
Chapter 66

Senator Albert, who was wearing a purple-gold noble robe, pushed open the silver door that was embossed with dragons and swords and walked into the hall.

Instantly, the noisy conference hall fell silent. Everyone sitting around the long white marble table turned their gazes to him.

He stopped in his spot awkwardly. A few seconds later, the person on the towering throne at the end of the long table spoke.

“You’re late, Senator Albert.”

“Sorry... I originally thought it was...”

Albert immediately lowered his head.

“But fortunately, it has only just begun. Take your seat.”

That person’s words relieved Albert. He hurried to his seat and sat down.

Sitting on the right-hand side of the throne, the Empire’s Prime Minister and Speaker of the Senate, York, flipped through the parchment dossier embossed with the Empire’s Dragon Sword emblem and said, “Then, the motion to alleviate the stench of the sewers caused by the city’s Freshman Festival banquet by releasing ebony perfume has been passed. The next motion is proposed by the Emerald Province’s ambassador, Garet Wolf.”

Emerald Province’s ambassador? At this time?

A Forest Elf wearing clothes woven from wolf hide, whose skin was as rough as tree bark, and whose face was tattooed with a wolf’s visage immediately stood up.

He first bowed respectfully to the person on the throne before starting to talk about the wine supply in Emerald Province this fall.

The female senator sitting beside Albert looked at the wild-looking elf and covered her nose. Then, she poked his shoulder and gestured for him to look to the side.

On the other side of the long table wasn’t just the Emerald Province’s ambassador. Seven or eight fellows in strange clothes sat there. Most of them looked out of place.

“Storm Province, Cold Rock Province, Quicksand Province, Dragon Breath Province, and Shattered Tooth Province. Other than the Blackwater Province, only Ava State hasn’t sent an envoy over. Of course, that undying old fart doesn’t seem to have sent anyone over since the Empire was established.”

The female senator leaned over and whispered to Albert.

It isn’t just the envoys from the various provinces... Albert thought.

Surveying the round table, there were several big shots present today.

The Patriarch of the Eighth Order, the Astral Council’s Deputy Speaker, the Platinum Ring’s royal consultant, the general of the Second Legion, the chairman of the Royal Chamber of Commerce, the Empire’s Chancellor...

It could be said that half of the political figures in the Empire’s power center were here. This Senate meeting far exceeded the usual monthly meetings in scale. It didn’t appear to be simply a schedule brought forward.

With this in mind, Albert secretly regretted being late today. Being late in front of so many important figures was a huge blow to his future political career.

However, in comparison, the Forest Elf ambassador from Emerald Province saying that he wanted to reduce the wine supply in front of so many high-ranking officials seemed even more inappropriate.

“... Combined with the losses of the Wild Hunt during last year’s Year of Death and Blood, and considering the changes in constellations this year, we are already in the Year of Starvation. At the beginning of the year, many places like Patu have already shown signs of large-scale blight. Emerald Province can’t guarantee the Empire’s wine supply like in previous years. I hope the Senate can temporarily reduce the supply requirements of wine by 30% this year. Our Holy Tree Duke guarantees that this portion will be made up next year. These are the motions proposed by Emerald Province. I hope everyone...”

As he spoke, he looked around. None of the big shots at the long table responded. Everyone either looked indifferent or watched coldly.

The entire venue was so quiet that it made him a little anxious.

The elderly and hunched Speaker, York, didn’t even announce that the motion had entered the voting stage. He only turned his gaze to the dressed Emerald Province ambassador and smiled warmly as he said in a voice filled with gusto, “Can’t you think of some other way? You have to know that most of the wine the Empire imports from Emerald Province every year isn’t into the wine cellars of the nobles of Platinum City, but sold to the Damon Continent in the east across the White Sea. This is an important part of the Empire’s annual foreign trade, and it’s also an important part of the truce agreement with them. This matter can’t be taken lightly.”

The Emerald Province’s ambassador gritted his teeth and said, “The first wave of the blight epidemic this month has already caused swaths of the first batch of grape seedlings planted last year to wither. This is despite the Holy Tree Duke getting the Forest Priests to make protective preparations in advance. Mr. Speaker, Sir, under the influence of the blight, the production of grapes this year will decrease by at least 50%. Requesting a 30% reduction in supply is already a result of our best efforts.”

Before Speaker York could reply, a young senator interrupted, “That’s because you cultivate too little land. Ravenwood in Emerald Province is clearly the land with the richest vibrancy across the Vic Continent, but you only use it for planting trees. In my opinion, if you chop off half of the trees in that forest, the additional land can at least triple the annual production of grapes. Would the Year of Starvation even be something to be afraid of?”

“Elaire, watch your words!”

Speaker York hurriedly silenced the other party when he heard that. Albert couldn’t help but hold his forehead, feeling that the other party was too rash.

The Forest Elves didn’t have the concept of death like other mortal races, but their bodies would gradually ‘treeify’ over time. Their skin would become as rough and hard as tree bark, and tree branches and leaves would grow out of their hair. Their reaction and movements would also reduce with time.

After every Forest Elf reached a certain stage of treeification, they would enter the Holy Forest of Ravenwood and wander around until they turned into a tree, taking root among the rest of the forest.

Therefore, to the Forest Elves, the trees in Ravenwood weren’t just trees, but their brethren. Many of them might even be their parents and ancestors.

Senator Elaire’s suggestion of them cutting down half of the forest to plant grapes was no different from asking them to kill their brethren to make room for the Empire’s farming.

For a moment, the Emerald Province ambassador, Wolf, stared coldly at the rude senator and didn’t say a word.

The wolf tattoo on his face slowly opened its mouth, revealing its fangs as it let out a low growl. Its wolf head constantly squirmed as if it would break free from his skin at any moment.

Just as the latter shrank back into his seat in fear and was about to explain with trembling lips, the Platinum Ring consultant sitting closest to the left-hand side of the throne said, “Enough, Garet. You are before the Bronze crown.”

His voice seemed to have some soul-shaking power, and the wolf growl instantly stopped. Garet also took a deep breath and calmed down. The wolf tattoo on his face returned to its original state as if all that had happened was an illusion.

He lowered his head at the Platinum Ring consultant and said, “Sorry, I wasn’t myself. I’m willing to accept...”

“No, Senator Elaire was at fault. Mr. Ambassador, please forgive his ignorance of the Forest Elf tradition.”

Speaker York continued as if he were a peacemaker, “Elaire, stay behind alone after the meeting. You need to be taught some etiquette regarding the various races.”

The person sitting on the throne tilted her head at Speaker York.

Speaker York immediately understood. He smiled at the Emerald Province ambassador and said, “However, Senator Elaire’s jest has given me some inspiration. Mr. Ambassador, you can indeed try to increase the arable land used to grow grapes to offset the impact of the blight on production this year.”

Garet was stunned for a moment before replying with an ugly expression, “Mr. Speaker, Sir, don’t tell me you’re also suggesting that...”

“Of course not.”

The speaker shook his head and said, “For example, the land used to farm Green-faced Grass for Paranor and the Forest Elves’ main grain berries and wheat fruits are suitable for planting grapes. You can convert about half of the land for grape farming. This will be enough to make up for the reduced production from the blight this year.”

“But, Mr. Speaker, Sir, what about the reduced production of food? The food stored in Emerald Province over the years can’t make up for the loss of half...”

After hearing this suggestion, Ambassador Garet replied with a troubled expression.

“That’s simple. Use the money you earn from exporting wine to buy food from the Empire’s Chamber of Commerce. Other than the Green-faced Grass that we can’t provide, you can keep the relevant arable land. Our annual berry and wheat surplus is enough to supply half of Emerald Province’s needs. We can guarantee that we can satisfy your food supply at a price 10% below market price,” the chairman of the Royal Chamber of Commerce suddenly said.

Speaker York smiled and nodded when he heard that. “That’s great. Ambassador Garet, what do you think of this suggestion?


10% below the market price meant that there would be a surplus if the money earned from wine exports was used to buy food. This condition sounded good, but Garet’s intuition told him that this was in no way a good suggestion.

However, he couldn’t think of a reason for objecting. Just as he was hesitating about how to answer, the empress on the throne spoke.

“Convert 70% of the land planted with Green-faced Grass and 30% of the land used for berries to grapes. Paranor is a luxury good for the nobles and the royal family. It won’t affect us much if we have less. The key is to ensure the rations of the people in Emerald Province and...”

As the silver-haired, blood-red-eyed empress on the throne’s clear voice sounded, everyone in the hall stopped whispering and looked at her.

Although her thin body, which was slightly weak from years of illness, looked very incongruous on the towering throne, no one in the hall dared to slight the woman wearing the Bronze crown.

Erin Riel, who was only 24 years old, was also the youngest empress in the history of the Riel Empire.

As she had suffered from severe congenital asthma since she was young, Erin was sent to Holy Tree City in Emerald Province to recuperate when she was eight. She didn’t return to the Platinum Palace until her coming-of-age ceremony. Less than two days after her return, the late emperor was severely injured by the Broken Sword Brotherhood.

After that, she-who had never dabbled in politics and didn’t have any factions in the Platinum Palace-succeeded at obtaining the support of the Platinum Ring and the Eighth Order in less than a year after returning to the palace. Not long after the late emperor passed away, she crushed her two brothers who had been in the palace for many years, and ascended the Dragon Sword throne. She was crowned with the Bronze crown and became the current Empress Erin.

After her coronation, one of her brothers was exiled to Cold Rock Province in the extreme north to be the Ice Dragon Duke, and the other was arrested for treason against the throne. Then, she ignored everyone’s pleas and personally ordered her brother to be hanged.

It was also because she was so heartless to her blood relatives that many people secretly called her Ominous Erin or the Ominous Empress.

Upon hearing Empress Erin’s words, Ambassador Garet hurriedly lowered his head, not even daring to breathe.

Empress Erin paused for a moment before continuing, “...Then, I’ll waive taxes on all lands that were converted to grape farming this year. Furthermore, the taxes for the next three years will be halved. Garet from Emerald Province, I believe such conditions should satisfy the Holy Tree Duke, am I right?”

“Your Majesty, I’m eternally grateful,” Garet hurriedly replied.

Exemption from any taxes for a year followed by three years of 50% taxes, in addition to the ability to purchase food from the Chamber of Commerce at a price 10% lower than the market price was much better than the Holy Tree Duke’s request of reducing wine exports by 30%.

Speaker York chuckled and said, “Alright, then. The Emerald Province Ambassador’s motion can be voted on now. Although I think it’s about the same whether we vote or not... Then, please raise your hands if you agree to this motion...”

Senator Albert raised his hand hesitantly. Then, he looked around and realized that the motion had been unanimously approved.

But was it really that easy? The blight didn’t just affect the production of grapes. To him, taking the initiative to reduce the area of arable land for staple food in the Year of Starvation wasn’t wise.

In the previous Year of Starvation, he was still working under the Minister of Agriculture. He clearly remembered that even in Platinum Province, where agriculture was the most developed, it still resulted in a small-scale famine in the countryside.

Would the Royal Chamber of Commerce really have that much food stockpiled as they had promised? Even if they did, would they really provide it to Emerald Province?

I hope Emerald Province doesn’t end up starving...

As Albert thought this, he suddenly realized that Empress Erin’s gaze had been cast at him at some point.

“Senator Albert, do you have any objections?”

“Ah? No, no!”

Faced with the empress’s sudden question, he hurriedly replied, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

It was said that the empress had the talent to see through a person’s thoughts at a glance. Usually, this seemed to be just a palace myth, but her actions did shock Albert.

The empress didn’t say anything else. Speaker York, who was sitting beside her, said, “Since we’re going to promote the conversion of the use of the arable land in the Emerald Province, I think the Empire still has to send envoys to supervise and give suggestions. Albert, I remember that you had experience being a secretary under the Minister of Agriculture, right?”

“Ah... Yes...”

Albert’s heart sank.

He had been targeted.

“Then, how about you be the envoy to supervise the conversion of arable land in Emerald Province?”

Speaker York suggested with a smile. Although he was inquiring, he didn’t sound like he had any intention of negotiating.

He lived up to his title of Smiling Lion.


Albert wanted to protest, but when he saw Speaker York’s fake smile, he immediately deflated.

“I accept...”

He tried his best to sound flattered.

“Alright, then the next motion will be proposed by the Platinum City Guards General.”

“We discovered three suspected Broken Sword Brotherhood strongholds in Platinum City. We hope...”

Albert wasn’t in the mood to listen to the motions and reports proposed by the senators. He fell into a daze and only raised his hand mechanically with the female senator beside him.

He kept wondering: why him? Was it because he was late? Or did he show a hesitant expression after the empress made that suggestion?

No matter what, he had to bid farewell to the prosperity of Platinum City in the next few years and sleep in a tree hole with the barbaric elves wrapped in animal skins and drink tree sap.

All he wanted to do now was for the meeting to end and go home to get himself drunk.

Or perhaps he didn’t need to drink it? After all, the thing he would have to deal with the most in the next few years was that damned wine.

“...Then, the next report will be reported by the Eighth Order’s Patriarch, Adrian.”

The old man with grizzled hair and beard stood up shakily. He didn’t take out a dossier or any other document. Instead, he took off a silver Holy Spirit Kane figurine from his neck.

A cracked figurine.

He cleared his throat and said, “Everyone, what I’m about to explain is the divinity manifestation of Holy Spirit Kane a week ago and the episcopate’s interpretation of this manifestation.”

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