
Chapter 324 - Combat Golems

But first things first, he wanted to experiment with placing souls in the center of Golem Cores. Eisen repeated the same process as before when he created a soul to use for Sigurd, creating a blank Rank 0 soul enhanced to the highest possible peak, before placing it into the center of a golem core which didn’t have the soul crystal added to it, and then took a look at the item. Or rather, he wanted to.

[Failed Creation]

[You have failed to create an Ego-Golem Core]

With a sigh, Eisen then began to scratch the back of his neck confused. It was rather confusing that he was unable to even make the golem core, considering that he didn’t do anything different compared to when he was trying to make it for Sigurd.

Although, considering that ’Intention’ was a pretty big deal within the game, Eisen figured that he really had to be making this for a Core Guardian in order to be able to create any type of Ego-Golem Core.

"Dammit..." He muttered to himself before releasing the ’Peaked’ soul back into a different container made up of Soul Stone Crystals, and then chose to just start working on the Golem’s Body now.

And so, Eisen sat down together with Evalia, trying to come up with a good idea for a design, considering that she seemed to be rather interested in this, and even had a few sketches ready beforehand.

The one that the old man liked the most was the one where it was basically just a completely Armor-Clad figure. That was a good idea, in Eisen’s opinion, for multiple reasons. For one, he would be able to create some full metal armors again, which was a good idea before working on the armor he wanted to make for Brody’s Companion, and it was also a good base to work on enchantments with, because he would be able to place a lot of enchantments on the individual pieces that would be placed together to make up the figure as a whole.

The concept that Eisen wanted to expand on was a Mannequin-like construction process, because that seemed to be something that Stahl did before as well, although he hadn’t seen that Golem around yet for some reason.

Eisen would create the different ’Limbs’ and then attach them to each other individually. That way, it would hopefully be easier to repair or upgrade the golem later, because it meant to simply replace the pieces with other ones.

He would even be able to change the different pieces out depending on his needs. But, Eisen had to come up with a good idea of how to properly enhance the Golem’s body. He was thinking about creating an Automaton with gears again, but that didn’t seem to be the best choice when it came to a Combat-Golem, considering that Gears easily misplaced themselves when an object was faced with a lot of sudden, brute force, which was what happened a lot during a fight.

But even then, a simple golem that was made out of solid metal somehow seemed wrong in his opinion. It seemed like a waste, somehow. So, while Evalia was working on the design for a golem, Eisen chose to design the functionality of the area directly surrounding the golem core, as well as the golem core itself.

For now, Eisen would create a spherical golem core instead of one with a special shape, just because it didn’t actually seem to add all that much necessarily in the type of body he would be giving the golem.

Of course he would be adding something like Soul Generators for extra mana, if needed, as well as mana batteries to store excess mana. Then, Eisen figured it might be a good idea to add a little bit of a storage module just so that the Golem would be able to keep items close by that it might need a lot of the time.

Other than that, Eisen wanted to add a few enchantments to the whole thing to make sure that the body was properly being controlled, at which point he managed to reach the conclusion of how he would enhance the actual body.

He would simply enchant the spherical metal joints to make sure the body was kept together perfectly, like a piece of metal to a giant magnet. Other than that, the limbs themselves would be enchanted heavily as well to make sure the Golem had proper structure and agility in its arsenal, and just like that, Eisen would probably be able to make sure that the body would be able to move around properly instead of hanging down like most other golem bodies seemed to do when they weren’t specifically told to ’Stand upright’ or something like that.

And just when Eisen thought that the concept he came up with was rather interesting, he was given the design by Evalia, or rather, the two designs, because she had come up with three ’Characters’ of sorts. They all seemed to have the same bodily structure made up of metallic, armor-like parts, just with different focuses.

One of them, a rather large golem, slightly larger than Eisen himself, which Evalia temprorarily dubbed ’Tank’ had a structure like it was wearing full plate armor, and Evalia even designed equipment for it, a Large sword just a slight bit smaller than the one that Eisen made for Kiron, as well as a tower shield large enough to cover the Golem’s body up to its shoulders when placed steadily onto the ground.

The second Golem was temporarily dubbed ’Damage Dealer’, with an average build. It seemed to be supposed to be rather fast and agile, and while it was also wearing armor, it had something like a cloak over its head and some bags by its hip, making it seem rather thief-like. Judging from its equipment that Evalia drew for it, the Golem would be able to switch between Close-Combat, with the help of a shortsword, and Mid-Range combat using a small crossbow set into its arm.

And as for the third golem, it seemed to be a mage-type. When Eisen read that the third one was dubbed ’Support’ and saw that it was supposed to be a mage, he thought that it would be wearing something like an actual cloth-robe, but it seemed like that it really didn’t. It was actually wearing something like metallic robes, at least that’s what they looked like. In their make-up, the robes seemed to be somewhat layered and scale-like in how they worked, although they were just rings of metal stuck on top of each other, although there were apparently still a few cloth parts spread around the body.

But in the end, Eisen really liked these three designs a lot. They were a pretty good base for when Eisen would be able to figure out how to create Ego-Golems as well, or rather, when he managed to get that skill, which would hopefully wouldn’t be too far away.

Either way, once Eisen was given these designs be Evalia, he could properly start working on figuring out their functionality. The ’Tank’ would get a storage module inside of its back, simply because it was the physically largest and it would be a waste to simply create a big block of Steel. Other than that, it would of course get the Soul Generators and Mana Batteries, as well as a setup to be infused with the earth element once Eisen managed to get his hands on a way to generate it.

He could simply use his own element to support the Tank’s body, but that would probably simply make it useless for combat, just because Eisen’s element did barely any direct damage. Because of that, he would rather want to wait for a better time.

The ’Damage Dealer’ would get a small ’Latch’ set into its arms so that it would be able to simply place the crossbow onto its body for better balance. Then it would of course also get the same mana setup as the Tank, just in a way to make way for the ’Wind’ or ’Fire’ elements, maybe even both. After all, the wind element was said to be the quickest element, while the fire element the one with the highest amount of direct damage, so they were both good choices of elements to give to a ’Damage Dealer’.

Other than that, it would get built-in latches in the side of its hip to attach a few different bags, as well as a sheath and a quiver for bolts meant for the crossbow. It might also be a good idea to somehow give it an enchantment on the cloth hood so that it would be able to hide itself easily, similar to the enchantments that Eisen placed on Evalia’s cloak, just specialized for combat.

And at last, the ’Supporter’ would get a higher-tier soul generator, or rather just more of them, as well as more mana batteries. For this one, Eisen also really needed to get his enchanting skill to rank 4, because he wanted to make use of Bree’s element, which was a direct support element that was able to make her cast numerous supportive spells.

Eisen’s enchanting skill was about 30 levels away from ranking up again, so that meant that he would need to come up with some kind of idea to get his enchanting skill as high as possible as quickly as he could, because they would reach the islands relatively soon, and he wouldn’t have all that much time to work on the Golems once they got there.

"Alright, then let’s get started, huh?" Eisen muttered to himself with a grin on his face, more than just happy to start on another big project now, although before then, he had to finish his day of work with his students. He would have enough time late at night to start on everything, and because he only seemed to need about four or five hours of sleep within the game to perfectly get rid of any of his exhaustion, he would be fine tomorrow to continue teaching his students about something else. He might actually be able to squeeze three lessons in in a single day because he didn’t need to teach any of the Kobolds anymore now, although he would just have to see about what to do with the lessons tomorrow then.

For now, Eisen simply stepped down the tunnel of the brick maze and began to take a look at what everyone was doing. This was a rather straightforward task, because Eisen really just told them to use the bricks that Sigurd was creating by just making certain areas of the stone walls disappear to create the stone-brick wall.

But then, Eisen got a rather interesting idea as he was watching his students stack the bricks on top of each other. And idea which would also at the same time help him get proficiency in Enchanting, while helping to create this maze.

"Sigurd, you mentioned that small ’Safe Area’ at the end of each Floor before, right?" Eisen asked with a broad grin, and the Core Guardian immediately appeared next to the old man. "The one with the Dungeon Teleporter to get Adventurers back to the beginning?"

"Exactly, that one. How about we don’t just make this ’Safe Area’ a place to return to the start, but a place to recover from the fights of the floor they were on?" He asked with a grin as he grabbed one of the stone bricks laying in front of him, and Sigurd simply tilted its head to the side confused.

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