
Chapter 760 Stupid Voli

Fein and Voli rode their horses through the bustling streets of the South\'s capital city. The civilians were cheering and waving, all with smiles on their faces. Fein had become a hero to them, and they were grateful for his bravery and skill.

As they reached the city square, Fein and Voli dismounted their horses and approached the crowd. A group of people were holding a banner that read "Welcome Sword Saint Fein!" and they cheered even louder as they saw him approach.

Fein smiled and waved at the crowd, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. "Thank you, thank you," he said, his voice booming over the noise. "It\'s an honor to be here, and to be welcomed with such enthusiasm."

The crowd erupted into cheers again, and Fein couldn\'t help but feel a little overwhelmed. He had never expected to become so well-known, but it was clear that his victory over Jiang Chen had made a huge impact.

As they made their way through the city, more and more people approached Fein, asking for his autograph or just wanting to shake his hand. Fein obliged them all, feeling a sense of responsibility to his newfound fans.

Voli watched from the sidelines, smiling at Fein\'s success. He had always known that Fein was an exceptional swordsman, but he had never expected him to become such a celebrated figure.

As the day wore on, Fein became more and more exhausted. The constant attention and adulation was draining, and he was beginning to feel the weight of his new title. But he soldiered on, knowing that the people were counting on him.

Eventually, Fein and Voli made their way back to their lodgings, both feeling drained and overwhelmed. But as they settled in for the night, Fein couldn\'t help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had become something more than just a swordsman – he had become a symbol of hope and inspiration to the people of the South.


eαglesnovel`c,om As Fein and Voli stepped through the blue portal, they were immediately greeted with the familiar wooden interior of their house. Fey and Melissa were lounging on the couch, engrossed in a movie. The sudden appearance of Fein and Voli startled them both, causing them to jump up from the couch.

"Fein! Voli! You scared us!" Fey exclaimed, a hand over her heart.

Melissa looked at them in shock before breaking out into a huge grin. "You guys are back! How was it?"

Fein chuckled, "It was an adventure, to say the least. I challenged some of the strongest swordsmen in the world and came out on top."

Melissa\'s eyes widened in awe, "You beat them all? That\'s incredible!"

Fey looked at him skeptically, "I find that hard to believe. You\'re strong, but to beat the strongest swordsmen in the world?"

Fein grinned, "Believe it or not, it happened. I even earned a new nickname. The Sword Saint."

Melissa\'s jaw dropped, "That\'s amazing, Lord Fein! You\'re truly the strongest swordsman in the world!"

Fey rolled her eyes, "Lord Fein? Really?"

Voli chuckled, "That\'s what the people of the South have been calling him."

Fein shook his head, "It\'s not just the title, guys. It\'s the experience. I got to see parts of the world I never thought I\'d see and met some incredible people along the way."

Melissa looked at him eagerly, "Tell us more about it! What were the swordsmen like? Were they all as strong as you?"

"I challenged one swordsman after another and defeated them all," Fein recounted, "I fought against countless opponents, each with their own unique style and technique. But in the end, they were no match for me."

Fein settled onto the couch, and the four friends began to catch up. He regaled them with stories of his battles, describing each swordsman in vivid detail. Fey and Melissa were completely enraptured, hanging onto every word. Voli listened intently, adding his own comments and observations when necessary.


Fein watched as Fey and Melissa left the house one by one, leaving him and Voli behind. He couldn\'t help but feel a sense of loneliness as he walked into his room. The room was a mess, with clothes strewn about and books scattered on the desk. Fein sighed and started to clean up the room, putting things in their proper place.

As he was organizing his books, Fein heard a loud thud coming from the living room. He rushed out to see what had happened and found Voli lying on the floor, looking bored. "What are you doing?" Fein asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing," Voli replied lazily, his eyes half-closed. "Just lying here. It\'s boring with everyone gone."

Fein rolled his eyes but couldn\'t help but smile. "Well, why don\'t you help me clean up the house? It\'ll give you something to do."

Voli groaned but eventually got up from the floor and followed Fein. They spent the next hour cleaning up the house together, with Fein organizing things and Voli picking up the trash. They worked in silence for a while until Voli suddenly spoke up. "Hey, Fein. I\'ve been thinking about something."

Fein looked up from the bookshelf he was organizing and raised an eyebrow. "What\'s that?"

"You know how you beat all those swordsmen and became the strongest swordsman in the world?" Voli asked.

Fein nodded, a proud smile on his face. "Yeah, I do."

"Well, I was thinking...why don\'t you teach me how to fight like that?" Voli said, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

Fein was taken aback by the request but quickly composed himself. "Are you sure you want to learn how to fight like that? It\'s not an easy path."

Voli nodded eagerly. "I\'m sure! I want to be able to protect myself and the people I care about. And who better to learn from than the strongest swordsman in the world?"

Fein couldn\'t argue with that logic and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Alright, I\'ll teach you. But you have to promise to take it seriously and work hard at it."

Voli grinned widely. "I promise! Thanks, Fein!"

\'Tsk... Can he wield sword with his paws? Stupid Voli...\' Fein chuckled and shook his head, a sense of warmth filling his heart. Despite the mess and chaos of their lives, he was glad to have friends like Voli, Fey, and Melissa by his side.

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