
Chapter 780 United Front

The demons suddenly retreated, leaving the Milean soldiers confused and wary. The soldiers looked around, uncertain of what to do next. Some were panting, trying to catch their breath, while others were nursing wounds.

The general and the advisor looked at each other, their eyes filled with confusion and suspicion. They knew the demons would not retreat without a reason. They exchanged a few words, trying to figure out what could have caused the sudden retreat.

The soldiers\' confusion quickly turned into relief, and they started cheering, thinking that they had won the battle. But the general\'s expression remained grave, and he ordered the soldiers to stay alert and be prepared for any eventuality.


As the Milea soldiers tended to their wounded and buried their dead, the news of the demons\' sudden retreat quickly spread throughout the kingdom. The king wasted no time and called an urgent meeting with his advisors and generals.

The atmosphere in the council room was tense as everyone wondered why the demons had pulled back. The king sat at the head of the long table, his face a mask of anger and frustration. The generals and advisors sat on either side of the table, all looking equally bewildered.

After a few moments of silence, the king broke the quiet. "Why did they retreat?" he demanded.

eαglesnᴏνel The council members exchanged glances, unsure of how to answer. Finally, one of the generals spoke up. "Perhaps they ran out of reinforcements, Your Highness. Or maybe they are regrouping for another attack."

The king shook his head. "No, I don\'t believe that\'s the reason. They\'ve never retreated like this before. They\'re up to something, and I don\'t like it."

Another advisor chimed in. "It\'s possible they were just testing our defenses and our resolve, my lord. They may have wanted to see how we would react to an attack like that."

The king slammed his hand on the table, causing everyone to jump. "And they succeeded! They\'ve managed to sow discord and mistrust among us. They\'re playing with us like puppets, and we\'re letting them."

He stood up from his chair and began to pace back and forth in front of the table. "We need to wake up, all of us. We need to trust each other and work together if we\'re going to defeat these demons. We can\'t let them divide us."

The king turned to the council members, his eyes blazing with anger. "I\'m holding all of you responsible for the current state of our kingdom. If we don\'t work together and put an end to this demon threat, then we might as well surrender now."

The council members shifted uncomfortably in their seats, feeling the weight of the king\'s words. They all knew he was right. The demons had managed to create chaos and mistrust within the kingdom, and it was up to them to restore order and unity.

The king glared at them one by one, daring them to challenge him. "We will not let the demons win. We will fight back with all our might and protect our people. That is our duty as leaders of this kingdom. Do you understand?"

The council members nodded solemnly, each one feeling the weight of the responsibility that had been placed on their shoulders. They knew they had to work together and trust each other if they were going to succeed. The demons may have retreated for now, but the threat still loomed over them. And they had to be ready.


Berthold, Raveus, and Germund sat in front of a large chessboard, each with pieces in their hands. The flickering light of the torches in the cave cast shadows on the walls, making it look like the chess pieces were moving by themselves.

Berthold leaned back, his eyes fixed on the board. "You know, this game reminds me of our invasion of Milea."

Raveus chuckled. "Really? How so?"

Berthold grinned. "Think about it. We\'re like the chess players, and Milea is our opponent. We\'re constantly trying to outmaneuver them, to capture their pieces and protect our own."

Germund nodded in agreement. "But there are different strategies you can use in chess, just as there are different strategies you can use in war."

Berthold stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Ah, yes. The two classic strategies. The first is to play defensively, to protect your pieces and wait for your opponent to make a mistake."

Raveus raised an eyebrow. "And the second?"

Berthold grinned mischievously. "The second is to go on the offensive. To take risks, to make bold moves, and to catch your opponent off guard."

Germund chuckled. "I think I like the second strategy better."

Raveus nodded. "Me too. It\'s more exciting."

Berthold chuckled. "Well, that\'s why we\'re here, isn\'t it? To have a little excitement."

The three demons continued their game, laughing and joking as they made their moves. As they played, they couldn\'t help but think about the strategies they would use in their next battle with Milea. Would they play defensively, or would they go on the offensive? Only time would tell.


As the demons launched their attack, Berthold, Raveus, and Germund sat in the cave, each with chess pieces in their hands. They analyzed the situation, watching their troops through their minds.

Berthold spoke first, "The pawns are in place. It\'s time to initiate our first strategy."

Raveus nodded, "Ah, yes, the classic \'Sicilian Defense.\' Always reliable, but predictable. I prefer the \'Nimzo-Indian Defense.\'"

Germund smirked, "You two and your fancy chess moves. But let\'s not forget the goal of this game."

With a telepathic command, the three demon overlords ordered their troops to attack once again. The demons charged forward, their eyes filled with hunger and fury.

Meanwhile, the Milea soldiers and leaders finally found a way to come together, united in their goal to protect their kingdom. They gathered at the gate, blocking the path of the demons.

As the demons approached, the Milea soldiers and leaders stood their ground, their weapons at the ready. They stared at the demons, ready to fight for their home.

The demons paused, surprised at the sudden display of unity and strength from the Milea army. For a moment, both sides stared at each other in silence, a tense standoff.

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