
Chapter 855 New Satan

"I would be honored to have you as my guide, Imeng," Fein said, his voice carrying a hint of respect.

Of course, Fein still kept three points of vigilance in his heart. For what reason? Because he couldn\'t sense the magic power or level of the other party! If is safe to say that even Satans won\'t be able to hide their amount of magic power even if they deliberately suppressed it once he was in front of him. Just this fact gives a meaning on the strangeness of the old man. 

\'Is it some special artifact that helps him conceal his magic power or some special technique? or...\' Fein\'s eyes widened for a moment as he thought of a possibility. But he quickly suppressed it at the back of his mind.

Is there a possibility that the old man was stronger than him? Isn\'t that a joke? Fein was confident that he could kill even a peak Satan. So if the old man was higher than, doesn\'t that mean he was an SSS-rank? This is obviously impossible since the only SSS-rank on the Abyss was the Demon God himself! 


Fein and Imeng continued their journey through the Middle Realm, venturing deeper into the realm of demons and chaos. As they traversed the winding paths and treacherous landscapes, they eventually came across a bustling demon city, its streets filled with creatures of all shapes and sizes.

Fein and Imeng strolled through the crowded streets, their eyes scanning the colorful stalls and raucous taverns. The sounds of laughter, clinking glasses, and lively banter filled the air. Imeng\'s eyes lit up as he spotted a cozy inn tucked away in a corner, its sign swaying lazily in the breeze.

"Ah, Fein, my young companion!" Imeng exclaimed with a sly grin. "This is the perfect spot to rest our weary souls and fill our bellies with some demon delicacies. Come, let\'s find ourselves a table before the crowd snatches them all up!"

Fein chuckled, following Imeng\'s lead as they weaved through the bustling inn. The dimly lit establishment was alive with the scent of sizzling meats and the clatter of cutlery. Imeng skillfully navigated through the rowdy patrons, finally finding them a secluded corner table.

As they settled into their seats, Imeng leaned back, his white hair framing his face. His two dark curved horns gave him an unmistakable demonic charm. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he began his storytelling.

"Fein, my friend, let me regale you with tales of my prime days as a demon slayer extraordinaire," Imeng declared with a theatrical flourish of his hand. "Picture this - me, a young and dashing adventurer, fearlessly battling devils and monsters, leaving a trail of defeated foes in my wake!"

Fein leaned forward, intrigued by Imeng\'s lively storytelling. The old demon\'s animated gestures and exaggerated expressions drew him deeper into the tales. He couldn\'t help but get caught up in the excitement, imagining the thrilling encounters and epic battles.

"I remember this one time," Imeng continued, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "There I was, facing a towering devil, twice my size. But I had a trick up my sleeve, Fein! With a swift move and a well-placed strike, I sent that devil tumbling down like a drunken fool!"

Fein burst into laughter, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Imeng\'s stories were like a vibrant tapestry, woven with humor and embellishments. The old demon reveled in the joy of reliving his glory days, entertaining Fein with tales of narrow escapes, daring heists, and unexpected victories.

Yet, as the stories flowed, Imeng\'s tone softened, and a touch of wistfulness crept into his voice. He leaned in closer, his smile turning nostalgic.

"But you know, Fein," Imeng sighed, his gaze distant. "As much as I loved the thrill of those adventures, time has a way of catching up with even the most daring souls. These bones aren\'t as spry as they used to be, and those monsters seem to have grown even fiercer. Age comes knocking, and it\'s time for this old hermit to pass the torch."

Fein nodded, a mixture of admiration and empathy in his eyes. He saw beyond Imeng\'s playful tales, recognizing the depth of experience and wisdom that lay beneath. It was a reminder that time spares no one, and even the mightiest warriors must face their limitations.

Imeng leaned back in his chair, a contented smile on his face. "But fear not, Fein. I may have retired my sword, but I\'m not done adventuring just yet. Guiding you through this realm, sharing these stories, it brings a spark back to my weary heart. Together, we\'ll make our mark on this chaotic world!"


After a night filled with laughter and tales, Fein and Imeng retired to their room in the inn. Each had their own single bed, separated by a small nightstand. The room was dimly lit, casting a soft glow on the worn wooden furniture. As exhaustion settled in, Fein found himself drifting into a deep slumber, his mind filled with dreams of the Middle Realm.

Imeng sat on the edge of his bed, his eyes fixed on Fein\'s peaceful sleeping form. A faint smile played on his lips as he observed the young demon. His gaze held a mixture of curiosity and intrigue, tinged with a hint of mischief.

"A new Satan, huh?" Imeng murmured to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "This young man is quite the enigma. What secrets and potential lie within him?"

Imeng\'s eyes traced the contours of Fein\'s face, studying every feature as if trying to unlock a hidden puzzle. The soft glow from the room\'s lanterns danced upon his aged face, casting gentle shadows that accentuated the wisdom etched in his expression.

"Youth is a fascinating thing," Imeng mused, his voice tinged with amusement. "To think that this world, so full of chaos and unpredictability, has brought forth someone like Fein. A new chapter in the realm of demons, perhaps."

Imeng leaned back, his back resting against the sturdy bed frame. He crossed his arms, lost in contemplation, as his gaze shifted from Fein to the room around him. The flickering light danced in his eyes, mirroring the mischievous spark that resided within his soul.

"What will the future hold for us, I wonder?" Imeng pondered, a playful glint in his eye. "Fein, my young companion, you may not realize it yet, but you are destined for greatness. A new satan with a world of possibilities at your fingertips."

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