
Chapter 863 Magic Power

Thinking of this, Fein used his probe to Imeng. However, just like his repeated secret attempts, it still failed. Yes, his probe doesn\'t have an effect to Imeng for some reason. The system told him that there are only three possibilities. It\'s either Imeng\'s realm was far-higher than him, or he has a spell that prevents detection, or Imeng possessed an artifact that protects him from his probe.

After immersing themselves in the profound knowledge of time and space, Fein and Imeng decided to take a well-deserved break. Imeng, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, suggested that he would take charge of the cooking this time. He boasted that once Fein tasted his culinary creations, he would never forget them. Intrigued yet skeptical, Fein agreed, eager to put Imeng\'s claims to the test.

Imeng\'s confident demeanor remained, his words carrying a hint of playful arrogance. He reached into thin air, conjuring a shimmering golden fish, which he proudly declared to be the product of his space magic. Fein, unimpressed by Imeng\'s display, raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, confident in his own mastery of space elemental techniques.

Undeterred by Fein\'s lack of enthusiasm, Imeng began the process of preparing the fish. His hands moved with a grace and precision that hinted at years of culinary expertise. Fein observed, his curiosity piqued as he awaited the first taste of Imeng\'s supposedly unforgettable dishes.

Imeng\'s culinary mastery unfolded before their eyes. He skillfully filleted the fish, meticulously seasoning it with an array of herbs and spices. The tantalizing aroma wafted through the air, teasing their senses and building anticipation. Fein couldn\'t help but admit that the scent alone was promising.

As Imeng served the first dish, Fein examined it closely, his critical eye searching for any flaws or shortcomings. He raised his fork and took a cautious bite, his expression thoughtful.

"Well, Imeng, let\'s see if your cooking lives up to the hype," Fein remarked, his tone tinged with skepticism.

The flavors exploded in Fein\'s mouth, surprising him with their complexity and harmony. The fish was perfectly cooked, the flesh tender and succulent. The seasoning enhanced the natural flavors without overpowering them. Fein\'s eyes widened, his initial skepticism giving way to a grudging admiration.

"I must admit, Imeng, this is quite impressive," Fein conceded, unable to find fault with the dish. "You\'ve managed to bring out the best in this fish."

Imeng\'s face lit up with satisfaction, a smug grin playing at the corners of his lips. He leaned back in his chair, clearly relishing Fein\'s praise.

"But don\'t think you\'ve won me over just yet," Fein added, his competitive spirit rekindling. "Let\'s see if you can maintain this level of excellence throughout the meal."

Undeterred by Fein\'s challenge, Imeng proceeded to prepare and serve a variety of fish dishes, each one surpassing the last in its exquisite flavor and presentation. Fein, normally quick to find flaws or offer constructive criticism, found himself at a loss for words. The dishes were flawlessly executed, showcasing Imeng\'s culinary prowess.

Fein\'s brow furrowed in concentration as he scrutinized each bite, searching for any hint of imperfection. Yet, try as he might, he couldn\'t find a single flaw. Imeng\'s cooking was a masterclass in culinary artistry, leaving Fein both impressed and slightly annoyed.

"Well, I must admit, Imeng, you\'ve outdone yourself," Fein reluctantly admitted, a grudging smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I can\'t find a single fault in your dishes. You\'ve managed to silence my critique."

Imeng beamed with pride, basking in the satisfaction of his culinary triumph. Fein, though reluctant to admit it, couldn\'t deny the truth. Imeng\'s cooking was truly exceptional, a testament to his skill and dedication.

As they savored the last bites of their meal, Fein couldn\'t help but appreciate the depth of Imeng\'s talents. Not only was he a formidable mage, but he also possessed an extraordinary flair in the culinary arts. Fein realized that there was much more to his mentor than met the eye, and their journey together would continue to reveal surprising facets of Imeng\'s multidimensional abilities.

\'Just how many secret does this old man have?\'

With their appetites sated and a newfound respect for Imeng\'s culinary skills, Fein and Imeng settled into a comfortable silence, their thoughts drifting towards the mysteries of magic. Imeng, now assuming the role of a wise teacher, began to explain the fundamental theory behind the workings of magic. The atmosphere grew serious and solemn as Imeng delved into the intricate connections between magic power, spells, and the laws of elements.

Imeng\'s eyes gleamed with a fervor as he spoke, his voice carrying a weight of knowledge and experience. He gestured with animated hands, emphasizing his points as he unraveled the intricacies of magic.

"Fein, you see, magic is not just a mystical force that exists independently. It is intimately linked to the wielder\'s magic power," Imeng explained, his tone taking on a professorial quality. "Think of magic power as the fuel that powers the spells we cast."

Fein leaned forward, his brows furrowed in concentration, absorbing Imeng\'s every word. He was eager to deepen his understanding of the magical realm.

Imeng continued, his explanations flowing seamlessly. "When we cast spells, we channel our magic power through various incantations, gestures, or rituals. It is through this process that we shape and manipulate the magic, giving it form and purpose."

Fein nodded, his mind processing the information, trying to visualize the concept Imeng was describing. He could almost feel the flow of magic power within him, pulsing and waiting to be harnessed.

"Now, let\'s talk about the laws of elements," Imeng said, his voice taking on a reverential tone. "They are the governing principles that dictate the behavior and characteristics of different types of magic."

Imeng paused for a moment, allowing the weight of his words to settle in the air. Fein watched intently, his eyes filled with anticipation.

"Time, space, fire, water, wind, lightning," Imeng listed, each element punctuated by a subtle shift in his body language. "These are the fundamental forces that shape the world of magic. Each element possesses its own unique properties, strengths, and weaknesses."

As Imeng elaborated on the laws of elements, he weaved a mesmerizing tapestry of knowledge, painting vivid images in Fein\'s mind. Fein could almost feel the crackling heat of fire, the gentle flow of water, the howling gusts of wind, and the electrifying power of lightning.

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