
Chapter 926 Ren Vs Orc And Centaur

Half an hour had passed since the commencement of the brutal battle, and the once teeming ranks of fighters on both sides had dwindled to a mere shadow of their former numbers. The landscape bore witness to the gruesome aftermath, as a mountain of corpses, both monstrous and human, stretched across the battlefield. The ground, saturated with the blood of fallen warriors, seemed to mourn the futility of their sacrifice.

Among the carnage, Dondon\'s formidable presence had been a beacon of hope, but even his extraordinary abilities were not enough to stem the tide of the relentless onslaught. Ren, turned his gaze towards Takashi, a question hanging heavily in the air.

"It is time for us to make a move?" Ren\'s voice cut through the somber atmosphere, his tone laced with urgency. The weight of responsibility rested heavily on his shoulders, and he sought Takashi\'s guidance, knowing that their actions in this critical moment could determine the outcome of the battle.

Takashi met Ren\'s gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and resolve. He understood the gravity of the situation, the need for them to unleash their full strength and turn the tide in their favor. With a firm nod, he responded to Ren\'s query.

"Yeah, it\'s time," Takashi affirmed, his voice carrying a sense of solemnity. "We can\'t hold back any longer. It\'s time to show them what we\'re made of."

The words hung in the air, a silent affirmation of their decision to the cause. Ren was the first to step forward followed by Takashi. Amara clenched her fist tightly while Luna blended on Amara\'s shadow.

The ground was practically paved with fallen bodies and the stench of death lingered in the air, the ultimate showdown between humanity\'s finest warriors and the S-rank monsters was about to unfold. Ren, Takashi, and Amara braced themselves for the fight of their lives.

With a golden light emanating from his fists, Ren faced off against a centaur and an orc, two heavyweights with no shortage of bravado. The two monsters thought they were hilarious, laughing like maniacs as if Ren was just some pushover.

The orc, built like a truck with muscles that could rival a mountain range, clenched its fist, ready to take on Ren\'s punch head-on. It was like watching a showdown between two immovable objects, \'cause when Ren\'s fist collided with the orc\'s, the shockwave that followed was enough to shake the ground. The impact was insane, but neither of them backed down an inch. Talk about a clash of titans.

Meanwhile, that sneaky centaur thought it could take advantage of the distraction and sneak up on Ren from behind. It raised its massive axe, ready to chop him down like a tree. But Ren, with reflexes that seemed almost supernatural, spun around in the nick of time. With his golden palm, he intercepted the descending axe, catching it mid-air like it was no big deal. "Huh... Do you think you can catch me off-guard?"

"You\'re just lucky." The centaur took three step back to widen the distance and find an opportunity to sneak again.

The centaur and the orc exchanged bewildered glances, realizing they had seriously underestimated Ren\'s strength.

With a mischievous grin on his face, Ren taunted his adversaries, his voice dripping with confidence. "Oh, your warm-up was cute," he quipped, his golden fist transforming into a mesmerizing shade of electric blue. His eyes, now burned like twin embers of fiery crimson.

The centaur, fueled by anger and wounded pride, raised its massive axe and charged towards Ren with an explosive burst of speed. Its hooves thundered against the ground, leaving tremors in their wake, as the monster aimed to overpower Ren with sheer force.

Swinging its axe with a manic fervor, the centaur unleashed a barrage of rapid slashes, each strike aimed at cleaving Ren in two each one after than the other.


But Ren, displaying an uncanny mastery of his own body, countered each blow effortlessly with one finger. His movements were a ballet of grace and precision, as if he were dancing through a storm of lethal strikes.

The orc, sensing an opportunity to capitalize on Ren\'s focus, spat a searing blue beam from its grotesque mouth. The beam shot towards Ren with alarming speed, threatening to engulf him in its destructive path. Yet, Ren\'s eyes glowed crimson and his gaze stayed on the blue beam.

With a swift motion, Ren conjured a shield of energy around him, deflecting the incoming beam with an explosive impact. The resulting explosion sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, debris flying in all directions. Ren stood at the epicenter, seemingly untouched.

"This human isn\'t weaker than us." The centaur hesitated for a moment. "I didn\'t expect there\'s still creatures in this world that was on par with us."

"What did you expect? The world inside the portals aren\'t that easy to conquer." The orc responded.

Seeing their momentary hesitation, Ren seized the opportunity to strike. His blue-tinged fist blurred through the air, finding its mark against the centaur\'s chest with a bone-shattering impact. The monster\'s gargantuan form was propelled backward, crashing into the ground with an earth-shaking thud. 

"Do you treat me as an air?" Ren appeared on the same place he was standing in split seconds.

With a smirk playing on his lips, Ren couldn\'t help but taunt the now hesitant centaur and orc. Their arrogance had been replaced with a glimmer of doubt, a seed of uncertainty that threatened to unravel their composure. Ren\'s voice dripped with sarcasm as he questioned their sudden change in behavior. "Oh, what\'s the matter? Cat got your tongue? Can\'t handle a real fight?"

"Puny Human! I\'ll cut off your tongue!" His words hung in the air, a challenge that stoked the flames of their fury. The centaur\'s body bulged, its muscles swelling with an ominous power, while the orc\'s fist became cloaked in a dark, foreboding hue. The tension mounted as the two monsters prepared for their final, desperate assault.

In unison, the centaur and the orc launched themselves at Ren, their combined force shaking the very ground beneath them. The centaur\'s hooves thundered with unrestrained power, aiming to trample Ren under its massive weight, while the orc\'s darkened fist streaked through the air, poised to deliver a devastating blow.

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