
Chapter 75 - Concord To The Rescue!

Prince Rui wore an ugly expression with clear shock written on his face as he staggered backwards. This child had the audacity to use such an underhanded method like this in a fight.

Everyone knows the unspoken rule of fighting. Don\'t hit below the belt and never ever hit the face. Now his selling point was ruined by an insignificant ant, a weakling who relies on his daddy for everything. How could he not retaliate?

"You!..." he roared as he clutched the hilt of his sword tightly in anger. At this point, he had lost all rationality activating all fifty different seraphic energies he had accumulated over the years to retaliate. The only problem was that he had only mastered using five abilities at the same time and the toll on his body was a serious matter that would be extremely hard to recover from. This goes to show how much he had lost his mind.

But before he could release this massive amount of energy to destroy his enemy something sharp pierced his neck and a small amount of latrion was injected into his aetherial veins. The amount was small but it was enough to shut down the flow of seraphic energy circulating in his body.

Eyes wide in shock he lifted his trembling hand towards his neck and pulled out the dart. His brow creased staring with his blurry vision at the dart in his hand with blood at its tip.

When he looked up to see who had the balls to attack him while he wasn\'t paying attention he was met by a pair of peach blossom eyes belonging to an enchantress.

Behind her were members of the concord who were rushing over to encircle Ji Yao who had at this point exhausted himself so much that he struggled to keep his posture.

Prince Rui\'s gaze shifted to Ji Yao and the corner of his mouth lifted in a sneer before he dashed away using whatever little seraphic energy he had left.

"Go after him," said Lady Ching Sei before reaching Ji Yao.

Seeing that the threat had been neutralized Ji Yao couldn\'t hold on anymore. The flames on his sword vanished as he toppled forward. Lucky for him, Lady Ching Sei was there to catch him before he fell. "I am sorry my lord," she said holding Ji Yao. She remembered Ji Yao didn\'t like being touched but the situation was urgent.

While Ji Yao fell into a coma, Prince Rui was making a break for it through the forest. That latrion had incapacitated him and he had to run otherwise these filthy pirates would end him here. He had been careless earlier and let his anger get the best of him giving way for him to be snuck up on without him being aware.

That was such a rookie mistake that he was beating himself up for but there was no point crying over spilt milk and there was no way that milk was going back in the carton. The only thing he could do right now was focus on getting away. He had to live to fight another day.

But who was he kidding? In his current state, how could he get away from these pirates? Soon enough they caught up with him with Zhang Li in front. This man was normally a coward and would push others in the forefront but now that Lady Ching Sei had crippled Prince Rui he was the front runner.

Who didn\'t want the prestigious title of having caught Prince Rui? He was already seeing the masses in the Nocru community raising banners in gratitude and singing songs about his heroism. Unfortunately, today wasn\'t the day he would be known as Zhang the great because the prince\'s backing wouldn\'t let him be captured or killed as yet.

Zhang Li leapt forward to tackle the prince, don\'t even bother asking why he chose to tackle him instead of using his seraphic energy. He was taking on a hands-on approach so in the songs, they would mention his herculean prowess. They would say he was so powerful enough to take on the great prince with his bare hands.

But just as he leapt forward to his moment of glory, the prince\'s body was suddenly enveloped by a mysterious flame before vanishing on the spot. Sadly, the great Zhang had already leapt forward and couldn\'t stop his momentum which meant instead of a victorious capture he only managed to eat a mouthful of dirt.

Lying flat on the ground face down he spat out the soil before getting up. Just as he got up the others finally caught up with him. Seeing his face and clothes covered in dirt and him coughing up dust, they couldn\'t help but snicker.

"What are you laughing at?" he yelled before pushing past them in anger, "and don\'t dare tell anyone about this." He pointed at them as he said this. He didn\'t want his reputation soiled by these bastards.

While Zhang Li was thinking of saving face, Prince Rui\'s body was been thrown on the stone-cold tiles by a livid Qilin Luse. He had tried to hold it in all these years and turned a blind eye to this man\'s vile deeds but the moment he laid a finger on the little prince he was so angry what more her highness, Qilin Hao.

Because they needed him to accomplish a task they tolerated him as long as he didn\'t touch their bottom line. If he wanted to conquer anyone they would help him. If someone disrespected him they would put them in their place as long as he kept his filthy hands off Ji Wen and Ji Yao.

But now that he touched their bottom line they needed to remind him whose stage he was on. His weak body rolled on the floor stopping right before Qilin Hao\'s feet. She was sitting on her throne carved from a snow white smooth rock out of this world.

Behind her was a backdrop of her Qilin clan flag which despite being shunned from she was still proud of. This new throne wasn\'t for prestige or decoration purposes but it was carved from a rock that originated from Niuq with a calming effect.

Her aether was cracked and she was prone to violent outbursts which only made matters worse. She was left with no choice but to find this rock to help her calm down her explosive seraphic energy and in turn prolong her life.

With one leg crossed over the other she sat with an upright domineering posture exuding a superimposing aura that could be felt from miles away.. Her gorgeous maroon dress contrasted with her slender legs showing through the slit of the dress giving her an appearance of a powerful queen.

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