
Chapter 250 - 250 ( Without Filtered )

Despite asking, Lily seemed to be able to predict what Kiky meant.

Kiky looked at Sofia without fear and doubt.

"First aid. Or not at all?"

Sofia chose to give up. Granted the conditions that Kiky proposed. So they gathered together in the room with expectant and anxious faces.

A doctor and two nurses looked confused by their status in the patient room. It was like getting together to watch a football game together.

So what exactly was their main duty?

Not a single person among them dared to ask and complain. When several bodyguards had gathered also in front of the door in the room.

So apparently, only Lily showed a different look compared to the rest of Theodore\'s family in the room.

She couldn\'t believe he was in the middle of this situation. And only able to follow the path that has been provided.

The entire pair of eyes focused on the front of the screen.

Convinced themselves to would not miss even the slightest bit of the ongoing news when their curiosity has hit them.

From the television screen, Harry\'s handsome and tense face was visible.

And not only that, on the street. Right on the several billboards posted here and there, that unrivaled face was as clear as the best resolution that was the best quality.

Many people stop their activities. To observe that big screen and wonder.

"What happened? Who\'s he? And is there any important news ready to take place? Because it\'s not just one billboard that presents his face. But all TV stations and internet media!"

The young women were even hysterical.

"Good grief! He\'s incredibly handsome! When did he debut? Or is he already debuting?"

Someone threw the glee aside as he realized who Harry was.

"Oh no! Isn\'t he a trending topic man? The grandson of the Theodore family who is said to have covered up a sad case in their family!"

More and more people are giving interest to the figure of Harry. Traffic on the streets even had problems because there were several drivers deliberately stopping their cars to hear Harry\'s statement.

Several police officers were taken to the streets. They are trying to bring order to the chaos. Then only in few minutes after the chaos was accidentally wanted by them. Traffic was silent again.

Everyone started to pull over. And they become the safest place to keep up with the ongoing news.

When a traffic cop can\'t even imagine how this strange complication could have happened.

"This is crazy! Just because of that Young Master named Miles, so many policemen had to step in? Then now, things are quiet again because they\'re trying to be real spectators without us being willing to disturb?"

His colleagues chuckled. Shaking in disbelief. Then took out his cell phone and searched for one of the news channels they needed.

Harry\'s sharp eyes were there to look everyone in the eye without fear and nervousness. His assertiveness and authority were visible. But the friendliness didn\'t appear on that cold face at all. Even though he should have built a good image in front of everyone.

Steven and Arthur signal the crew to start their press conference.

Just as Harry touched the mic.

"I\'m here. And I\'m sure you all know about the reason."

All people were watching and listening. Harry stood up proudly and bowed slightly shortly after making that statement. He then introduced himself skillfully.

"I\'m Harry Miles. Standing at here to confirm and welcome inquiries from all of you people without exception."

Harry allowed several reporters to hurl their curiosity at him freely.

"In that case, can you better explain what really happened in your family? Is what Mr. Muliawan said true? Your father was found guilty and he tried to eliminate his nephew?"

Reihan was annoyed.

How can such an insolent opinion emerge without being filtered?

Eliminate?! Are there no better words than that?

Arthur stopped Reihan\'s rash actions. He held Reihan\'s arm and shook his head weakly.

"Don\'t do anything."

Reihan was forced to control himself.

"Then how do you explain how your grandmother compensated her son without humanity?"

"Is it true that one-sided discrimination has been organized in your extended family indeed? Then, you made Mr. Muliawan a target and victim?"

Steylla was also provoked by anger. She frowned and glanced at his brother.

"May I come forward to join into the conversation and rebuke him? Why did I feel they are crueler than a judge? And this anger feels even more unpleasant if it is not immediately vented!" Steylla had high hopes for Steven to give permission. But Steven instead gave him a code to keep quiet and not to do anything rash.

Harry answered the question with an out-of-context question.

"What\'s your name and where news station are you from?"

The reporter answered though confused by Harry\'s question.

"Rohan from Arka News,"

"Jensen from Quirp News."

Harry glanced at Arthur from afar.

"Write down those names and put them on the list!"

This order took some by surprise. They wondered what plans Harry was making. However, they thought that getting a piece of news was far more important than spreading personal information about their names and the companies they belong to while making a living.

Harry calmly answered the two questions thrown at him.

"My father never tried to eliminate anyone at all. Including his little nephew. He is a good man. And he\'s a man who loves family better than any other man in this hall."

Luan shook his head in disbelief at Harry\'s arrogance.

"So are the rest of Theodore\'s family. We really value every child or family who was born to our extended family. And will never let anyone of our family members be harmed."

Harry looked at everyone slowly and fiercely.

"But it\'s a shame. How can you believe such unfounded and stupid rumors?"

Harry smirked.

"My father was accused of plotting a crime and you people believe all that news without any evidence?"

Seeing and hearing Harry was still maintaining his sanity. Then that means he still wants to show patience while counting down the time.

"But if so. Why did all the news, witnesses, and also victims point to your father and family\'s names as suspects? And a case from 17 years ago, in the end, it didn\'t resolve well until now! You can still say that your family has no intention of harming others as absolutely? Although in fact, it has already harmed that person?"

Arthur re-recorded the reporter\'s name without having to hear his name directly from the person concerned. He had his way of finding out. And he would find out all of their names without missing a single part.

"I said it before, didn\'t I? That my family doesn\'t want to harm anyone at all. And I admit that my father was a little careless when it came to taking care of his nephew. And you as someone who was once an uncle or a father. Haven\'t you ever committed one or even a few careless acts to your nephew or perhaps your child?"

The reporter was stunned.

Harry\'s answer was careful so enough. But the reporter of course understood that Harry was just trying to reverse their words. But Harry was unconcerned.

"Mistakes can happen to everyone. And cases of missing children are also common. Even the result of their own mother\'s actions. So, just because of an irresponsible argument, you just become believe what they say?"

"Then, after a period of a dozen years, this issue was never brought up or discussed. Can\'t you think smarter that this news is just a trick by certain parties to defame the person concerned?"


Cleo was still hearing Harry\'s statement on the television screen. She\'s still at her home. And it\'s hard to go anywhere she wants now because Harry\'s men are guarding her too strictly.

"I don\'t care one, two, or even all of you. If you want to follow me, go ahead! You are free to follow me wherever I go. But don\'t bother and meddle in my business!"

Cleo gave her the most coercive and cruel gaze. She then raised one eyebrow.

"Get out of the way! As long as I\'m still being nice!"

Ane watched from behind anxiously. Wanted to stop Cleo but didn\'t have the courage. Meanwhile, the guards began to stare at each other and give codes. Discuss through eye signals and ask one party to make a choice.


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