
Chapter 798 Fortifications


Motivated by the collective understanding and trust established during the strategic planning session, General Qin Mo embarked on a journey that would solidify the defense plan. He plans to go back and forth to visit the outposts and fortresses along the kingdom\'s borders, determined to inspect the defenses, identify weaknesses, and implement improvements.

General Qin Mo rode on horseback, his cape billowing in the wind as he made his way through the rugged terrain. With each passing outpost and fortress, his eyes keenly observed the soldiers patrolling the walls and the engineers diligently working to fortify the defenses.

Approaching the first outpost, the General dismounted, his boots crunching against the gravelly ground. His expression was one of quiet intensity as he surveyed the walls, his gaze shifting from one sentry to another.

A young soldier approached, saluting the General with a mix of respect and anticipation. "General Qin Mo, we\'ve been expecting you. Our defenses are ready for your inspection."

The General nodded, a faint smile crossing his lips. "Good work, soldier. Lead the way."

Together, they ascended the ramparts, the General\'s gaze scrutinizing every detail. His eyes darted to the battlements, the archer\'s nests, and the strategic vantage points. His mind raced, assessing potential vulnerabilities and opportunities for improvement.

"Tell me, soldier," General Qin Mo said, his tone casual and conversational. "Have you noticed any weaknesses in our defenses? Any areas that need strengthening?"

The soldier furrowed his brow, contemplating the question. "Well, General, we could use some additional archer\'s nests along the eastern wall. It\'s a blind spot that the demons could exploit."

The General nodded, his eyes gleaming with appreciation for the soldier\'s observation. "Excellent point. I\'ll make sure to assign skilled engineers to construct those nests. We need to cover all angles."

As they continued their inspection, the General\'s eyes never missed a detail. He evaluated the thickness of the walls, the condition of the gates, and the readiness of the soldiers. His body language exuded confidence, his shoulders squared and his movements purposeful.

At each outpost and fortress, General Qin Mo engaged in conversations with the soldiers, gathering firsthand insights into the challenges they faced. He listened attentively, his face a mask of genuine interest and concern.

In one fortress, a seasoned captain approached the General, his face etched with a mix of determination and weariness. "General Qin Mo, we\'ve been struggling with reinforcing the walls. The materials are scarce, and the demons\' attacks have taken a toll."

The General clasped the captain\'s shoulder, his voice filled with empathy. "I understand, my friend. Reinforcing the walls is crucial. I\'ll assign a team of skilled engineers and ensure that they have the necessary resources. We\'ll fortify these defenses, mark my words."

With each visit, General Qin Mo left behind a trail of improvement. Skilled engineers were dispatched, armed with tools and supplies, to strengthen the walls, construct additional defensive structures, and address the identified weaknesses.

His conversations with the soldiers were a testament to his leadership style. General Qin Mo spoke with a casual and informal tone, allowing the soldiers to open up and share their insights freely. His demeanor inspired trust and camaraderie, forging a sense of unity among the troops.

As the General journeyed along the kingdom\'s borders, his presence became a beacon of reassurance. The soldiers, fueled by his unwavering dedication, worked tirelessly to fortify the defenses, knowing that their efforts were supported by a leader who genuinely cared for their well-being.

With each outpost and fortress he visited, General Qin Mo solidified the kingdom\'s defenses.

General Qin Mo\'s inspection and reinforcement of the kingdom\'s defenses had a profound impact on the soldiers stationed there. They worked tirelessly, following the general\'s instructions to the letter.

In the early morning, the soldiers could be seen gathered near the walls, waiting for their next assignment. General Qin Mo approached them, his eyes scanning the scene. "Good morning, soldiers," he said. "Today, we will continue reinforcing the walls and constructing additional defensive structures. I expect nothing but the best from all of you."

The soldiers nodded in unison, ready to begin their work. They quickly got to work, hauling large stones and beams to the designated areas. The work was hard, but the soldiers did not complain. Instead, they joked and laughed, their camaraderie evident as they worked together to complete the task at hand.

One soldier, a young man with short, brown hair and a kind smile, was particularly skilled at building structures. He took charge, instructing his fellow soldiers on how to properly place the beams and stones. "Make sure it\'s level," he said, gesturing to a stone that had been placed crookedly. "We don\'t want any weak spots in the wall."

Another soldier, a tall and muscular man with a scar above his eyebrow, worked tirelessly to reinforce the wall with additional stone and clay. He used his strength to lift the heavy stones, sweat dripping down his forehead as he worked.

Throughout the day, the soldiers continued their work, taking breaks only to drink water and eat a quick meal. As the sun began to set, they stepped back to admire their handiwork. The walls were sturdier, the structures more fortified. The soldiers exchanged looks of pride and satisfaction, knowing they had done their duty to protect their kingdom.

As the soldiers continue to work hard on reinforcing the walls and constructing additional defensive structures, a knowledgeable engineer oversees the construction process. He carefully inspects the work and gives detailed commands to the soldiers.

"Be sure to measure the length of the wooden beam and use the appropriate nails to secure it," the engineer instructs a group of soldiers working on a wooden platform.

The soldiers nod in agreement and continue their work with precision, following the engineer\'s directions to the letter. As the engineer moves on to another group of soldiers, he begins to explain his methods in more detail.

"You see, the force of the wind can put tremendous pressure on these walls, and we need to ensure they can withstand it," he says, gesturing to the walls. "That\'s why we\'re using thicker wooden beams and spacing them closer together. It\'s all about creating a stable structure."

The engineer proceeds to show the soldiers the calculations he used to determine the best spacing and thickness for the wooden beams, explaining the principles of physics behind his decisions. The soldiers listen intently, eager to learn from his expertise.

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