
Chapter 908 Troublemakers

Merchants and traders hustled through the streets, their arms laden with goods. Market stalls overflowed with colorful displays, tempting passersby with their wares. The air was thick with the mingling scents of spices, freshly baked bread, and the sweet fragrance of flowers.

Laughter and conversation filled the air, accompanied by the music of street performers. Acrobats flipped and tumbled, drawing crowds with their daring tricks. Artists captured the vibrant scene on their canvases, their hands moving swiftly to immortalize the energy of the East.

In the midst of it all, workers toiled in workshops, creating the goods that fueled the city\'s economy. Craftsmen honed their skills, putting their heart and soul into their work. Scholars sought knowledge in the libraries, poring over books with determination.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the East, the pace slowed down. The city exhaled, ready to embrace the tranquility of the night. The buildings stood tall, their grandeur shining under the soft glow of streetlights.


a gang of pint-sized troublemakers roamed freely, their small frames darting through the crowd like nimble shadows. These kids were the notorious pickpockets of the East, well-versed in the art of snatching valuables without batting an eye.

With mischievous grins plastered across their faces, they weaved effortlessly between market stalls, their hands moving with lightning speed. It was like a game to them, a thrilling dance of trickery and stealth.

One particularly daring boy, his tousled hair matching his carefree spirit, spotted an oblivious merchant whose pouch was ripe for the picking. He elbowed his partner, a girl with a devilish gleam in her eyes, and signaled their next target with a discreet nod.

Without missing a beat, the boy slinked behind the unsuspecting merchant, his nimble fingers poised for action. He pretended to peruse a nearby display, diverting attention away from his true intention. The girl, quick-witted and sly, engaged the merchant in animated conversation, using her charm to distract him from their devious plan.

As the boy\'s hand stealthily reached for the merchant\'s pouch, his fingers danced across the fabric with the grace of a seasoned thief. The clasp was undone in an instant, and he plucked a small pouch of coins, his eyes glinting with triumph.

Meanwhile, another duo of troublemakers orchestrated their own scheme, playing their roles with finesse. A petite girl, her eyes brimming with mischief, feigned interest in a colorful display of scarves. Her partner, a boy with a mischievous smirk, approached the unsuspecting merchant with a tale of a lost coin.

"Hey, mister," the boy began, his voice innocent but laced with cunning. "I dropped a coin somewhere around here. Mind giving me a hand to find it?"

The merchant, ever the helpful soul, leaned over the counter, his attention fixed on the search for the elusive coin. Little did he know, his pouch lay defenseless, ripe for the taking. The girl seized the opportunity, her nimble fingers making quick work of relieving the merchant of a handful of coins.

Their eyes met, the stolen goods safely tucked away, and they exchanged triumphant smirks. They blended seamlessly back into the crowd, their accomplished acts hidden beneath their youthful façades.

These pickpocket prodigies, masters of their trade at such a tender age, reveled in the thrill of their forbidden exploits. Their faces reflected a combination of excitement, mischief, and a touch of rebellion, their eyes alight with the exhilaration of outsmarting the unsuspecting victims.

As the day wore on, these nimble-fingered rascals continued their exploits throughout the market, their actions met with a blend of awe and frustration from the oblivious merchants and bewildered shoppers. In this chaotic tapestry of commerce and commotion, they were the silent predators. Such scenes aren\'t rare in the city. 

As the sun began to set over Earl Harbor, casting long shadows across the city, the young pickpockets retreated to a dimly lit alley. Their stolen spoils, clutched tightly in their hands, were destined for the bald man who awaited their arrival.

Fear tinged their expressions as they approached the imposing figure, his presence exuding a sense of authority and danger. The man\'s stern gaze fell upon the meager collection of coins, his disappointment evident in the furrow of his brow.

"What\'s this?" he growled, his voice laced with discontent. "Is this all you managed to snatch today?"

The kids lowered their gazes, their faces etched with a mix of guilt and apprehension. They knew their efforts fell short of the bald man\'s expectations. They were merely pawns in a game orchestrated by someone much more powerful.

One boy, his eyes darting nervously, mustered the courage to speak. "S-sorry, sir," he stammered. "It was a tough day. People were more cautious than usual."

The bald man\'s expression hardened, his disappointment giving way to a menacing glare. He stepped closer, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the young thieves. "You think excuses will save you?" he sneered. "You know what happens to those who disappoint me, don\'t you?"

Trepidation gripped the children, their faces pale with fear. They had seen firsthand the consequences of crossing the bald man, and the memory alone was enough to send shivers down their spines. Their mischievous and playful behavior was nowhere to be seen.

"I expect better from all of you," he continued, his voice laced with a chilling threat. "If I find out any of you are holding back or getting soft, you\'ll regret it. Remember, I own you, and I can make your lives a living hell if I so choose."

The children nodded frantically, their eyes wide with terror. They understood the gravity of the situation and the consequences of displeasing their exploitative overseer. They were trapped in a cycle of dependency and fear, forced into a life of thievery against their will.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, the bald man turned away from the children, his presence lingering like a dark cloud in the alley. "Get out of my sight," he spat, his voice dripping with disdain. "And remember, I\'m always watching."

As the kids scurried away, their hearts pounding in their chests, their faces mirrored a mixture of relief and lingering unease. They knew that their freedom was an illusion, that their stolen spoils were merely a means to survive under the watchful eye of their exploiter.

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