
Chapter 87 - Sour Taste Of Vinegar

After running the hundred-meter dash, Rui Fei finally calmed down. He languidly stood with his back leaning against the wall as he clutched his chest. He painted the image of a broken-hearted lovelorn teenager under the bright moonlight with his hair hung low covering his face.

But this didn\'t accurately portray his true emotions. His chest felt like flowers were blossoming at the start of spring. The petals of love were unfolding making it very hard for him to breathe. His obsession had upgraded into something that was hard to say out loud.

He had never thought he would be in this position. That\'s right, he didn\'t think. For the past two years, his life had revolved around this person and now that he had finally seen him he had the urge to be by his side night and day. What he didn\'t realise was that the borderline between obsession and love had been fractured showing cracks.

Them cuddling or Ji Yao letting him touch him on the ship was the matchstick being struck resulting in these flames. Okay, since he had accidentally fallen for a male god who was also his benefactor then what would he do next? What could he do about it? These questions steamrolled Rui Fei\'s mind leaving him at a loss. How does a man tell another man that he is simping over him and he will do anything to hear him say \'I like you too\'. He wasn\'t an expert when it came to matters of the heart so he decided to seek help from a professional.

Alright, maybe she wasn\'t a professional more like a self-certified love guru. Thinking he could get some advice from Rui Li the next morning he let the matter rest.

To feed his addiction and calm the fire at the pit of his stomach he decided to sleep in Ji Yao\'s bed. Since the owner of the bed was knocked out cold he would never find out, right?

The heartwarming scent on Ji Yao\'s quilt wasn\'t as strong as when he hugged the man but it was enough to feed his addiction. He took a long whiff and slipped into a wonderful dream. As expected the person he dreamt about was his male god.

It was in the same canola flower field bright and sunny. He slept next to Ji Yao with his hand on the man\'s slim waist painting a blush-inducing scene.


This dream wasn\'t mutually exclusive because the drunk Ji Yao sort of dreamt the same thing. The dream was so real that he woke up with a start clutching his half-open robe. He looked around his eyes as heavy as lead but all he saw was a basin on the floor and a towel. Other than that he was alone.

He rubbed his forehead with his hair drooping low concealing half his face. He had a terrible hangover but that was the least bit of his worries. The fact that he kept dreaming about Rui Fei was really concerning. He rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand feeling awful.

While Ji Yao was questioning why he kept dreaming about Rui Fei all the time, the culprit had woken up bright and early and was currently harassing Rui Li. He didn\'t exactly come out with it immediately deliberately avoiding the subject while touching his sister\'s stuff like a tyrannical older brother.

Rui Li was a little annoyed but of course, she was a weak chicken when compared to Rui Fei so she could only be bullied. "Where is your annoying roommate," he asked sitting on her bed with his legs crossed like he owned the place.

Rui Li frowned as she took away her box of treasures Rui Fei had laid his hands on. Choosing not to answer she asked a question instead. "Dage, now that you are well you have come to find trouble with me, is that it?" she said tilting her head to the side eyeing him uh suspiciously, "but it\'s so unlike you." What do you really want?"

Rui Fei locked gazes with Rui Li for a moment wondering if it\'s really okay to discuss such things with a blabbermouth? She might be able to keep the secret but there was a high likelihood that she wouldn\'t be able to conceal her emotions.

Deciding this might be a bad idea he decided to speak in riddles but just as he made this decision he saw the corner of a book sticking out from underneath the pillow. From the title, he could easily tell what book this was. It was the book Stormy Love, which was now Rui Li\'s new obsession.

That\'s when it hit him. He needed to do research and learn how things were between guys before even trying to capture Ji Yao\'s heart. He grabbed the book without thinking twice and got up to leave.

Rui Li, "...."

"Dage! I haven\'t finished reading it. Why are you even confiscating it? There is no nudity in it... I swear," she complained but it was futile.

He crossed his hands behind his back like an intellectual scholar and said, "Reading these is detrimental to your mental development. How about you read educational books for once. I will ask Yao-ge to recommend you something," before exiting the room.

Rui Li who had no idea that she had been swindled flung her limbs around in anger. None of her brothers ever dictated what she read as long as there wasn\'t smut in it they normally wouldn\'t care. This was the first time she had been disciplined making her incredibly upset.

Who wants to read poetry that makes her head bleed from the complicated language? Just say sunlight, not the warm kiss of heaven that brightens anything it touches. It\'s fuckin sunlight so why not fuckin write sunlight instead of speaking in riddles.

While Rui Li was ranting about how cruel Rui Fei was to her, he was on his way to find a cosy spot to read the book and discover its secrets on how to catch a man\'s heart when he saw Xiaoyu. She seemed to be in a fairly good mood today all dolled up as she headed to the kitchen.

His eye twitched in suspicion. How could he have forgotten that he had a love rival? The romantic hero saves the beauty scene from last time resurfaced in his mind and he clenched his fist creasing the book in his hand.

If Rui Li saw this her little heart would be crushed. She treasured that book so much but her vinegar guzzling brother creased it in less than ten minutes after confiscating it.

Without knowing it, Rui Fei followed behind Xiaoyu and saw her talking to an elderly woman with a warm motherly smile. She mentioned something about the congee being ready and just waiting for her to dish it up.

Rui Fei scoffed as he loosened his grip on Stormy Love ending its suffering. The most adult thing to do here was to shake hands and wish them a fair competition but lucky for Rui Fei, he wasn\'t an adult.. He could behave impulsively and act childish on account of his age.

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