
Chapter 320

Tarik then said to them : “Jordan was sure that she wouldn’t fight you in the basement because you could have made it collapse with the power of your attacks and then hurt her beloved daughter.”

Lanis added : “His arguments were rational, so we took our chances using transdimensional teleportation Talismans and we managed to teleport directly to where we were when you sent us back here, and since you weren’t there anymore we took the opportunity to capture her.”

Miguel then asked them curiously, looking particularly at Isaac: “Where is Jordan ?”

Isaac said with a smirk: “He passed out after helping us destroy those barriers, he is sleeping in my room, I will bring him to you when he wakes up.”

Elias then asked him: “I guess you were the one who chained her to the wall with the chains that were holding Jordan prisoner.”

A golden glow appared in Isaac eyes when he looked at Cassandra but he finally just nodded and Elias then said to them : “Well done guys, well done !”


In another palace on the plane of existence reserved for the Gods, Colin was awakened by a message from Liam who told him that Ian had finally stabilized, and so he sat up and Mykael immediately asked him : “What’s going on ?”

Colin told him as he stretched : “Ian is stabilized.”

Mykael then asked him curiously : “That’s a pretty good thing, why do you look so worried ?”

Colin looked at him and he said seriously : “Those black pills are dangerous, Ian mustn’t take them anymore.”

He sighed and he said to Mykael: “Honestly, it’s a miracle he’s still alive. In the end, I had to help him control the absorption of those black particles because they were starting to eat him up from the inside.

The last pill, even if it was faster to be absorbed than the others, it almost killed him 4 times. It’s a good thing that the Drakonits’ regeneration capacity is high and that Liam was there to help him counteract their negative effects, otherwise even with my help he wouldn’t have survived.”

Mykael who was stroking his lower back asked him worried : “Will he be able to fight normally during the duel ?”

Colin ran a hand through his hair feeling frustrated: “If we had more time, even a few more days, I would have told you yes for sure, but the truth is I don’t know.

I gave Liam a potion that should allow Ian to regulate his Soul force, his reserve has increased enormously and this change has been too fast for his body to adapt naturally, thanks to this potion it should be fine.

The problem is his mood swings, if he can’t control himself, then he won’t be able to use spells, and even if he could, it would be dangerous because his control over them would not be total.”

Mykael then said to him: “Don’t worry too much Colin, the Drakonits are all great warriors and thanks to the weapons that Caleb has forged for him, even if he is not able to use spells, he will still be able to fight.”

Colin then said to him looking straight in his eyes : “This Titan can also possess powerful weapons… Damn Mykael, I have a bad feeling.”

Mykael chuckled then and he said pressing him against the bed: “What exactly are you afraid of sweetheart, Ian is not alone, we will all be there and I won’t let my son’s friends get killed, everything will be fine.”

Colin sighed again and he said to him as he put his hands on the back of his neck : “It’s true, we don’t have to follow their rules, Ian is their rightful King so even if we intervene it shouldn’t cause too much trouble.”

Mykael smiled at him and he asked him curious : “It’s pretty rare that you let your emotions overwhelm you, normally you’re a lot more rational, did you get that attached to them in the space of only 2 days ?”

Colin then said to him surprising him somewhat : “It’s hard not to get attached to them, they are good people. Ian has just discovered that he is half Drakonit and half pure demon, and now he is going to fight to liberate the demons, a people he doesn’t know, from a oppressive King, and they are even supposed to be his enemies.

As for Liam, he is a totally selfless man, he never judges people and he fights for what he believes to be right, besides I don’t know if you have noticed it but it’s not only Ian who has become much more powerful.

In the last two days Liam has also undergone changes, his chakra reserve has increased considerably and there are some things that are even stranger, the particles of fire and darkness are as active with him as they are with Ian.”

Mykael then said to him : “Don’t forget that this mark of the Union is very powerful, they are linked to each other, and Ian’s Drakonit side has probably already marked Liam as his.”

Colin didn’t know much about Drakonit customs so he asked Mykael: “What do you mean by mark him as his ?”

Mykael smirked and he told him as he resumed stroking Colin’s body: “The fangs of the Drakonits are known for two things and they always sink them into the base of their victim’s or lover’s neck.

When they sink their fangs in to kill, their victims are like burned from the inside out and they all end up disintegrating, on the other hand when they sink their fangs in during sex they share their powers with their lovers making them stronger, more resistant to magic and they also greatly increase their regeneration ability.”

So that was it, Colin understood Liam’s sudden change better now, and he then asked Mykael to tease him: “Tell me my lord and master, would I too have any benefits from having sex with a God.”

Mykael then laughed and he said after kissing him fiercely : “Sweetheart, I have already made you immortal and honestly you are already quite powerful.”

He then added as he spread Colin’s legs and positioned himself ready to penetrate him again: “However there is one definite advantage to being my man, it is that I don’t need to rest and I can satisfy you as much as you want.”

Colin smiled at him and he wrapped his legs around his waist giving him the permission to do whatever he wanted and then they both let themselves be carried away once again in a whirlwind of pleasure that they had a hard time stopping when it was finally time to join the others.

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