
Chapter 904 Reuniting With His Friends

The morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow upon Fein\'s face as he awoke from his restful slumber. Stretching his limbs and rubbing the remnants of sleep from his eyes,

Eager to reconnect with his friends, Fein reached for his phone on the nightstand beside his bed. With a few swift taps, he dialed Michael\'s number and held the device to his ear, anticipation evident in his expression. After a brief moment, the call connected.

"Hey, Michael! It\'s me, Fein," he greeted, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and warmth.

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, followed by a surprised gasp. "Fein?! Is that really you?" Michael\'s voice crackled with disbelief, tinged with a hint of joy.

Fein chuckled, his lips curving into a bright smile. "Yeah, it\'s me, buddy. I\'m back!"

Their conversation continued, punctuated by laughter and exclamations of disbelief. Fein shared snippets of his journey and the incredible experiences he had encountered in the Abyss. Michael listened intently, his eyes widening with every tale Fein spun.

"Man, you\'ve been through so much," Michael exclaimed, his voice filled with admiration. "We\'ve missed you, Fein. It\'s great to have you back."

Fein\'s heart swelled with gratitude and affection for his friend. "I missed you guys too. Hey, how about we meet up? Just like old times."

Michael agreed eagerly, his voice filled with anticipation. "Absolutely! Let\'s get the gang back together. I\'ll call Kidd and let him know."

A short while later, Fein also called Kidd, then the three friends found themselves reunited in a cozy café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee permeating the air. Fein\'s eyes lit up as he spotted Michael and Kidd approaching, their faces mirroring his own excitement. They greeted each other with tight embraces and beaming smiles, their reunion a testament to the enduring bond of friendship.

Seated at a corner table, they engaged in animated conversation, their voices intertwining as they caught up on the daily affairs of their lives. Laughter echoed through the café as they delved into light-hearted topics, reminiscing about shared memories and inside jokes. Fein\'s face radiated joy as he basked in the familiar camaraderie and banter that had defined their friendship.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by moments of playful teasing and heartfelt expressions of support. Fein felt relaxed in the comfort of their presence, their shared history serving as a foundation for their bond. The cozy ambience of the café, with its wooden furnishings and the gentle hum of conversations around them, provided the perfect backdrop for their reunion.

As they continued to share stories and laughter, Fein couldn\'t help but feel a sense of happiness for the friendship that had withstood the test of time and distance. 

And so, in that cozy café, surrounded by the warmth of friendship and the promise of shared adventures yet to come, Fein relished in the joy of being reunited with his friends, grateful for the precious moments they had to reconnect and forge new memories together.


As the weeks passed by, Fein found himself immersed in the joyous reunion with his friends. They spent countless hours together, catching up on everything that had happened during his year-long absence. The cozy setting of Fein\'s room, with its wooden ceiling and the gentle cool breeze from the window, created the perfect atmosphere for their heartfelt conversations.

Voli, the golden bear, lay beside Fein on the bed, his eyes filled with a mix of happiness and concern for his master. "Master, you\'re finally here again..."

"How\'s the Dark Knights treating you?" Fein caressed Voli\'s soft golden fur and patted his head subconsciously.

"Well, they are good. Kassandra too good to me after your absence. There\'s also good news." Voli have a happy smile and rubbed his head to Fein\'s palms voluntarily.

"Good news?" Fein asked with his eyebrows raised. "What is it?"

"Well, the super serum is already finished!"

"Damn! Really!?"

Meanwhile, Fey, Fein\'s sister, leaned against the wall, her face beaming with a warm smile, glad to have her brother back safe and sound. Melissa, the caring and overprotective mother, busied herself in the kitchen, preparing some snacks and beverages for the group.

Fein and his friends laughed, reminisced, and shared stories of their affairs in the past year. Brick Norty, the brilliant scientist, shared fascinating insights and discoveries from his research to Fein and began to brag about his accomplishments.

Kidd, Fein and Michael\'s, the trio, added a touch of mischief to the gathering, their playful banter and lighthearted jokes bringing smiles to everyone\'s faces. They talked about the changes that had occurred in their lives and the world around them, discussing the current state of the Ranger\'s Eye and the challenges they faced in past year.

\'Life is good\' Fein smiled at look at each familiar faces. In the Abyss, he have gotten used seeing demons. Now, he felt the freshness of change of environment. \'Humans are really more pleasing to the eyes.\'

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the room, the friends exchanged heartfelt goodbyes. Fein watched as each of them left, a mixture of emotions flooding his heart. 

Alone in his room once again, Fein lay on his cozy bed, staring up at the wooden ceiling, a contented smile gracing his lips. 



"Master, can we come in?"

Fein turned his attention towards the sound, a smile forming on his face. Opening the door, Fein welcomed Fey and Voli into his room. Fein couldn\'t help but feel complicated emotions as his sister now looks mature than before. Whether it was temperament and behavior, Fey really look like a person of authority.

Fey look at her brother with a smile. "I will be in he next room. If you need me, just knock."

"Got it." Fein smiled in response. "Fey, you have grown into a responsible woman. I\'m glad..."

"Who told you to leave whenever you want? Without you, I have to worry about mother everyday. Mother is always worried." Fey stared at his directly in the eyes.

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