
Chapter 384 The Elvish Paladin

Cain slowly opened his eyes, ‘Letting Sofia use my Mana while going all out is a bad idea.’ This was the first thought to cross his mind.

He could feel the ship shaking so they were still in the sea, He was laying on a hammock with some rugs on it. It smelled weird enough for him to realize this wasn’t the military ship.

Cain stood up and looked around, he could tell this was a pirate ship. He could also sense everyone on the deck so they must have captured it…

“Ay! Already awake?” An oddly cheerful man opened the door and approached Cain. “Welcome to my ship, the roaring hog.”

“Your ship? Are you the captain?” Cain asked, the man didn’t seem dressed like a pirate captain, he looked more like a sailor.

“Ay, the name is Jack. Some call me Jack parrot since I used to own a parrot, little menace died a year ago.” Jack looked sad.

“Sorry for your loss…” Cain patted the captain’s shoulder.

“He was a good lad, bad-mouthed but can’t blame him. Grew with us after all…”

Cain felt that he needed to change the subject quickly.

“I presume my friends are on the deck?” Cain waved his hands. “Won’t find them tied up, right?”

“Nah, I’ve seen you swing that monster. I wouldn’t poke a demon’s arse.” Jack replied. If Cain did that to the Aboleth, nothing prevented him from pulverizing the entire fleet let alone a small pirate ship.

As they walked out, Cain saw everyone sitting outside chatting. It was mostly Zaleria and Alice scolding Sofia. Cain falling into the Hell Gate was effectively her mistake.

“Good morning!” Cain waved at them.

“It’s the afternoon!” Jack whispered to Cain thinking he was still exhausted.

“That was a joke…” Cain looked at him and sighed.

“Cain, are you alright-nya?” Selena rushed toward Cain.

“Yeah, no need to worry. I just needed to recover some Mana. Care to explain what happened after I lost consciousness?” Cain smiled.

Zaleria went on and explained everything as she remembers it. Cain passed out, he fell into the Hell Gate with Alice and Mary who followed them. She grabbed the Hell Gate and flew with it to the sky so water would stop going in, they thought it might push them deeper into Hell. She drooped the Hell Gate on a ship that looked big enough to carry it and then headed toward the Aboleth.

She, Chad, and the elf woman sitting on the chair then finished the Aboleth off as he was injured.

“Did you keep the corpse?” Cain asked fearing he had lost the Aboleth heart.

“I kept some of the blood, the ink sack, and the heart in my shadow. Do you need them?” Gracie walked toward Cain.

“Yeah, the heart and the ink sack. Don’t think I will need the blood though.” Cain replied with a relieved smile.

“Now, you go it’s your turn.” Alice pushed Sofia toward Cain.

Sofia stood in her place silent for a second, she literally sent her husband into hell two hours ago.

“Sorry, I won’t use your Mana again…” She seemed to be on the verge of crying.

“Don’t worry about it, I got the Aboleth’s ink, with just a bit of Kraken ink I will be able to create something that will solve that.” Cain replied and started at Zaleria, ‘Help me calm her down’ his eyes were screaming.

“You even had another woman save your husband, a one that is far weaker than you.” Zaleria threw oil on the flames, Causing Sofia to start crying her eyes out.

After a few minutes when Sofia calmed down, Farryn approached Cain.

Cain glared at her, he didn’t particularly like her. If he was to choose he would rather say he hate her than like her. The reason was complicated through years of problems.

The biggest problem he had with her is her personality. She, for the lack of a better word, is a massive hypocrite. As long as she does it, it’s acceptable, and if another did it’s bad. She says that elves have the right to enslave other races while enslaving the elves is a bad thing.

She kills on a whim but condemns those who kill to death. She looks down on slaves even though is one, and for all intent and purposes, she has a thick skull and refuses to admit she is wrong.

On top of all of that, Cain had a personal grudge against her because she was her personal torturer when he was imprisoned by the elves before enslaving Sylph.

“Cain Lisworth, I was…”

Chad picked up on his son’s distress so he stood up between Farryn and Cain. “Don’t care, don’t come close!” Chad said with a passive face, standing like a stone wall between her and Cain.

“Chad Lisworth, Cain’s father. Sylph warned me about angering you off…But I do wonder how a mere human like you will fare.” The divine magic started swelling from her. Just like Chad, she was a paladin.

Farryn Caiqirelle, a paladin to Corellon Larethian the god of the elves. Her calling was to prove that the elves were the noblest of races.

“Father don’t, she is far stronger than she looks,” Cain yelled, he didn’t even need to apprise her, he already knows her stats.


<Name: Farryn Caiqirelle><Race: High Elf><Level: 82/100>

<HP: 1722><MP: 1558><SP: 2214>

<Strength: 45><Dexterity: 16><Constitution: 28>

<Intelligence: 12><Wisdom: 36><Charisma: 18>


She was a monster, Not someone they could hope to win against in a straight fight. Unless he was to use specific magic to tire her out beforehand. She still had less Mana than him after all.

Then bother Farryn’s divine magic clashed with Chad’s divine magic as they stared at each other eyes. Farryn expected chad to fall on his knees just from the pressure of the mighty Larethian. Humans can’t even fathom the power of the elves’ god.

But then suddenly, her knees started to feel weak. Her head started to hurt and her divine magic started to wane. The divine magic seeping from Chad’s body was purer, cleaner, and sharper. Whomever Chad’s god was, he was far stronger than Larethian.

‘Is this what Sylph warned me about? Which god is backing this man to have such a presence?’

“What god do you follow?” Farryn asked.

“None, this is my power alone,” Chad replied with a sharp glare. He was honest, he venerated no god in particular.

As Farryn was about to swing at Chad, Cain jumped between them. “Stop, there isn’t a need to fight here!” Cain yelled. He didn’t expect Farryn to actually try to swing at his father.

Angered, Farryn turned around and walked toward her chair. They can speak later at an appropriate time.

Sitting there, she stared at her hand in disbelief. The moment she swung her hammer at Chad, her divine magic disappeared. Corellon Larethian, the elves’ god, was ready to abandon her if she started a fight with Chad. That only meant he feared or didn’t want any problems with whatever was supporting Chad.

‘Corellon Larethian is divine rank 19, he probably just needs this human’s god. There is no way he is supported by a stronger god.’ Farryn thought looking at Chad.

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