of the sun peeked over the horizon, the warning bell rang throughout the S-rank stronghold. Citizens who were still sleeping in their homes woke up to the sound of the bell and the chaos that ensued. Degu users from D to C rank rushed towards the gate of the stronghold to defend their homes. The police did their best to maintain order and calm the panicking citizens.

The gate of the stronghold slowly opened, revealing a horde of monsters slowly moving towards the stronghold. Citizens and degu users gathered together, ready to face the impending danger. Among them were random degu users, including Jane, Lucas, and Brian. They all had different abilities, ranging from super strength to telekinesis.

Jane, a D-rank degu user, was standing at the front line, looking at the monsters with a fierce determination in her eyes. "We have to protect our homes and families! Let\'s show these monsters what we\'re made of!" she shouted, trying to boost the morale of those around her.

Lucas, a C-rank degu user, was beside Jane, holding a massive wooden club. He was ready to use his super strength to take on any monster that dared to come close. "Bring it on, you ugly beasts!" he yelled, ready for the fight.

Brian, another D-rank degu user, was a bit further back, focusing on his ability to control water. He was preparing himself for a strategic attack, waiting for the right moment to strike.

The monsters started to get closer and closer, and the ground shook beneath their feet. The police officers were trying to keep the citizens calm, but it was getting harder and harder as the monsters got closer.

The first wave of monsters was composed of at least a hundred thousand creatures. There were goblins, orcs, and even some trolls in the mix. As they approached the stronghold, the citizens and degu users prepared themselves for battle.

Jane and Lucas charged forward, ready to face the monsters head-on. They started to fight with all their might, using their abilities to take down as many monsters as they could. Brian, on the other hand, was using his water control ability to create barriers and slow down the approaching horde.

The battle was fierce and chaotic. Citizens and degu users were fighting with all their might, but the monsters seemed endless. The police were trying to keep the order, but it was clear that the situation was quickly spiraling out of control.

Suddenly, a massive ogre appeared from the back of the horde. It was bigger than any of the monsters they had seen before, and it was heading straight for the gate of the stronghold. The citizens and degu users were no match for the ogre\'s strength, and it seemed like all hope was lost.

But just as the ogre was about to crash into the gate, a man appeared out of nowhere. He had a strange ability that allowed him to make any surface he touched smooth. The man quickly ran towards the ogre and touched its foot. As soon as he did, the ogre\'s foot became smooth and slippery, causing it to lose balance and fall to the ground.

The man quickly touched the other foot, and then the ogre\'s hands. The ogre was struggling to get up, but every time it tried to stand, it would slip and fall back down. The citizens and degu users quickly took advantage of the ogre\'s vulnerable state and attacked it with all their might.


The first wave of monsters had been defeated, but there was no time to celebrate. The council had warned that there were still five more waves of monsters on their way, each more dangerous than the last. Random degu users and ten S-rank shadow lords stood ready in front of the S-rank stronghold, prepared to defend their home.

As the second wave approached, the ground began to shake, and the air filled with the sound of snarling and hissing. The monsters were coming. The first to emerge from the forest were the snakes, slithering forward with razor-sharp fangs bared. The ogres lumbered behind them, wielding tree trunks as clubs, and the goblins and hob-goblins chittered and cackled as they swarmed forward.

The shaman, with their strange magic, floated behind the front lines, chanting and casting spells. The ghouls, with their rotting flesh and sharp claws, ran forward on all fours, while the night crawlers slithered through the dirt, their many legs wriggling in the air. And finally, the prowlers, with their razor-sharp teeth and lightning-fast reflexes, leaped forward to attack.

The degu users and shadow lords sprang into action, each with their own unique abilities. One degu user had the power of telekinesis and lifted boulders to hurl at the monsters, while another had the ability to create powerful gusts of wind that blew the prowlers off their feet.

eαglesnᴏνel One of the shadow lords, a chimera ant, charged forward, its powerful mandibles slicing through the ogres with ease. The arc angel hovered above the battlefield, raining down beams of holy light on the goblins and hob-goblins. The death knight charged forward, its black armor gleaming in the sunlight, its sword cutting through the snakes like butter.

The battle was intense, with the degu users and shadow lords fighting fiercely against the horde of monsters. The ground shook as the ogres pounded the earth with their clubs, and the air was thick with the sound of snarls and roars. The shaman cast spells that sent waves of energy rippling through the air, and the night crawlers and prowlers moved so fast it was almost impossible to keep track of them.

Despite their best efforts, some of the monsters managed to slip through the defenses. A goblin managed to stab one of the degu users with a rusty blade, and a prowler nearly tore the arm off one of the shadow lords. However, the shadow lords were made of shadow and they could easily regenerate their body parts. The group fought on, pushing back the monsters and slowly gaining ground.

As the battle raged on, the landscape around them became a battlefield. Trees were knocked over, boulders were scattered, and the ground was torn apart. The degu users and shadow lords were covered in cuts and bruises, and some of them were barely standing. But they refused to give up.

At the last moment, one of the degu users, with the ability to control fire, let loose a massive blast that engulfed the remaining monsters in flames. The monsters writhed and screamed as they burned, and when the flames finally died down, the battlefield was silent except for the sound of crackling flames.

The degu users and shadow lords looked at each other, panting and covered in sweat and dirt. They had won the battle, but they knew there were still four more waves to come. They could only hope they had enough strength left to face them.

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