
Chapter 273

Colin said to him: “Of course not, I guess he must have used his golden flames to create an opening to break through your aura or even he would be dead.

Look, you have become a powerful God and so is your aura, you may not have noticed it but your aura probably tried to kill him to defend you.”

He saw the confusion in Mykael’s eyes so he teased him: “He’s fine, so that means you still have a long way to go to catch up with him.”

And after that he quickly added to get back to their real problem : “Mykael, tell me more about this fire ball ?”

Mykael then told him : “Colin I don’t know … I’ve never seen this before and I almost want to send you on a mission away and far from this world.”

Seeing Colin’s face darken he said, stroking his face to soothe him: “I said almost … Unfortunately, I need you too much this time.”

Colin then said to him: “Did the conversation we just had about treating me like a man fall on deaf ears ?”

Mykael smiled and he ran his hand down his neck, then to his chest where he took the opportunity to brush one of his nipples which made Colin’s body react immediately and he arched his back towards him.

Fortunately, he was really too weak otherwise at this moment he would have lost the little rationality he still had and he would have crossed this limit which he has always forced to keep with Colin.

He finally put his hand on his waist that he kneaded gently and he said to him deciding to be honest with him : “Treating you like a man … Colin, why am I feeling so tempted suddenly ?”

He then said to him before finally falling asleep : “But I’m warning you, if we go further you and me and become lovers, I’m not sure I will be able to continue to send you on missions … Think carefully about it ok.”

Colin couldn’t believe his ears and then he said to him sighinghelplessly : “You really had to fall asleep now … Mykael believe me I already made my choice a long time ago, and I already told you, whatever you ask me to do I will do it … Unless it’s really stupid like telling me to stop crafting Healing potion of divine grade.”

He added as he snuggled into his arms: “If you want me to get stronger then I will, and don’t worry I will wait until your son is safe to remind you of this conversation.”

He knew that continuing to talk to him was completely useless because the sleep of a God was truly unique, it was such a deep sleep that nothing could reach them.

They only fell asleep when they needed to recover from a serious injury and that never lasted more than a few hours, but during that time they were also very vulnerable.

That was why he had managed to poison Lilith’s entire meridian network, if Kevin hadn’t pierced her skull and made her so vulnerable, he probably never would have been able to pierce through her aura.

Mykael didn’t know it but Elias had trained him as one of his Warrior Spirits that was why he was able to use the pressure point technique and was able to poison Lilith’s meridians.

Elias had taught him many things, including about the auras that protected their bodies, and the weaknesses of Gods in general.

Because even though Elias had become a God, he had told him that he was still first and foremost a Warrior Spirit, and that if the Warrior Spirits only appeared in worlds where tyranny existed, there was a very simple reason for that.

The Warrior Spirits were soldiers who weren’t only fighting against the tyranny, they were appearing in this kind of worlds to restore the balance and to make sure that this balance was maintained so that the inhabitants could livein peace.

And on a larger scale, Elias and his faithful Warrior Spirits were keeping the balance between the different Gods and the different creatures of this univers so that no war of powers would arise again.

Colin wondered if the appearance of a second Stage 3 Warrior Spirit was a sign that the peace Elias was trying to maintain was about to break down.

It would also explain why Mykael looked so troubled and wanted him to get stronger and train Kevin and his mage friends.

He had so many questions for him when he would wake up, he guessed that lot of things happened when he was recovering.

He then decided to finally close his eyes and get some rest while he still could, he had a bad feeling about all this.


Meanwhile, the Emperor of the Titans, who had just received a report from his general, whom Lilith had placed in charge of the demons of the world where the Acrium was located, was waiting to hear what his wife would propose to do now that one of his men had been captured by the God of Destruction.

Fortunately his daughter and Lilith had planted many spies on both sides, so they could always manage to find out what was going on in this world.

At the moment, the humans territory seemed to be under their complete control, while the demons territory was beginning to slip away from them.

And his daughter, who was absorbing the Titans’ bloodline he had helped her to unlock, and Lilith, who was still in an unstable state since a mage had poisoned her system according to her men, were both incapable to make a decision at this crucial time.

That was why he had had to ask his wife for advice, and while her eyes had turned turquoise because she had wished to trigger a vision to see what the future had in store for them he saw her turn pale and as her eyes returned to their natural color she said to him: “The God of War himself is coming here with his Warrior Spirits to discuss with you. And he is going to bring Tanos with him, that means that he and the God of Destruction are working together.”

Chaos then asked her: “Should we fight them ?”

Diana frowned and said: “My love, I have triggered several visions to see what would happen and to fight them now would be a big mistake.

I saw hundreds of Titans being slaughtered by these Warrior Spirits and I saw them leave without any of them being harmed, it was as if they had only come to our world to warn us.”

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