
Chapter 748 Fein, GOAT Candidate

The tension was palpable as Fein and Sora stood facing each other in the open field, surrounded by a sea of people. The sun shone brightly overhead, casting its warm glow over the scene below.

Fein drew his sword, and the glint of steel caught the light. His long white hair flowed behind him, and his piercing black eyes were locked onto Sora, who stood opposite him.

Sora\'s hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, and her blue eyes were focused intently on her opponent. She had a calm and collected demeanor, despite the weight of the challenge that lay before her.

Fein was the first to move, darting forward with incredible speed. His sword sliced through the air with such force that it caused a ripple in space, distrupting Sora\'s rhythm and causing her to falter momentarily.

But Sora was quick to recover, and she launched a flurry of attacks at Fein. He countered each one with ease, however, his movements so fluid and precise that it seemed as though he knew her every move before she even made it.

Fein continued to press the attack, and with each swing of his sword, the ground shook beneath them. He caused a 200-meter rift on the ground, sending up clouds of dust and debris.

Sora was doing her best to keep up, but Fein\'s mastery of the sword was simply too much for her. His level 51 swordsmanship was on full display, and he was using it to devastating effect.

Despite Sora\'s valiant efforts, Fein had the upper hand. His sword sliced through the air once more, and this time it connected with Sora\'s sword, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

Sora stumbled backwards, disarmed and vulnerable. Fein took advantage of the moment, launching a final attack that sent Sora flying backwards several feet. She crashed to the ground, defeated.

The people watching let out a collective gasp as the battle came to an end. The damage to the environment was clear, the rift in the ground serving as a stark reminder of the power of the two swordsmen.

Fein stood victorious, his sword held aloft in triumph. The crowd cheered, acknowledging his incredible skill and the hard-won victory he had earned.

As Fein sheathed his sword, he turned to face the crowd with Voli on his side, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Thank you for witnessing my victory," he said, his voice carrying over the crowd. "I hope you all understand now why I will become the greatest swordsman in the Continent."

The crowd erupted into applause, and Fein bowed gracefully before turning and walking away, leaving Sora to tend to her wounds and contemplate the defeat she had suffered.


Fein sat in his room at the inn, pouring over his notes about the top swordsmen in the land. He had heard whispers about a former samurai named Kenji who had left his clan to pursue his own path. Fein had always been interested in hearing about talented swordsmen, and Kenji\'s reputation had piqued his interest.

"Kenji," Fein muttered to himself, as he flipped through his notes. "Stoic, reserved, and analytical... highly skilled in the art of the sword, with years of experience perfecting his techniques."

Voli, Fein\'s loyal golden bear companion, lay at his feet. The two had been traveling together for years, and Voli always kept a watchful eye on Fein\'s surroundings.

"What else do we know about him?" Fein asked, looking up at Voli.

"He\'s got a signature move called \'Moonlight Slice,\'" Voli replied. "He channels the power of the moon to imbue his sword with a silvery glow and unleashes a deadly slash."

Fein raised an eyebrow in interest. "That could be useful in a fight," he said. "And what\'s the extraordinary effect?"

"His opponents are left stunned by the beauty of the silvery glow, making them vulnerable to his attacks," Voli said.

Fein nodded thoughtfully. "He\'s widely respected as one of the strongest and most skilled swordsmen in the land," he said. "And his ability to remain calm and analytical in battle has earned him a reputation as a master strategist."

Voli grunted in agreement, his golden fur shining in the sunlight that streamed through the window. Fein leaned back in his chair, deep in thought.

Next on his list was exactly him. A guy that entered the top 50 ranking... A lot higher than Sora\'s ranking. Fein skipped past a lot of people as he can\'t challenge them one by one right? That would take too much time.


Fifteen days later...

The news of Fein\'s victory over Kenji had spread like wildfire throughout the land. People who had once doubted Fein\'s abilities were now acknowledging him as a true contender for the title of GAOT (Greatest Swordsman of All Time). Fein himself was surprised by the attention he was receiving, but he remained stoic and focused on his next challenge.

As Fein walked through the crowded streets of the city, he could hear people whispering and pointing at him. He could feel their eyes on him, and he knew that they were all wondering what his next move would be. Fein was used to the attention, but he found it somewhat unsettling.

Voli, his faithful companion, trotted by his side, a silent but reassuring presence. Fein glanced down at the golden bear, feeling a sense of comfort from his presence. Voli had been with him through thick and thin, and he knew that he could always count on him.

As Fein approached a small tavern, he could hear the sound of raucous laughter and lively conversation coming from within. He pushed open the door and stepped inside, scanning the room for a familiar face.

At a table in the corner, Fein spotted a group of swordsmen who had been following his journey closely. They were all talking animatedly, their eyes shining with excitement.

"Fein! Over here!" one of them called out, waving him over.

Fein made his way to the table, taking a seat among the group. They greeted him warmly, congratulating him on his victory over Kenji.

"You truly are a remarkable swordsman, Fein," one of them said, raising his mug in a toast.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Fein nodded, accepting their praise with a small smile. "Thank you. But I still have much to learn."

The group chuckled, knowing that Fein was always humble in victory.

"Tell us, Fein," another swordsman said, leaning forward eagerly. "What\'s your next move? Who will you face next?"

Fein leaned back in his chair, considering his options. He knew that there were many skilled swordsmen out there who were eager to challenge him, but he wasn\'t sure who he wanted to face next.

"I haven\'t decided yet," he said finally. "But I\'m sure that whoever I face, it will be a worthy challenge."

The group nodded in agreement, raising their mugs in another toast to Fein\'s skill and determination.

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