
Chapter 272 - A Cold Soldier

"So? What did you want to talk to me about?" Xiang Peng asked, leaning against the wall a short distance away.

I had followed Shi Yan and Xiang Peng, under the excuse of \'bathroom\'. I didn\'t know why exactly I followed them, since their conversation was supposed to be private, but perhaps getting this information could become useful later on, if I ever turned enemies with Shi Yan and his group of friends.

"Whew...okay...you got this, Shi Yan..." he told himself, looking down at the floor.

Xiang Peng raised an eyebrow, confused, but didn\'t say anything.

After making up his mind, Shi Yan looked Xiang Peng straight in the eyes, and spoke.

"I like you, Xiang Peng! Please go out with me!"

Silence ensued. He spoke in a relatively loud tone, so honestly, it wouldn\'t have been a surprise if the girls within the room we were in heard what he said, as the door was open. The other private rooms around us had their doors closed though, so it wasn\'t likely they heard what happened. Still, this kind of defeated the purpose of coming all the way out there to talk. I wasn\'t one to judge though.

"Um..." Xiang Peng seemed unsure how to respond, and fell into thought.

"P-Please! I\'ve always wanted a girlfriend, but this is the first time I actually mustered up the courage to ask someone out!"

"But...didn\'t we only meet, like, an hour ago?" Xiang Peng frowned. "You\'re just going for my body, aren\'t you?"

On point.

Shi Yan flinched, as her guess hit the mark. "N-No! I genuinely like you, Xiang Peng!"

Xiang Peng thought about it for a moment, then grinned - or rather,  smirked


"Tell you what, if you can do something for me...I\'ll believe you," she said.

"Huh? What is it? No matter how difficult, I\'ll do it!"

"Hm...okay, it\'s not too hard. All you gotta do is press a button."

Press a button...? Oh. Don\'t tell me...

"T-That\'s it? Where\'s the button?" Shi Yan asked innocently, completely charmed.

Xiang Peng smiled. "In a building a bit far away from here, called the Ross Estate."

...Yep. That confirms my suspicions. Xiang Peng...is more devious than I expected. Quite the move she played there.

"The Ross Estate...never heard of it," Shi Yan said.

"I can show you where it is. But the button I want you to press is on the third floor of the building, in a hidden bathroom," Xiang Peng explained. "So? How about it? You up to the challenge?"

"Y-Yes!" Shi Yan said, pumping his fists. "I\'m ready. When do you want to go?"

"Oh no, I won\'t be going with you," Xiang Peng said, flawlessly removing all blame from herself. "The less people, the better, since you\'ll have to sneak past the guards to get in."

"Hm...I can do that. My specialty is Shadow Magic. I can use Vanishing Shadows to sneak inside."

"Perfect. You can go after we pay the bill, then. I\'ll keep in touch via phone."

"R-Really? You\'ll give me your number?" Shi Yan asked, getting excited like a 5 year old receiving a new toy.

"Of course, how can I communicate with you otherwise?"

With that, the two of them exchanged phone numbers. Sensing their conversation coming to an end, I hurried back to the room before they returned to avoid being suspicious.


After we paid the bill, we got ready to leave. The girls who went to the Hunters\' Guild this morning still needed to clear the Gatekeeper for Floor Three in the Library, so the plan was to return there to get that done. As for those of us who already have beaten it, we would challenge the Floor Four Gatekeeper. 

But then, Shi Yan spoke up. "Sorry, you guys, I got something to do. Once I\'m done, I\'ll meet back up with you guys at the Library."

"Huh? You have something to do?" Cherry asked, frowning. "I\'m going to say that\'s a lie. You have never kept a secret from the three of us in your life."

"L-Listen, there\'s a first for everything. It\'s just...men stuff. I won\'t take too long...probably be back by 2 AM," he said.

Since it was more or less 1 AM right now, he gave himself one hour of time to accomplish the task given to him by Xiang Peng.

"Alright...but don\'t go doing something dangerous on your own, you hear me?" Four-Eyes said, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

He\'s sharp.

"R-Right, yeah. Of course not."

"Have fun!!" Ling Ling said excitedly. She got along well with all the other girls because of her outgoing 

With that, he broke off from us. I assumed Xiang Peng already told him the location of the Ross Estate, as he was heading in that direction. I didn\'t say anything though, and instead, just sent Xiang Peng a quick glance. She noticed this, and our eyes met. Even though neither of us said anything, she realized I already knew what was going on, and she stuck out her tongue and winked. I sighed and looked away.

The remaining members of our group headed for the Library, and I noticed Xiang Peng\'s pace being different from usual. I slowed down my own pace to match hers, and we found ourselves isolated from the group that had walked on ahead. It had been a bit of a bother getting Qing Yue and Amane to let go of my arms, but I succeeded. Ling Ling was keeping them company with her extroverted personality that will never allow a conversation to die down. I swear, that girl could keep talking forever. She had been talking since lunch.

"You\'re more sinister than you seem on the surface," I said to Xiang Peng, while keeping my gaze fixed forward.

She smiled, similarly not looking in my direction. "So you heard my conversation with Shi Yan, huh?"

"...Was what you did really the right decision?"

"What, do you not approve of me playing with a boy\'s heart like that?"

"No...that\'s your problem. I don\'t care about Shi Yan\'s heart. I\'m just asking...what if you get him killed? He seemed confident when he said he could sneak inside with his Shadow Magic, but those guards are not idiots. Even with my power, I can\'t say for certain I will be able to get past them stealthily. Last time, Feng Mian and Xiao Su had to use the Cloak of Invisibility, after all."

"So, in other words, you\'re worried about him?" Xiang Peng asked. "Well well, this is quite a rare sight. I\'m a bit jealous. You never worry about me, after all."

I scoffed. "You know full well what I mean."

"Are you afraid of our friendship with those four deteriorating because of this?"

"Not exactly. I don\'t really care about our friendship, per se, but it\'s always better to have one more ally than one more foe," I explained. "If Shi Yan does get hurt or even killed..."

"Then...no one will know, won\'t they?" Xiang Peng unexpectedly interrupted. "Dead men tell no tales, after all."

I blinked in surprise. "That was...cold."

"Nope. Who can beat you when it comes to that?"

"...Heh. I suppose you\'re right. I am in no position to judge your actions," I chuckled. "What you said was just pretty surprising, that\'s all. I never expected you to have a harsh side to you as well. I guess we\'re more alike than I originally thought - willing to use any and all tools at our disposal."

"You\'ve already seen this side of me though, haven\'t you?" she asked.

"Indeed...I guess I have. You were just like this back in Shenzhen. You didn\'t even blink as you slaughtered monster after monster. It wasn\'t just monsters, either. The Midnight Syndicate members too - you didn\'t even flinch as you committed murder."

"Exactly. A soldier needs to have a cold side, otherwise she won\'t be able to survive for two minutes on the battlefield," she said with a sigh. "Though...maybe if that guy wasn\'t so much of a pervert, or if we spent more time together before he randomly asked me out, I wouldn\'t have done this," Xiang Peng murmured thoughtfully. "Y\'know, he\'s practically a stranger to me. A stranger that has been constantly staring at my tits."

"Unnecessary detail there, but I get what you mean," I replied calmly.

"Of course, if  you  wanted to see my tits, I\'ll gladly show th-"

"No thanks."

"Hm, well, it was worth a shot. I\'ll make you requite my love someday," Xiang Peng said. "That\'s my goal in life now."

"Not going to happen. Guaranteed."

Xiang Peng turned to face me at last, and winked. "You never know what the future holds."

I didn\'t bother turning my head to meet her gaze, so I just kept on walking forward.

"True. But I do know quite a bit more about you now," I said. "Information is a powerful asset, and I intend to make the most out of it. You know. Just in case you betray me in the future, or something."

"Hm...unfortunately, I\'ve fallen too deep to betray you now," she said.

"What\'s that supposed to mean?" I asked.

But she didn\'t respond. Instead, she murmured faintly, as if not wanting me to hear.

"...Fallen too deep in love."

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