
Chapter 101 - 101 ( Deviation)

So in this morning, when Sofia hoped that many changes will happen on their vacation. Sofia couldn\'t wait to get in touch with Cleo. Heard carefully what Cleo had to say.

What Cleo said after this made Sofia slightly raise her eyelids to open wider.

"Two days in a row we have been walking around for one full day. So maybe today we plan to rest and relax while packing some of our belongings. We brought lots of gifts for grandmother," Cleo said.

Sofia listened doubtfully.

"Have you gone on a walk for two days straight?" asked Sofia, raising a little in her voice.

Sofia thought that it could not happen because Harry was a man who was too cold to even think that Cleo existed. Because after all, their marriage was just a contract marriage. Sofia finally thought that Cleo\'s story this time must be just a lie as well to cover up the facts that actually happened.

The lies and fantasy stories the woman had been telling her. So that by continuing to put on a disappointed face that Cleo couldn\'t see because they were not on a video call.

Sofia immediately followed Cleo\'s words.

"We took a short walk around Melion Park, exploring to The Garden Bay, and visited the Universal Studio. This vacation seemed to be a short and enjoyable one. All thanks to grandma! Until I will send hugs and kisses to grandmother!" Cleo said happy and thanked her.

Sofia began to doubt her thinks who thought that Cleo was lying and deliberately made up a story so that she wouldn\'t be suspicious.

But, could it be true?

Sofia laughed happily listening to Cleo.

"Good then. It would be better if you could spend more time on vacation together. Grandma will feel happy when you are happy," hoping that what Cleo said was true.

Sofia hoped that the two of them didn\'t make trouble and can live a real married life. They then chatted for a moment about several things. And Harry had only arrived in his room when the phone call ended.

Glanced slightly at Cleo who seemed to be looking at him. Harry asked a question.

"Is there something you want to say to me?" He asked while looking at Cleo.

Cleo immediately gave him an answer.

"Earlier your grandmother called. And I just wanted to tell you if you want to know."

Harry had walked over to the table and took out two packets of food.

"Are you brought something?"

"Yes. I brought some food for breakfast. Laksa Katong, one of the specialties of Singapore."

Cleo was tempted.

Harry looks at Cleo.

"She didn\'t ask many questions and strange things, did she?" asked Harry, while sorting his food. Cleo had already answered.

"Yes. But she asked me when will you take her home when we get back. And stopped by her house to give gifts. I can only answer with the words \'do not know and will tell\'. I think you need to prepare the answer for later," Cleo reminded and Harry agreed.


finished eating and packing. Harry accidentally finds a book he does not know.

"Various tips for making bread dough that is soft and fluffy perfectly?" Harry said while reading the title of the book.

Cleo, who was arranging all the gifts in one box, turned her head.

Seeing that Harry had stared at the book Cleo deliberately brought to fill her spare time. Cleo immediately kept the book more properly in the pile of clothes, laughing with a shy grin.

"Little things to fill my free time," exclaimed Cleo to answer Harry\'s question. Harry raised his eyebrows slightly for more answers.

Cleo answered doubtfully after he thought.

"Em .. you remember the time I asked for days off twice in a week?"

Cleo is surprised when Harry seems interested. Asked for more explanation from Cleo through her gaze.

Cleo continued her words.

"Um ... I used that time to take a bread-making course. And I\'m studying it. That\'s all," Cleo explained, giving a summary and did not explain clearly the reasons for taking the course. Cleo thought that Harry might ignore her story out of interest.

However, it turned out that Harry was listening attentively and asking an excess of questions.

"You want to learn to make bread? What for?" Harry asked curiously. And pretended not to know about the course questions he already knew.

"Only for personal reasons. I don\'t think you will be interested in hearing that. Em, btw .. I\'ve finished putting all the gifts in the box. What else?" Cleo asked while answering casually and checking all their belongings properly.

Harry watched her.

"Just leave it like that. Because I will pack it later," Harry said while waiting for the continuation of Cleo\'s story. However, Cleo didn\'t even continue her words. Harry was already staring at her impatiently.

"What is your personal reason? You want to open a bakery?" Harry asked, firing straight.

Cleo looked at him.

"Yes. How do you know that? I did plan like that. So please help me with a prayer so that I can make it happen later," Cleo replied, made Harry squint his brows.

Only help with prayer? Harry continued to stare at Cleo.

"Is there any special reason you want to open that bakery?" Harry asked curiously. He seemed to want to know more but was upset because he had to keep asking questions.

Harry knew Cleo was quite a talkative woman. But when it came to personal matters, somehow the woman became very stingy in speaking. Did Harry need to blatantly say that he wanted to know anything about her?

Harry frowned hard.

Cleo who was asked looked at him in surprise. Began to feel that Harry was not the cols person she had imagined. So because of that she only answered casually. Cleo started telling the real reason.

Took a comfortable position to tell the story. Cleo sat on her chair to relax.

"My father was a baker who was quite famous in our area. He often took me to his shop. And always aspired to have his own bakery since he was young. But all hope was dashed because my father died sooner than expected. I just want to finish that hope," Cleo explained with a little sad feeling that still remained because she had to reminisce about her past.

Harry just listened seriously.

"And my mother, she really wants my father to be able to realize his dream, even though they have to save a lot for their daily needs. Until the day my father and mother died, I promised them. I will carry on their hopes no matter what. Is that .. answering your question?" Cleo asked while looking straight at Harry.

Harry, who was listening silently, continued to stare at Cleo\'s bead. Until Cleo then asked another question.

"Then, since when did you experience deviations?" Cleo asked, without realizing that she even asked about Harry\'s personality deviations from the opposite sex. Harry looked at Cleo with the corners of his eyes sharp.

"Deviation?" he asked, pretending not to understand.

"Yes. I know you don\'t like women. That\'s why you chose me to marry under contract. Can I know the reason?" Cleo asked, a little curious.

Cleo herself thought that there were only two possibilities for someone to experience deviance.

First. He had been like that since he was born and the surrounding environment further reinforced his perversion.

And the second. That person had been hurt or possibly betrayed in a very bad way. So he chose to turn the corner.

Cleo just wanted to know which category Harry belonged to.

But instead of answering Cleo\'s question, Harry actually got closer to Cleo. And bring his face closer. Cleo was suddenly surprised.

"Who said that I was deviant? Did anyone specifically say that to you?" Harry asked.

"There is no. It is just..."

Cleo thought hard.

Were her thoughts wrong?

But they seemed fine for nearly a week sleeping in the same room.

If he had been a normal guy, Harry would have done something to her. Especially with their marital status which was legally valid. Cleo had no good reason to reject it.

However, should she make a reason when tested? But how?

Another strong reason that why Cleo could be so confident about her contract marriage was because of possible distortion which she heard from the rumors around Harry. And Harry\'s always cold attitude towards almost all women.

So was that wrong?

Cleo blinked her eyes twice.

"Is it wrong..?" Cleo asked doubtfully as she started to close her back to the back of the chair. Harry\'s attitude got even more intense.

"What if we prove it now?" Harry asked in a voice that seemed ... seductive?

Cleo blinked her eyes. Prove it? How to?

"You don\'t need to prove anything because I already know. It is okay. Many men like you. And you don\'t need to be embarrassed to say it," Cleo explained, expressing her support. Harry spontaneously gave her a closer look.


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