
Chapter 1558 - These Accursed Impulses

Chapter 1558: These Accursed Impulses

Finish her off?

In the sky above, the phoenix that had almost been disabled from Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu’s slaps shuddered upon hearing this.

It looked down at Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu, and a sense of elation appeared in its eyes as it contemplated the revenge that it could take.

Everyone liked to beat up their enemies when they were down for the count, and the proud phoenix was no exception!

“Chirp!” The phoenix gleefully accepted An Lin’s suggestion, and it spread its wings before flapping them violently toward Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu, upon which boundless crimson Divine Flames surged forth like a tsunami wave, incinerating everything in its path.

If it was going to land the killing blow, then it had to do a thorough job.

The most thorough job would be to burn Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu until nothing was left of her!

The Divine Flames descended with the power to instantly burn all living beings into nothingness, let alone Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu, who could even be dead already.

However, in the next instant, a man riddled with wounds with an extremely diminished aura appeared before Lin Yu and waved a hand through the air to dispel the surging wave of scorching Divine Flames.

“Don’t even think about it.” Heavenly God Jordan spoke in a cold voice, “I won’t let anyone hurt her.”

The phoenix was given a fright by Heavenly God Jordan’s sudden arrival.

“You think you can protect her?” The Celestial Thearch charged toward him. “We’ll take both of you down at once!”

“Be careful of his ninth divine halo,” Black Spirit Snake cautioned.

“We’ll finish this battle as quickly as we can.” White Spirit Snake wore an expression of determination.

The three super mighty figures at the Dao Integration Pinnacle Stage were already exhausted after such a prolonged battle.

Heavenly God Jordan had screwed himself over and placed himself at a massive disadvantage, but no one had been able to land the killing blow on him yet. All of them knew that they had to finish him as quickly as possible. Otherwise, if any unforeseen turn of events were to take place, it could spell cataclysmic disaster for all of them!

Heavenly God Jordan looked at three super mighty figures flying toward him before looking at the Southern Heavenly Gate in the distance and taking a deep breath.

He was just about to unleash his final technique when a pair of hands grabbed tightly onto his ankle.

He looked down to discover Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu looking up at him with a pair of hollow, black eyes.


The black divine halo above her head became riddled with cracks.


In the crimson sky above, a black vortex suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterward, a cylindrical pillar of black divine light imbued with extremely terrifying power descended upon the earth!

Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu was bathed in the black divine light, and she stood up unsteadily again. She aimed her hollow, black eyes at An Lin and Xu Xiaolan as an unsettling smile appeared on her face.

The Celestial Thearch, Black Spirit Snake, and White Spirit Snake were still hurtling toward them.

However, she didn’t even look at them as she waved a nonchalant hand through the air, as if she were swatting away annoying flies.


Boundless darkness erupted forth in a ring-shaped shockwave.

The Celestial Thearch, Black Spirit Snake, and White Spirit Snake all sensed a paramount power surging toward them, as if it was going to engulf everything and reduce all things into nothingness.

Thump thump thump!

After a series of violent collisions, the three super mighty figures were all knocked flying.

Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu wore a blank expression as she hobbled over toward An Lin while muttering a string of gibberish along the way, “My master is darkness, so I do not fear anything born from light...”

An Lin didn’t know what Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu was muttering about, but he had well and truly been scared sh*tless by this deranged woman.

He had thought that he had the life force of a cockroach and that he could hold on through anything before creating a miracle. But now, he finally knew who truly had the life force of a cockroach. Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu had her heart detonated twice and copped a Finger of the Heavenly Dao, but she was still able to stand up!

Was this b*tch unkillable?!

Heavenly God Jordan stood nearby while silently looking at Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu with a grief-stricken expression on his face.

Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu seemed to have returned to her former condition and began to charge toward An Lin and Xu Xiaolan.

Xu Xiaolan held An Lin in her arms and tried to flee into the distance, only to find that she didn’t even have the strength to stand up with An Lin...

An Lin and Xu Xiaolan were completely at the mercy of their enemies.

What can I do, what can I do...

An Lin and Xu Xiaolan were both extremely distressed as they looked at the oncoming Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu.

Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu’s shadow was elongated by the darkening crimson sky, and she approached like the darkness of absolute despair.

The phoenix unleashed another barrage of Divine Flames from above.

Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu raised a hand, and a black defensive barrier was materialized, keeping the golden flames at bay.

At this moment, the Celestial Thearch, Black Spirit Snake, and White Spirit Snake were charging toward her again.

Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu seemed to be getting a little annoyed, and she unleashed a palm toward An Lin and Xu Xiaolan in the distance!

A massive black palm was instantly materialized before falling from the heavens with a devastating power. If this palm was allowed to fall, both An Lin and Xu Xiaolan would be crushed into mincemeat!

“Help! Help!” An Lin finally recovered some strength after swallowing an immortal pill, and he was on the brink of tears as he yelled in a loud voice.

The Celestial Thearch, White Spirit Snake, and Black Spirit Snake all faltered upon seeing this. They did not expect Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu to still be so determined to attack An Lin when there were so many powerful assailants charging toward her.

Just how much did she hate An Lin?

Was she that jealous of their love?

The massive palm was already descending upon An Lin and Xu Xiaolan.

An Lin held Xu Xiaolan tightly in his arms and prepared for the final goodbye.

“Xiaolan, I love you.”

As he spoke, An Lin pressed her head forward to imprint his lips on Xiaolan’s.

All of a sudden, a petite figure appeared beside them before hoisting them into the sky like an eagle abducting a pair of defenseless hatchlings.

“Holy f*ck!” An Lin’s kiss was cut off, and he was given a massive fright.

“Are you retarded? You’re still going to flaunt your relationship at a time like this? You’re only going to make Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu hate you even more!” a beautiful and heavenly voice sounded.

Only now did An Lin discover that his waist had already been encircled by a slender arm.

Xu Xiaolan had been tucked under another slender arm.

The two of them were carried into the sky at an extremely fast speed.


The massive black palm crashed down onto the ground, creating a massive palm-shaped crater.

An Lin and Xu Xiaolan had evaded Heavenly Goddess Lin Yu’s attack just in the nick of time!

An Lin detected a faint, pleasant aroma, and only now did he have a chance to catch a glimpse of who his savior was.

The flowing white dress, the sharp and pointy chin, the flawlessly intricate features, the clear and enticing eyes, and the charming and energetic short hair... They had been saved by a beauty.

“Ver... Vermilion Bird Princess?!” An Lin exclaimed with shock and elation.

“Keep talking and I’ll drop you,” the Vermilion Bird Princess grumbled.

She had made a promise to herself to spectate this entire time and never interfere in order to maintain her neutrality. However, in the end, she was unable to repress her urge to swoop in upon seeing An Lin in mortal danger!

She felt like her mind had gone completely blank, and when she came to her senses again, An Lin had already been tucked under her arm...

These accursed impulses!

The Vermilion Bird Princess was furious!!!

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