
Chapter 76 - Allefin Aragorn

"There is a difference between Skills and Spells, Can anyone tell me what it is?" Professor Severin, the mana manipulation teacher asked.

A young girl put up her hand.

"Yes Applebottom." the professor sighed.

This girl was the definition of \'tryhard\'; there was always that one student in class that went over and beyond and it gets to the point that it becomes annoying. I mean, I had nothing against her but her know-it-all attitude was irritating.

Aria Applebottom pushed up her round spectacles, "Skills are abilities that are similar to spells and require no incantation, whilst spells require incantations and hand signs to form."

"Correct again, Applebottom." Professor Severin clapped but no one clapped with him.

So other people\'s spells took time, remembering back to my fight with Jace\'s bullies, the last 2 required both their efforts and a long incantation to produce the fireball.

In my case there was barely a difference between my spells and skills. I had skills like \'Cloning\' that required no incantations, whilst I also had simple spells like \'ice shards\' which also required no incantations.

I put my hand up.

"Yes Amara, go ahead." Professor Severin pointed at me.

"Sir, is it possible to cast spells without incantations?"

"Good question Amara, the answer is simple, yes and no. Spells always require incantations, most mages use incantations and very little require hand signs as they lack the visualisation of their spells.

"However, there is a small percentage of mages that are extremely talented and can cast spells without incantations but that\'s extremely rare and requires outstanding understanding and Visualisation of the spell.

"An example is the Exploding fireball spell, which requires an incantation of \'Globus Ignis\', I can cast it without incantations because my understanding of the spell is great. You guys must remember that the simpler the spell, the easier it is to learn how to cast it without incantations."

The professor aimed his arm at the right side of the classroom and shot a fireball without incantations, the fireball was the size of a standard football; it dissipated as soon as it came in contact with the barrier protecting the school walls.

Everyone looked shocked and clapped, I mean he made it look flashy but I could tell he focused a lot for that spell. For me, I had overcome the need for focus during casting non-incantation spells, through experience in combat and constant adapting. I could cast spells by only thinking about it.

"Thank you, thank you," He took a deep bow before smiling and continuing his lecture, "Now please open your books to page 146 and take down notes about incantations, hand signs and why they are important."

There was a lot of moaning and whining but everyone reluctantly opened their books and started copying the information.


"Damn that lesson was hella boring." Jace sighed walking next to me.

"What do you mean? That was actually an interesting lesson. The content improved after our exams, before we were learning about boring stuff like how to control your mana inflow into a crystal ball. At Least now we\'re learning more about incantations and tips that could help us get stronger." I said, lining up in the canteen queue.

"Hey guys! How are you two?" Naz asked, tapping our shoulders.

"We\'re fine, why do you look like you\'re in such a good mood?" Jace scoffed, interested.

"Have you guys seen the new guy? He\'s so handsome and tall! He transferred to Class A this morning. Apparently he came from the Elven kingdom; there\'s even rumours that he\'s got the lightning element like Zeref except he actually tells people that he has such a cool element…" she rolled her eyes at me. "The girls are going crazy over him." Naz said excitedly.


"What the hell was that?!" Jace shouted covering his ears.

"There\'s a fight quick, come if you don\'t want to miss it!" A kid shouted in the canteen. The students swarmed the exit like ants trying to get out and see what the commotion was about.

"Come let\'s go check it out." I walked towards the window of the canteen.

"Where are you going?" Jace ran after me followed by Naz.

"You don\'t expect us to go through that do you?" I pointed at the swarming students trying to leave the canteen for the site of the fight, "We\'re taking a different route."

I jumped out of the window and landed on my feet. Naz teleported to my side while Jace reluctantly also jumped down; we all ran towards the commotion happening near the park area of the school.

A large crowd surrounded watching the drama unfold. We pushed through the crowd to see what was happening.

An elf boy swiftly dodged the attacks of 5 taller boys. SHIT! Isn\'t that Allefin? I quickly recognised the elf boy that I met in the bank during my visit with Gramps.

He was Tybalt\'s brother, Allefin Aragorn of the Elven Kingdom.

He kicked two away and jumped backwards, forming hand signs he silently said an incantation and blue streaks of lightning covered his feet until they formed boots. The other three picked up their fallen brethren and all attacked together.

Allefin didn\'t back down and encouraged them to attack him like he was showboating. They roared and threw fits of punches and kicks but he easily evaded them, I whistled at his swift movements.

He then countered with a variety of kicking techniques knocking them all down injured. Did he learn taekwondo?

I watched his lightning spell and noticed it wasn\'t fully perfect, the lightning was consuming too much of his mana. I didn\'t know if he had a branched element of lightning or access to the full element like me, but he looked inexperienced in handling the power.

In a flash the fight was over and the crowd cheered. Allefin smiled, lowering his guard and deactivating his spell. He captivated the crowd with his looks and skills.

He had gotten taller by 2 inches at least since the last time I saw him and his blonde hair was longer now, matched with his lean figure and blue eyes. He could easily be mistaken as a model or a prince.

"Look out!!" Someone screamed as a sword was coming down at him vertically, it was a green haired boy. Hadn\'t I seen this boy somewhere?

I flash stepped in front of the off-guard Allefin and with my index finger and middle finger I caught the blade.

"Boss!" Allefin exclaimed, shocked when he saw my face.

I pushed the green haired boy back with one arm making him stumble to the ground, "Get lost."

At my harsh words, the delinquent picked up his 5 other followers and ran with his tail between his legs, "This isn\'t over!" he screamed, turning his head at Allefin and I.

"Disperse." I said, releasing a little ripple of mana pressure in the atmosphere. The students in the crowd shrieked and spread out going back to their original areas.

"Thanks boss, it\'s nice to see you." Allefin scratched his head smiling.

"No worries."

Jace and Naz ran over to us, "Wait you two know each other?" Naz asked, giving Allefin a quick look.

"Well yeah, something like that. He works in the Bank of Vrimeon so I met him there and we became friends." I shrugged, Allefin nodded his head in approval at my words.

"Oh, forgot. Jace and Naz, this is Allefin from the House of Aragorn in the Elven Kingdom and Allefin, these two are Jace Stinkend and Naz Hosterwell, my good friends." I introduced the elf to the other two.

"It\'s an honour to meet you milady." Allefin kneeled and kissed Naz\'s hand, Naz looked away, her face red.

"Hey! Kiss my hand too then." Jace said annoyed, making Allefin get up and look at me confused.

"Is that what humans do?" he asked with a confused look, then proceeded to kneel and grab Jace\'s hand.

"The hell are you doing? I was joking. This guy..." Jace flinched, recoiling his hand back. Naz and I laughed, as Allefin rubbed his head at the weird interaction.

"We\'ll talk in the canteen." I said walking off. Naz chased after me, locking her arm with mine; Jace and Allefin exchanged a brief awkward look before hurrying behind us.

I took Naz like a little sister so I hope Jace didn\'t get any ideas.


We all sat down with our trays filled with food. Today\'s food was pasta, same old same old; I sighed stabbing the pasta with my fork.

I felt the countless jealous stares of the different girls looking at our table. Jace ended up sitting with Naz, while Allefin sat next to me. It made me feel uneasy as the people around the canteen watched us eat.

"So Allefin, what made you move to Xanxus Academy?" Naz asked, munching down her pasta.

"Uhm, I just wanted to experience the school life here for a bit. Plus my brother let me come as long as I protected Zeref instead of him; I\'ll be returning to the elven Kingdom soon, maybe next year or so I\'m not sure." Allefin answered truthfully not touching his food.

"Interesting...Do you have a girlfriend?" Naz looked into Allefin\'s blue eyes. Jace spat out his food and went into a fit of coughs when he heard that, I laughed at his reaction. Poor Jace, he might have competition now.

"Uhm no and I\'m not interested in having one either." I could see the sigh of relief Jace exhaled and smiled.

"ZEREEFFF!!" I felt a warm sensation wrapping around my arms. THIS GIRL!

"Leilani get off me." I said, rolling my eyes.

"P-Princess, it\'s an honour to meet you. Allefin Aragorn at your service." Allefin stuttered as he got up and kneeled in front of her.

Then the realisation had hit me, Leilani was a princess all along! So the time she said she\'d take me to her parents, they were the Elven King and Queen.

"Leilani, let\'s go." I glared at her, and she moved her arm away pouting.

"You\'re no fun. It\'s fine Allefin, we\'re not in Alanor, no need for the formalities."

"As you wish milady." Allefin got up and sat back down.

Rakoria also appeared 2 seconds later and sat down next to Jace, I could see him gulp as he met her cold military gaze.

This was going to be a pleasant lunch.

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