
Chapter 752 Challenge, Everywhere

After defeating Kurogane, Fein\'s reputation in the Central Plains skyrocketed. His name spread far and wide, reaching the ears of people from all walks of life. Merchants, travelers, and even nobles whispered about the swordsman who defeated the infamous Demon Blade.

As he walked through the bustling streets of the Central Plains, Fein could feel the stares of the people around him. Some looked at him with awe, while others with envy or fear. But Fein paid them no mind, his focus still on his goal of becoming the strongest swordsman in the land.

As he passed by a group of merchants, one of them called out to him. "Congratulations on your victory, swordsman! You\'ve made a name for yourself in these parts."

Fein nodded in acknowledgement but didn\'t stop to chat. He had more important things to do than talk to strangers. He continued on his way, his eyes scanning the crowds for any potential challengers.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ The Central Plains was a hub of activity, with people of all kinds going about their business. Fein saw farmers tending to their crops, blacksmiths pounding away at their anvils, and even a group of performers putting on a show for a small crowd.

But amidst all the hustle and bustle, Fein spotted a figure that caught his attention. It was a tall, broad-shouldered man with a menacing scowl on his face. Fein could sense his swordsmanship from a distance, and he knew that this man was no ordinary fighter.

As he approached, the man turned to face him, and Fein could see the cold glint in his eyes. "I\'ve heard of your victories, swordsman," he said in a deep, gravelly voice. "But I won\'t be so easily defeated."

Fein didn\'t respond, but instead drew his sword and took a battle stance. The man did the same, and the two began to circle each other, each waiting for the other to make a move.

The air grew tense as the two swordsmen clashed, their swords ringing out with every blow. Fein\'s movements were swift and precise, while the man\'s were heavy and powerful. But Fein\'s agility and quick thinking allowed him to dodge the man\'s attacks and land his own blows.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Fein landed a fatal blow, and the man fell to the ground with a thud. The crowd that had gathered around them erupted in cheers, and Fein sheathed his sword with a sense of satisfaction.

His victory had not gone unnoticed, and soon Fein\'s name climbed the ranks, crossing number 22 in one fell swoop of the list of strongest swordsmen. The Central Plains would never forget the name of Fein, the swordsman who had conquered them all.


As Fein\'s reputation grew in the Central Plains, so did his ambition to become the strongest swordsman in the land. He challenged every swordsman ranked from 21 to 2, except the top-ranked warrior, in a series of duels that would cement his status as the most skilled fighter in the region.

Fein\'s first challenge was against the 21st ranked swordsman, a young and inexperienced warrior named Ryo. Ryo had only recently joined the ranks of the strongest swordsmen and was still honing his skills. Despite his lack of experience, Ryo had a fierce determination to prove himself and gave Fein a good fight. However, in the end, Fein\'s superior technique and speed proved too much for Ryo, and he was defeated.

Next up was the 20th ranked swordsman, a burly man named Goro. Goro was known for his incredible strength and was often able to overpower his opponents with brute force. However, Fein\'s speed and agility allowed him to evade Goro\'s attacks and strike back with lightning-fast sword strikes. After a grueling battle, Fein emerged victorious.

The 19th ranked swordsman was a quiet and reserved warrior named Koji. Koji\'s fighting style was based on precise and calculated strikes, and he rarely wasted any movement in battle. However, Fein\'s unpredictable movements and lightning-fast attacks threw Koji off balance, and he was unable to keep up with Fein\'s relentless assault. Fein emerged from the duel with a new respect for Koji\'s skill, despite the defeat.

The 18th ranked swordsman, a wiry and quick-footed fighter named Takeshi, proved to be a formidable opponent for Fein. Takeshi\'s agility and speed allowed him to evade most of Fein\'s attacks, and he managed to land several devastating blows. However, Fein\'s experience and tactical thinking allowed him to outmaneuver Takeshi and land the decisive blow, ending the duel in his favor.

Fein\'s next challenge was against the 17th ranked swordsman, a fierce and intimidating warrior named Akio. Akio was known for his brutal and unyielding fighting style, and many warriors feared to face him in battle. However, Fein\'s quick reflexes and strategic thinking allowed him to evade Akio\'s attacks and strike back with precision and accuracy. The duel ended with Fein as the clear winner, much to the surprise of those who had bet against him.

The 16th ranked swordsman, a stoic and reserved warrior named Haru, proved to be a difficult opponent for Fein. Haru\'s fighting style was based on patience and timing, and he waited for Fein to make a mistake before striking back with deadly accuracy. Despite the odds, Fein managed to remain focused and calm throughout the duel, and he eventually wore down Haru\'s defenses and emerged victorious.

The 15th ranked swordsman, a flashy and flamboyant fighter named Yuta, was a stark contrast to Fein\'s no-nonsense demeanor. Yuta\'s fighting style was based on showmanship and flair, and he often took unnecessary risks to impress the crowds. Fein, however, remained focused on the task at hand and used his superior technique to outmaneuver Yuta and emerge victorious.

5th ranked swordsman - Kaida, also known as the "Silent Blade", is a master of stealth and deception. He has the ability to move undetected and strike from the shadows, catching his opponents off guard. Kaida\'s fighting style is based on quick, precise strikes, and he is known for his use of poison-tipped blades. Fein found it difficult to anticipate Kaida\'s moves and had to rely on his instincts to avoid the deadly blades.

4th ranked swordsman - Aria, known as the "Whirlwind", is a skilled swordswoman who utilizes a unique fighting style that involves spinning and twirling her sword in a deadly dance. Her movements are so fluid and graceful that it is often difficult for opponents to predict her attacks. Fein was initially thrown off by Aria\'s acrobatic fighting style but was able to counter her moves with his own swift and precise strikes.

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