
Chapter 310

Connor looked at Derek because he was the only one who could guarantee that he was telling the truth and Derek then said to them : “We really don’t know how it’s possible, but yes, Connor can sense where the ore is and before he has even extracted it he knows which ore it is and what quality it will be. We’ve used his abilities many times when we urgently needed to find ore to craft weapons for the rebellion.”

He looked at Connor and as Connor nodded in agreement he continued : “Connor can also melt any ore and shape it to his liking with his chakra. And since we’ve never heard of anyone else having this kind of ability, we did as his sister told him and never shared this secret with anyone.”

Mykael and Caleb then looked at each other and they both couldn’t believe it, Caleb then used the communication stones to contact Mykael, ‘This is the first time I’ve heard of anyone being able to do something like this.’

Mykael replied using the communication stones too, ‘I’ve never met anyone with this kind of ability either.’

Caleb asked him then, ‘Do you think Lilith would have done an experiment and created Connor so that he could find the Acrium ?’

Mykael had no idea, so he said to him, ‘Unfortunately, only Lilith knows.’

He looked at Connor again and asked him : “What happened when you were in the dungeons ?”

If Connor had really found something, Lilith and Cassandra would have questioned him sooner to try to find out what he had discovered.

Connor then told themÂ: “While me and the others fighters were dealing with the elves, unicorns, nymphs, and other creatures found in the purple dungeons, the mages were mining the ores in the walls, but apparently it was never what our supervisors were looking for, and one day as we were about to enter a new purple dungeon, a woman suddenly appeared in front of us.

Her aura was so powerful that she didn’t even have to lift a finger for all of us to collapse to the ground.

And when we woke up she told us that we were in a red dungeon and that the only way to get out of here alive was to find a golden ore otherwise we were of no use to her.

At that moment I understood right away that none of us would get out alive and whether we found this golden ore or not she would kill us anyway.

The fighters had received the order to help the mages to extract the ore from the walls but curiously, contrary to the purple dungeons which abound in ore, this one didn’t have any.

I didn’t know that Gods existed yet and I learned it the hard way when I overheard a conversation that I shouldn’t have. One of her servants had come to see her to warn her that the creatures in this dungeon were getting harder and harder to contain and that’s when I heard him call her, Lilith, goddess and creator of all demons.

I heard her speak of the need to find this ore so that she could create weapons capable of killing other Gods and so that their reign of power and terror could finally be reborn throughout the universe.

I also heard her say that she was fed up with this world and that this time in the final showdown, she would destroy it entirely.”

Mykael looked again at Caleb after hearing this and still using the communication stones he said to him, ‘We were wrong, it was not Lilith who created Connor otherwise she would have recognized him and she certainly wouldn’t have tried to kill someone who could lead her to the Acrium.’

Caleb then asked him, ‘If it’s not her, then who ?’

Mykael said to him, ‘The Warrior Spirits were not created by the Creator, you were created on worlds in distress to restore the balance, perhaps Connor was created to help us find the Acrium before the Titans, even the Warrior Spirits were given the mission to save him.’

He then stopped talking to Caleb as Connor, who had finally relaxed and was now holding Derek by the waist, continued to tell them what had happened that day.

He explained to them that after hearing their conversation he had waited until he was sure he was alone to move again and that he had used his ability to see if he could feel anything.

He thought that perhaps the mages were not powerful enough to capture the energy of this ore but that with his unique ability he could find it.

He told them that for him after this conversation, this ore, if it was as powerful as this goddess had just said, had become the only way for him to get out of it alive.

He had naively thought that if he found it he could create a weapon powerful enough to fight against this goddess and that he could then escape.

And when he saw the stunned looks of Mykael and Caleb he said hurriedly : “I already told you I was a young demon at that time and I was not even part of the rebellion yet.”

Kelan asked him curious to know what had happened next : “Did you find any ?”

Connor said to himÂ: “I did find something, but it wasn’t the Acrium, it was something else, and it was deep in the ground. And as I began to hear the sounds of fighting, and heard the other demons I was with shortly before being slaughtered, I focused on the energy I felt in the ground, and just as I saw the first angels appear at the end of the tunnel I was in, I was teleported to where this energy source was.

In this room, which was deep in the ground, there was a big diamond in its center that reflected the colors of the prism on the crystal walls of which this room was made.

There were golden veins in the walls and I could feel this time that it was indeed an ore and that it was much more powerful than even the high grade Verarium.

There was also a ball of light that kept circling me and when it stopped in front of me, it connected to my mind and showed me what our world was like before these two goddesses appeared.

It showed me that humans and demons once lived in harmony, it showed me a world of peace where everyone seemed happy, and then it showed me what those two goddesses had done to stir up hatred between our two races.”

Mykael couldn’t believe his ears, what Connor had just said was impossible, but there was only one plausible explanation for that and that was that it was the core of this world that had saved Connor.

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