
Chapter 835 Origin Of The Abyss

Fein strolled through the chaotic streets of the lower realm, his mind buzzing with anticipation. He had confirmed that the Demon God was nowhere to be found in this godforsaken place. A wicked grin spread across his face as he realized the freedom he now had to explore without anyone\'s notice.

\'Ha! No one here\'s gonna know what sees \'em,\' Fein chuckled to himself, relishing in his newfound power. \'Time to spread my freakin\' perception and dig up all the juicy secrets.\'

He unleashed his supernatural abilities, extending his senses far and wide. It was like he had sprouted a hundred invisible antennas, tuning in to the hidden frequencies of the Abyss. Colors, energies, and weird shit flooded his mind as he absorbed the essence of this messed up realm.

But just when he thought he had seen it all, fate led him to a hidden library, tucked away in a dank corner of the Abyss. The entrance was covered in ancient symbols and creepy engravings, practically begging him to explore its dusty depths. Fein\'s eyes gleamed with excitement, he immediately opened a portal, and stepped inside... The scent of old parchment hitting his nostrils like a punch.

Bookshelves stretched as far as the eye could see, covered in a thick layer of grime and neglect. Dust particles danced in the air as he ran his fingers along the spines of the books, feeling the weight of centuries resting in his hands. The thrill of the hunt coursed through his veins, fueling his determination to uncover the hidden treasures of this forgotten library.

"Hell yeah!" Fein exclaimed, his voice echoing through the dimly lit space. "This is the jackpot, baby! Time to unlock the freakin\' secrets of this messed up realm."

He plucked a decrepit scroll from a nearby shelf, unrolling it with a mixture of caution and eagerness. The ancient ink seemed to come alive as his eyes scanned the faded words, revealing the twisted mythology and history of the Abyss. Fein\'s mind raced, his inner monologue exploding with revelation after revelation.

"Whoa, check this out!" he exclaimed, his eyebrows shooting up. "So that\'s how these demon clans came to be. The crazy battles, the messed up alliances. This is some juicy shit!"

Fein\'s body shifted as he absorbed the knowledge, his posture straightening with newfound motivation. This library was his secret weapon, a goldmine of forbidden knowledge that he would use to reshape the narrative of the Abyss. He was no longer a pawn in this messed up game—he was the freakin\' player.

Time slipped away as Fein devoured one scroll after another, his mind expanding with each page turned. The chaos of the lower realm became background noise as he immersed himself in the rich tapestry of demons, history, and dark secrets. This library had become his sanctuary, a place where he could embrace his curiosity and rewrite the rules.

Fein\'s heart pounded in his chest as he delved deeper into the depths of the library, his thirst for knowledge unquenchable. With every scroll, he unraveled more of the mysteries that had plagued the lower realm for centuries. And as he absorbed the ancient tomes, his super brain running fast, ready to shape the destiny of this messed up realm according to his own damn desires.

As Fein delved deeper into the ancient texts and scrolls of the hidden library, his mind became a whirlwind of thoughts and revelations. The dim light cast eerie shadows on his face as he pored over the pages, his eyes scanning the words with a voracious hunger for knowledge.

\'Holy shit, this is mind-blowing!\' Fein\'s inner monologue exclaimed, his eyebrows furrowing in awe. \'I never would\'ve guessed the demons had such a freakin\' epic origin story.\'

The texts unveiled a tale of primordial chaos and cosmic forces that shaped the very fabric of the demon race. It spoke of a time when the three realms were intertwined, their boundaries blurred and intertwined like a chaotic dance. Fein\'s mind struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what he was reading, but the thrill of discovery pushed him further.

The origin story began with the birth of the Abyss, a swirling vortex of darkness and untamed energy. From this chaos emerged the first demons, creatures of immense power and unfathomable desires. They were born with an insatiable hunger for dominance, seeking to carve out their place in the ever-shifting landscape.

Fein\'s eyes widened as he read about the ancient beings known as the Primordials, also Devils... The progenitors of the demon race. They were beings of godlike power, embodying the raw elements of fire, ice, earth, and storm. Each Primordial held dominion over their respective element, shaping the world around them with their will.

\'Whoa, that\'s it?\' Fein\'s mind raced with questions. \'How did they create the three realms? And what the hell happened to them?\'

The texts continued, revealing a cataclysmic event that shattered the unity of the realms. The Primordials, who were pure and kind in nature became crazy after the their defeat in the hands of gods, waged a devastating war among themselves. Their battles ravaged the very fabric of existence, tearing the realms apart and forging the divisions that still exist today.

But amidst the chaos, a group of powerful demons known as the Enlightened Ones emerged. They possessed a deep understanding of the primal forces that governed the realms, and they sought to restore balance and order. Through their wisdom and sacrifice, they created the foundations of the Lower, Middle, and Upper Realms, each with its distinct characteristics and inhabitants. From the Enlightened Ones, among them, one whose power exceeded and all stood in the spotlight.

That "One" killed the other equally powerful Enlightened Ones to rule the Abyss Dimension alone. He is also currently known as the one and only "Demon God" of the Abyss!

\'The fuck!? Such importation is hidden in the corner of this shitty lower realm? Who would have known? Is it because know one would suspect such a thing?\' Fein\'s mind spun with the implications of this secret. The ancient texts described the Lower Realm as a place of raw desires and unrestrained chaos, where demons vied for power and indulged in their darkest cravings.

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