
Chapter 995 Easy Kill

Fein, now in his newfound SSS-rank realm, felt the surge of power coursing through his veins. He tested the limits of his abilities, amazed at the extent of his control. With a mere thought, he halted the aging process within his own body, preserving his youth indefinitely.

But his powers didn\'t stop there. Fein extended his influence to the entire continent, freezing time itself. The bustling streets came to a standstill, the people suspended in motion, unaware of the extraordinary force at play.

Intrigued by his newfound capabilities, Fein\'s thoughts turned to the manipulation of space. With a focused intention, he opened a wormhole, a gateway to other dimensions. The fabric of reality rippled as the portal materialized, offering a glimpse into realms beyond imagination.

As his confidence grew, Fein pushed the boundaries even further. He summoned the raw power of his mind and commanded the formation of a black hole. A swirling vortex of immense gravity materialized, drawing everything around it into its infinite depths.

Fein marveled at the sheer magnitude of his abilities, the profound impact he could now have on the world around him.

With great caution, Fein closed the wormhole and dissipated the black hole, restoring equilibrium to the fabric of space and time. He understood that his actions had consequences, and the delicate balance of the universe should not be tampered with lightly.

As the continent resumed its motion and time flowed once more, Fein contemplated the vastness of his capabilities. 

As Fein basked in the realization of his true path, a profound understanding washed over him. The disappearance of his experience points in the system now made sense. It wasn\'t about accumulating points anymore; it was about attaining a higher level of enlightenment.

His journey through different phases and forms of life had been the key all along. Each experience had contributed to his growth, expanding his knowledge and perspective. It was through these varied encounters that he had found the enlightenment necessary to break through the barriers that held him back.

No longer bound by the constraints of a system, Fein embraced the freedom of his newfound understanding. He realized that true power came not from external measurements but from within, from the depths of his own wisdom and experience.

With this revelation, Fein felt a sense of liberation. He no longer needed to think too much!

Now, Fein has last question. What now? Now the he attain the ceiling of power in the continent. Is there a higher realm than SSS-rank? Probably SSSS-rank? It shouldn\'t be right? After all, there\'s no such rank in RPG games. So what\'s above SSS-rank? Fein began to meditate again.

As Fein delved into his meditation, seeking answers to the question that lingered in his mind, time seemed to stretch before him. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years.

In the solitude of his meditation, Fein\'s thoughts raced, contemplating the existence of a realm beyond SSS-rank. He pondered the possibilities, searching for a logical conclusion that aligned with his understanding of the world.

And then, after three years of deep introspection, it dawned on him. The answer became clear, like a shimmering light breaking through the darkness.

There was no higher rank, no SSSS-rank or beyond. Fein realized that the concept of ranks and levels was merely a construct, a way for beings to comprehend and measure power within the confines of their understanding.

In his enlightenment, Fein recognized that true power transcended the limitations of ranks and designations. It was an energy that flowed through all things, an essence that connected the universe in its entirety.

  "Now, it\'s time for revenge! Fucking Demon God, just wait..." Fein licked his lips as he recalled things he needed to deal with.I think you should take a look at


Fein, fueled by revenge, descended into the depths of the Abyss once more. The air crackled with anticipation as he approached the lair of the Demon God. With each step, his SSS-rank power radiated like an unstoppable force.

Before the mighty presence of the Demon God, Fein\'s eyes blazed with fury. His power surged through his veins, ready to unleash its devastating force. Without hesitation, he launched his attack.

In an instant, the Demon God\'s existence was erased, effortlessly vanquished by Fein\'s overwhelming might. The Abyss quivered as if acknowledging the victory of its conqueror.

As Fein stood among the remnants of the defeated foe, he felt a sense of emptiness. The taste of triumph, though satisfying, did not bring the solace he sought. Revenge alone could not fill the void within his heart.

In that moment, a realization dawned upon Fein. True fulfillment could not be found in the destruction of his enemies. It lay in a higher purpose, a nobler calling. He understood that his power was not meant for revenge, but for protection and justice. "I don\'t have enemies..."


Fein, having vanquished the Demon God and established his dominance over the Abyss, stood before the trembling satans. Their once defiant faces now bore expressions of fear and submission.

With a measured gaze, Fein surveyed the defeated satans. He saw the potential in their skills and knowledge, recognizing the value they could bring to his mission of maintaining order and justice within the Abyss.

"I have heard your pleas for mercy," Fein spoke, his voice steady and resolute. "You shall have your lives, but they will be under my command."

The satans, their voices trembling, pledged their loyalty to Fein, their newfound master. They understood the power he possessed and the consequences of opposing him. With bowed heads, they accepted their roles, knowing that obedience was their only path to survival.

Fein, wise in his decision, established a pact with the satans. This pact bound them to his will, compelling their obedience and loyalty. He assigned each satan specific roles and responsibilities, aligning their abilities with the tasks at hand.

Some were tasked with maintaining the balance of power, ensuring that no malevolent force rose to challenge Fein\'s authority. Others were entrusted with the restoration and preservation of the Abyss, its dark corridors and hidden depths. And a few were designated as guardians, protecting the vulnerable realms from the encroachment of chaos.

As the satans embraced their new roles, a sense of order began to permeate the once lawless Abyss. Fein\'s presence brought structure and purpose, transforming the chaotic realm into a bastion of controlled power.

Though the satans remained wary of Fein\'s might, they also recognized the benefits of their newfound alliance. Under his guidance, they were able to utilize their skills and knowledge for a greater cause. Their loyalty to Fein became a means of survival and a chance at redemption.

Together, Fein and the satans forged a fragile bond, their destinies intertwined within the realm of the Abyss. With each passing day, they worked in harmony, fulfilling their assigned tasks and contributing to the greater purpose of maintaining order and justice.

Fein\'s pact with the satans became a symbol of his authority and his commitment to creating a world where strength was tempered by responsibility. The once-terrified satans became his trusted allies, assisting him in the management and governance of the Abyss.

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