
Chapter 972 Preparation For A Speech

"Of course I\'m here to vote for the one that will take my position..." Fein shook her hand, a sense of teasing in his voice. "Olivia. Seeing you engage with the voters here, it\'s inspiring. You\'re showing us that our voices matter, and that\'s something I truly appreciate."

Olivia\'s smile widened as the biggest person in the world praise her, and she turned to Melissa. "And you must be Lord Fein\'s mother. It\'s a pleasure to meet you, Melissa. Thank you for being here today and for encouraging Lord Fein\'s engagement in this democratic process."

"Olivia, lower your voice... Or else there would be a riot here if the people recognizes me. I\'m just using a lower level disguise that is only effective for B-rank below degu users. For now, just call me Fein."

"Okay L-lor... Fein!" Olivia swallowed as she didn\'t expect she would be able to call the strongest and most powerful person in the world informally.

Melissa shook Olivia\'s hand, her eyes filled with pride. "Thank you, Olivia. It\'s refreshing to witness your commitment to connecting with voters on a personal level. It\'s an important quality in a leader."

Olivia nodded, a genuine gratitude in her voice. "I believe in the power of conversations and understanding the needs of the people. It\'s the foundation of my campaign. Thank you both for your support and for being engaged citizens."

With a final exchange of warm words, Olivia continued her journey through the polling station, connecting with more voters and making them feel seen and valued. Fein and Melissa couldn\'t help but feel a renewed sense of optimism, knowing that their candidate valued their voices and the voices of others.


After small episode with Fein and Melissa.

·ƈθm Olivia Foster, the candidate, continued her rounds, engaging in brief yet personalized conversations with voters. She approached each person with a warm smile, creating an atmosphere of genuine connection and camaraderie.

Olivia spotted a middle-aged voter, who had just finished casting her vote and was making her way out of the voting booth area. Olivia stepped forward, extending her hand. "Hello, thank you for voting today. How was your experience?"

The voter, touched by Olivia\'s approach, returned the handshake. "Thank you, Olivia. It was a smooth process. I appreciate the effort put into organizing these elections."

Olivia nodded, her eyes focused on the voter. "I\'m glad to hear that. Ensuring a smooth and efficient voting experience is crucial to our democratic process. Is there any particular concern or issue that you\'d like me to address?"

The voter hesitated for a moment, considering her words. "Well, healthcare is a major concern for me and my family. I hope that our leaders can work towards making it more accessible and affordable."

Olivia\'s eyes lit up with understanding. "I completely understand your concerns. Healthcare is one of my top priorities. I believe in a system that ensures quality and affordable care for all. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It helps me understand the needs of our community better."

As Olivia moved on, she noticed a young voter, standing near the information desk, seemingly deep in thought. Olivia approached with a gentle smile. "Hello, I hope you\'re having a good voting experience. Is there anything specific on your mind today?"

The young voter looked up, slightly surprised by the direct attention. "Oh, hello, Olivia. Actually, I\'ve been thinking about education. I believe in the power of quality education and its role in shaping the future. I hope our leaders prioritize investments in education."

Olivia nodded, her voice filled with conviction. "Education is indeed vital for the progress of our society. I share your belief, and I\'m committed to supporting policies that prioritize education funding and ensure equal opportunities for all. Thank you for sharing your perspective."

As Olivia continued her rounds, she engaged in similar personalized conversations, listening attentively to the concerns and aspirations of each voter. The topics ranged from environmental sustainability to economic development, reflecting the diversity of issues that resonated with the community.

Through her interactions, Olivia highlighted her commitment to addressing the needs of the people she aspired to represent. She reassured voters that their voices mattered and that she would be their advocate in the political arena.

The voters, in turn, were appreciative of Olivia\'s attentive approach. They felt heard and valued, knowing that their concerns were being acknowledged by a candidate who genuinely cared about their well-being.

As the day progressed and the polling station buzzed with activity, Olivia\'s personalized conversations echoed throughout the room. Each interaction solidified the bond between candidate and voter, strengthening the foundation of trust and understanding.


In a private room adjacent to the polling station, Olivia Foster, the candidate, stood at a podium, surrounded by her campaign team. They were in the final stages of preparing her passionate speech, one that would resonate with the voters and convey her unwavering dedication to their concerns.

Olivia took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the room, filled with energy and determination. "Thank you all for being here today. This speech is an opportunity for us to connect with the voters on a deeper level, to inspire them to exercise their right to vote and to share our vision for a better future."

Her campaign manager, Sarah, stepped forward, holding a printed copy of the speech. "Olivia, we\'ve crafted the speech to emphasize the importance of voting and to align with our campaign\'s key messages. It highlights your commitment to addressing the issues that matter most to the voters."

Olivia nodded, her voice filled with conviction. "Great, let\'s go through it together. I want to ensure that it reflects our passion and resonates with the hopes and aspirations of the people we aim to serve."

As Olivia began reading the script, her voice soared with sincerity and enthusiasm. "My fellow citizens, today, as we stand on the precipice of change, we have a responsibility—a responsibility to ourselves, to our community, and to the generations yet to come. That responsibility is to vote."

She paused for a moment, her eyes scanning the room, as if seeking the validation of her team. Encouraged by their nods and smiles, she continued. "Voting is not just a right; it is a privilege—a sacred duty that allows us to shape the future we envision. It is the voice we wield, the power we hold, and the instrument of change that can transform our society."

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