
Chapter 806 Tragic Night

In the Milea Kingdom, outside the wall, As night fell and the soldiers gathered in small groups, a sense of weariness and uncertainty hung in the air. They huddled together, their faces etched with worry, their voices filled with apprehension.

Amidst the foggy vicinity near the wall, the soldiers engaged in quiet conversations, their words laced with doubt and introspection. They pondered the future, contemplating the challenges that lay ahead.

"What do you think will happen?" one soldier asked, his voice heavy with concern.

His comrade sighed, gazing into the distance. "I don\'t know. It\'s hard to say. We\'ve fought hard, but will it be enough?"

Another soldier chimed in, his voice tinged with weariness. "Can General Qin continue his brilliant planning? Will he be consistent in outsmarting the demons?"

The soldiers exchanged uncertain glances, their expressions mirroring their inner turmoil. They had witnessed General Qin Mo\'s strategic brilliance, his ability to deceive and outmaneuver their enemy. But doubts crept into their minds, questioning the limits of his tactical prowess.

A young soldier spoke up, his voice filled with worry. "What about the demons? Will they give up easily? Or will they come back stronger, more determined?"

The soldiers nodded in agreement, their brows furrowed. They had seen the demons\' relentless assault, their unyielding desire to conquer. The fear of their resilience and tenacity gnawed at their hearts.

In the midst of their conversations, the soldiers couldn\'t help but think of their loved ones. A somber silence fell upon them as they contemplated the potential consequences of defeat.

"What will happen to our children if we lose this battle?" one soldier whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "Will they be condemned to a life under the rule of the demons?"

The soldiers lowered their heads, their thoughts consumed by the weight of their responsibilities. The fog seemed to grow thicker around them, reflecting the uncertainty that clouded their minds.

But amidst the doubt and the fear, a spark of determination flickered in their eyes. They knew they couldn\'t afford to succumb to despair. They were soldiers, bound by duty and loyalty, ready to fight for their homeland and protect their loved ones.

With a collective sigh, the soldiers straightened their postures, their faces set with renewed resolve. They would face the future head-on, prepared to endure whatever challenges awaited them.

As the night grew darker, their voices grew stronger, their words filled with a newfound determination. They vowed to stand beside General Qin Mo, to support his leadership and trust in his ability to guide them through the storm.

As the soldiers settled into their slumber, one soldier remained awake, his eyes scanning the surrounding darkness with vigilance. The night was eerily calm, the fog shrouding the vicinity near the wall, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty. Unbeknownst to the sleeping soldiers, a colorless and odorless mist began to seep through the air, its insidious presence invisible to the naked eye. It snaked its way into their sleeping quarters, silently permeating the space.

One by one, the soldiers inhaled the mist as they lay in deep sleep, oblivious to the danger that loomed. It was a cruel twist of fate, for the mist carried a potent paralyzing agent, rendering their bodies immobile and trapping them in a state of helplessness. With a sudden roar that shattered the tranquility of the night, demons materialized from the shadows, their grotesque forms emerging with malicious intent.

The soldier assigned to watch over his comrades stared in horror, his heart pounding against his chest. The soldiers, now conscious but unable to move, felt a surge of panic grip their minds. Thoughts raced through their heads, desperate questions echoing in their minds.

"Why can\'t I move?" one soldier mentally pleaded, his eyes wide with terror. "Am I paralyzed? What is happening?" Fear gripped their hearts as they realized the demons\' intentions, their minds grappling with the brutal reality unfolding before them.

The soldiers had fallen into a carefully orchestrated trap, a macabre twist of fate that left them defenseless and vulnerable. The demons, driven by their insatiable hunger for bloodshed, descended upon the immobilized soldiers with a savage fervor. The night was shattered by the sound of metal meeting flesh, the sickening thud of decapitation filling the air.

Each soldier\'s face contorted in a mixture of agony and disbelief, their eyes wide with shock as their lives were ruthlessly snuffed out. Blood stained the ground, mingling with the severed heads that littered the night, a chilling tableau of violence and destruction. Their unspoken questions remained unanswered, their hopes and dreams cut short in an instant.

The soldiers, who had fought valiantly against the demons, met a grim fate, their bodies now lifeless and devoid of the vitality that once coursed through them. In the foggy vicinity near the wall, the night became a canvas of horrors, painted with the crimson hue of bloodshed.

The soldiers\' silent screams were lost amidst the chaos, their voices forever silenced by the merciless demons. As the mist dissipated and the night grew still, only the chilling echoes of the soldiers\' unspoken questions remained, a haunting reminder of the tragedy that had befallen them.


As the first rays of morning light pierced through the fog, General Qin Mo stepped out of the gate, his senses immediately assaulted by a repugnant odor. The air was heavy with the stench of iron and decay, a foreboding sign of the horrors that awaited him.

His eyes fell upon a nightmarish sight that left him frozen in disbelief. Before him, a chilling line of severed heads, once belonging to his loyal soldiers, was grotesquely arranged. But it was the unimaginable act that accompanied this grisly display that sent waves of revulsion through the general\'s being.

Each head was defiled, a penis forced into the lifeless mouths, a grotesque symbol of humiliation and degradation. The sight was beyond comprehension, a macabre tableau that defied reason and morality. General Qin Mo\'s mind reeled, his thoughts jumbled and fragmented as he struggled to make sense of the nightmare before him.

"Where am I?" he whispered, his voice trembling with a mix of shock and horror. "Who am I? What am I doing?"

Confusion engulfed him, his memories clouded and elusive. He searched desperately for answers, his mind grasping at fragments of shattered recollection. How had this nightmare become his reality? How had he reached this point of unspeakable cruelty and devastation?

The questions multiplied within his mind, a relentless barrage that threatened to overwhelm him. "How did this happen?" he wondered, his voice filled with a mix of despair and disbelief. "Why didn\'t I hear a single sound at night? How did the demons infiltrate our defenses so easily, wiping out our soldiers with ruthless efficiency and silence?"

General Qin Mo\'s features contorted with a mixture of anguish and rage, his body trembling with the weight of the tragedy that had befallen his men. His fists clenched tightly, his knuckles turning white as he struggled to contain the surge of emotions coursing through him.

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