
Chapter 16 Reina's Request

"Reina, do you want to talk about this in private?"

It was now after the third day of class. Reina, who had wanted to speak with me, now had the chance.

"Yes, I would like this to be in private."

"Montgomery, I would like to talk to Charles in private. Could I get your aide to leave also?"

I then looked at Nene and nodded my head for her to leave. With the two of them leaving, only Reina and I remained.

She had wanted me to follow her to the back of the school\'s courtyard, where not many people would come.

What did she want from me? I doubt it was a confession or some sort. She doesn\'t look interested in me in a romantic sense.

"So, what do you want?"

"I have a request for you."

She stared me in the eyes. Even her usual blank look had changed into something serious. It might be something big if she was this serious.

"I want you to kill my older brother."


Hearing what Reina had requested, I didn\'t know how to react. My family could be shitty, but what did her brother do for her sister to make such a request?

"And why would I do that?"

I had no problems with killing itself, but there was also no reason for me to do so.

"I will reward you for the job."

Now that got me interested. The word reward rings in my ear.

"What will you give me?"

Of course, if the rewards were too low, then there was no way I would do it.

"I have a skill-leveling capsule."

Were these things common? Linsey had given me one, but I didn\'t expect Reina to have one.

She does look like she is from a wealthy family. And to add that she wants to kill her brother meant the chances were higher.

"Do you have proof?"

"We can sign a geass."

"I see..."

If that is the case, then that should be no problem. But what makes her so sure that I could kill her brother? Even if my skill ranking is high, it doesn\'t mean my skill has to be an attacking one.

"What makes you so sure that I could kill your brother? If you don\'t mind me asking."

"I just know."


It\'s not like I could force her to answer it, but a deal is a deal. I will kill her brother for a skill-leveling capsule.

"Then do you have a geass prepared?"

Taking out a geass from her storage, she seemed prepared for this. The current geass was blank, but she would add the content now.

I was reading what she wrote.

- Once the contract is signed, the signer and signee must do what the contract requests.

- The signer would have to kill Tristan Burgess.

- After line two is completed, the signer must give the signee a skill-leveling capsule.

"Add the condition of you never framing me and having the lead of me being the killer."

Reina could easily screw me over if she wanted to be the scapegoat. Adding to this condition, the worry of Reina betraying was now gone.

"So, when do we start?"



From what I\'m seeing, Reina doesn\'t understand what I meant.

"When should I kill him? Do you know how I could get near him? Or any plan to get rid of him?"


I sighed when she said nothing. She had nothing planned. If she wanted her brother killed, then she should have a plan for it.

"Why don\'t we discuss this later after you provide the information?"

She nodded, now understanding what I wanted. And with that, we left the back of the courtyard.

"Master~! Did you do pervy things~!"

My eyes twitched when Nene said that Montgomery, who was Reina\'s aide, couldn\'t help but ask Reina if everything was ok.

"Nene, don\'t give the old man a heart attack."

Since we had no more business, the two of us parted. Nene and I went back home, and today we will meet our staff at my house.

After deciding to get a chef, we might as well get maids and butlers. Nene, who attends to me everywhere, wouldn\'t be able to look after the house.

We have hired five people as our house caretakers. Now that we were home, these five would come by in ten minutes.

And then ten minutes had passed, and Nene went out to fetch them. Nene came back and had five people with her.

One of them is a grandpa with a grandma. They are a married couple that worked together. Aled and Edna. Aled would be working as a gardener while Edna would be our chef.

Aled had neatly trimmed gray hair. He has a great build, even for his age. I wouldn\'t be surprised if he were strong during his prime. Having six digits in ranking is something to be proud of.

Edna looked like a typical old granny. She is Aled\'s wife and is less talented. But since she was a chef, it didn\'t matter.

The other three were girls. One in their mid-thirties is married. And one in their early twenties and one at the same age as me.

Ellena is a married woman with brown hair and brown eyes. She stood out a bit because of her stature. It was concerning that she looked a bit too thin.

Then we have Rose in her early twenties. If I were lustful, I would have snagged her. Rose has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her body was unreasonably well-indulged. If she wanted to charm someone, she could easily do it.

I wondered what she wanted here. She had no reason to work as a maid when she easily worked elsewhere.

And finally, we have Bella. She wasn\'t as charming as Ava but had a harmless aura around her, making one easily relaxed. Bella had black hair and purple eyes like mine.

"I welcome you all to my house. You can all get a day\'s worth of rest in your room. Tomorrow is when all of you start working."

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