
Chapter 27 - King Of The Mountain.

Yang Dao sensed Icarus closing in on him. He switched his gears again and leaned his body even more. His speed increased again, the distance between the two people increased more. Yang Dao saw a curve coming up ahead. He had no intention of slowing down. Icarus saw Yang Dao\'s intention and was surprised because until Yang Dao intended to lean into the inside, that way he will make a quick turn but then he will enter the wrong lane as the curve ended.

The whole crowd in the bus held their hearts in their mouths. Only the coach was looking excited. He wanted to see whether this kid had the guts to do this. Although he knew it was not safe to do so, this mountain relatively had no traffic at all. Except for the occasional tourist buses passing by. When the crops of the farms were harvested, they would be transported by heavy trucks and in those days the mountain was closed for civilian transport. This was because the crops here were grown for military use and transportation cannot be slowed. So avoiding accidents they sealed the mountain for two days. 

Yang Dao leaned in for a big turn. He moved his bike towards the inside of the road first, then as the curve finished, he was on the wrong side of the road. The bike was moving at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour on a slope. This guy was a monster for those who watched from behind. But if someone was to see the front, they would know how hard this boy was trying to keep the lead and win the mountain stage. Icarus on the back muttered, "The shortest way."

The shortest way was a technique used in road racing. Taking the inside on the bend and outside on the straight to complete the curve. This technique could be successfully used in motorbike or car racing, but while riding a bike the gravitational pull changed and affected the stamina of a person. The further outside you are, the greater the pull. Yang Dao has been implying this strategy from the beginning yet still he could keep up the lead. This stunned Icarus even more. 

His battle spirit ignited, and he also accelerated. But his racer instincts did not allow him to use the same technique as Yang Dao. He moved at a steady pace. Icarus wanted to win. But he was not given a chance by Yang Dao. Icarus was persistent in his pursuit, but his rhythm was disrupted by Yang Dao\'s chaotic style. Now they had crossed the hundred-meter milestone. The highest point where the road of the Ruby Mountains reached was now in sight. This 100 meter was a straight stretch. 

Icarus changed his gear and sped up. He swiftly caught up to Yang Dao. Icarus was an experienced rider, he was skilled enough to close ten meters gap in a short time. The two people riding side by side with only 70 meters left to the mountain finish. Yang Dao was not about to give up. He raised his head to watch the summit approach. He raised his front gear to the third and squeezed the energy out of his partially numb muscles. His speed increased, and he took the lead by half a wheel.

Now only 60 meters were left. Icarus leaned forward on his bike as he danced. The wheels produced a whoosh, and he sped up again, catching up to Yang Dao. The crowd on the bus was extremely excited. They did not expect the first years to put on such a competition. Yang Dao and Icarus were definitely regular team material. Thomas nodded alongside the coach. The three first years who gave up felt blood rushing to their heads. They wanted to ride their bikes just like this. To have this kind of race, but they took this sport too lightly. The scene they watched on the screen made them all was harder for them. 

Yang Dao and Icarus were unaware of the inspiration they gave to the others. They were totally focused on the road and their bikes. Yang Dao loosened his upper body to lean down. His bike was constantly swaying from left to right. He increased his cadence suddenly. Icarus increased his pedal force as well. One minute later, Yang Dao raised his head while he panted. Icarus behind him kept his head down. 

It was apparent who won the mountain section of the race. Yang Dao was breathing heavily, and Icarus was no better. He spoke as he kept looking down, "Damn... you sure... you are human?" he was also trying to catch his breath. Yang Dao was not using his wind element manipulation and spoke, "Yeah... I am human." 

They both were not pedaling but letting the inertia carry their bikes ahead. Icarus spoke, "Look at the view on your left." Yang Dao instinctively turned left, and he was shocked. From this point, he could see the whole city below. It was as if a model from building blocks was created. Yang Dao smiled faintly. Icarus spoke, "Congrats on becoming the king of the mountain. I am now going for the flats and see how you eat dust." his words may sound harsh but Yang Dao smiled and raised his knuckle at Icarus.

He spoke, "Friends?"

Icarus was shocked stupid. He yelled, "I thought we were friends already back at the start line. Fuck." although he said that, he still bumped his knuckles with Yang Dao. Then Yang Dao spoke, "What is this King of the Mountain, you spoke of." 

Icarus spoke nonchalantly, "The one who crosses mountain zone the finish line first in the whole race is called King of the Mountain. As he or she is the first one to conquer the peak that day. But remember it\'s just a dramatic way to say you won the mountain section."

Yang Dao nodded, and he did not ask for more. Icarus also did not speak, as he was feeling drained of energy. The two people chugged a bottle of energy-boosting water, glucose. They continued to descend. Unaware that they have caused the whole bus to erupt in loud cheers. Thomas and the coach exchanged a glance and nodded. 

Thomas spoke. "Coach, how about it?"

Jacob spoke, "They are good. Let\'s see them in the training camp three months later."

Thomas nodded, and then they sat as the crowd discussed the climb. Yang Dao was favored by Felix as a fellow climber. He felt that Yang Dao had a good chance of becoming the team\'s core climber. While Ray was a sprinter supported Icarus for his overall effort. It may sound like a mixed opinion but it was actually good research. Icarus was a sprinter, thus his effort was more commendable. Yet Yang Dao was riding his bike with a calm temper as if winning had nothing to do with him.

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