
Chapter 892 Gate Crash

As Fein stepped into the central city, he found himself in the midst of a demon frenzy. It was like a tornado of activity, with demons rushing past him as if they were on a mission to conquer the world. The streets were packed with a colorful mix of creatures, each one determined to get where they needed to go.

The marketplaces were a sight to behold, with merchants shouting at the top of their lungs, trying to catch the attention of anyone who would listen. They waved their arms and flashed their toothy grins, promising the best deals in town. Fein couldn\'t help but chuckle at their antics as he weaved through the crowd.

"Hey there, handsome!" a merchant called out, beckoning him towards a stall filled with glittering trinkets. "You won\'t find a better deal anywhere else, I guarantee it!"

Fein flashed a mischievous smile and replied, "Better be careful with those guarantees, my friend. I\'ve heard that one too many times."

The merchant laughed heartily, his belly jiggling with each chuckle. "Ah, you\'ve got me there, lad! But I swear, these baubles are worth their weight in gold. Just for you, I\'ll throw in a free enchanted amulet!"

Fein raised an eyebrow, pretending to consider the offer. "Well, if it\'s free, I suppose I can\'t say no. But you better not be tricking me, old man."

The merchant grinned and handed Fein the amulet. "You\'ve got a keen eye, my friend. Enjoy!"

Fein continued his journey through the city, his gaze shifting from one scene to another. He observed demons haggling fiercely over prices, their voices rising in playful arguments. It was a dance of wit and charm, as customers tried to outsmart the merchants and secure the best possible deal. Fein couldn\'t help but admire their tenacity and quick thinking.

At a nearby food stall, the aroma of sizzling meats and savory spices wafted through the air. His stomach growled in response, and he couldn\'t resist joining the throng of hungry demons. The vendor, a lively demon with fiery red hair, greeted him with a wide grin.

"What can I get for you, my friend? The spiciest wings in town or perhaps a juicy demon burger?"

Fein rubbed his hands together, his mouth watering. "I\'ll take a plate of those wings, extra spicy. I want to feel the burn!"

The vendor chuckled and nodded. "You\'ve got guts, my friend. One plate of fiery wings coming right up!"

As Fein waited for his order, he engaged in light-hearted banter with the vendor, swapping jokes and sharing stories. It was a brief moment of camaraderie, a fleeting connection in the bustling chaos of the city.

As Fein savored the last bite of his fiery wings, he let his perception expand, stretching out like a web across the sprawling expanse of Pandemonium City. His senses reached out, seeking the presence of the 36 Satans who ruled this realm. His mind became a beacon, drawing in fragments of information from all corners of the city.

Images and sensations flooded his consciousness, as if he were simultaneously in multiple places at once. He felt the pulse of demonic energy, the ebb and flow of power, guiding him towards his targets. The threads of his perception led him to a towering structure, the 36-story building that exuded opulence and authority.

Fein\'s gaze shifted towards the majestic building, its windows reflecting the golden rays of the sun. It stood as a symbol of the Satans\' dominion, a place where decisions were made and power was consolidated. The demons who inhabited the upper echelons of society congregated there, their voices carrying weight and influence.

With a flicker of resolve in his eyes, Fein decided to infiltrate the heart of the city\'s power. He would ascend the 36-story building and confront the Satans who held sway over the Middle Abyss.

He pushed open the door of the food stall, leaving behind the mouthwatering scents and lively banter. As he made his way through the bustling streets, his stride was purposeful, his body exuding a quiet intensity. Passersby glanced at him, sensing an abnormality.

Fein\'s steps brought him closer to the luxurious building, As he approached, his senses heightened, attuned to the subtle vibrations and whispers of the demonic realm. 

He pushed open the door of the food stall, leaving behind the mouthwatering scents and lively banter. As he made his way through the bustling streets, his stride was purposeful, his body exuding a quiet intensity. Passersby glanced at him, sensing an undercurrent of power and purpose.

Fein\'s steps brought him closer to the luxurious building, each stride echoing his determination to challenge the status quo. As he approached, his senses heightened, attuned to the subtle vibrations and whispers of the demonic realm. He could almost taste the anticipation in the air, mingling with the scent of ambition.

The entrance of the building loomed before him, guarded by formidable demons whose eyes bore witness to countless secrets and intrigues.

\'Memo Subanami!\' With a nod of recognition, Fein passed through the threshold, his presence acknowledged but not questioned. The guard who he passed by have lost his breath silently at this moment. He ascended the grand staircase, each step bringing him closer to his goal.

On the upper floors, the atmosphere grew more refined, the air thick with an air of authority. As he neared the pinnacle, the sound of voices reached his ears, a symphony of powerful beings engaged in intense discussion. He knew that this was the gathering place of the 36 Satans, the epicenter of their influence.

Fein\'s eyes scanned the floor numbers, until he arrived at the summit, the 36th floor. He paused for a moment, his hand resting on the polished surface of the door.

As Fein pushed open the door, he was met with the gaze of the gathered Satans, their eyes locked on him as if he had just crashed their exclusive party. They wore expressions that screamed, "Who the hell are you?"

Fein couldn\'t help but chuckle at their bewildered faces. He sauntered into the room, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Well, well, well," he said, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm. "Look who we have here. The lost demon? The confused tourist?"

The Satans exchanged glances, clearly taken aback by Fein\'s audacity. One of them, a particularly pompous-looking demon with a sneer on his face, stepped forward. "And who, pray tell, do you think you are?" he spat, his voice laced with arrogance.

Fein\'s grin widened as he met the demon\'s gaze head-on. "I\'m Fein," he declared, emphasizing his name with a theatrical flourish. "The one who\'s about to give you all a run for your money."

The room erupted with laughter, a mixture of surprise and amusement filling the air. The Satans couldn\'t help but be intrigued by Fein\'s bold confidence. They leaned in, their curiosity getting the better of them

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