
Chapter 584 Umberlee's Attack

As Cain flew toward the storm, he inspected it for magic but sensed nothing. It seemed like a natural storm by all means.

The ship slowly approached, lifting its sails. Everyone stood on the deck beside Cain who kept flying. [Prismatic dome] "Hang on, this is going to be a rough trip." he protected the ship in the middle of the rampaging storm.

The ruthless waves became as high as the ship itself, the wind strong enough to lift people up and the lightning struck each time a wave raised. Cain\'s magic stood strong as the ship sailed through.

Jack ran toward the main mast, grabbed a rope, and then cut the base with his sword. CLING! He got immediately pulled up toward the crow\'s nest where he stood with the crow. He stared into the distance.

"A stone forest is ahead of us, get ready for extensive maneuvers." He yelled and all the sailors rushed to the posts. "Redhead, can you do it?" He screamed.

"Probably not, wouldn\'t trust such a thing to me." She replied from the wheel.

Jack turned around, leaping from the crow\'s nest and sliding on the shrouds. Thud! He landed on the ship\'s side rail and then rushed toward the wheel. "Give me this, you go to the crow\'s nest and direct me." He said grabbing the wheel and Charlotte nodded.

Thud! Thud! She rushed ahead, leaping toward the main mast where she started climbing.

"I don\'t want your ass sticking up the mast for a minute. Just use one of the ropes down there." Jack pointed down with the tip of his sword.

Charlotte stared down between her thighs, she saw a similar rope to the one Jack used before. That thing didn\'t seem safe but the pirate life is as well… She jumped down, pulling her sword. STAB! She cut the rope while grabbing it.

CLICK! BAM! She got immediately pulled up to the crow, her vision blurred for a second but it was a great feeling. As if it was the reverse of diving, she smiled landing on the crow\'s nest. Ahead span hundreds of stone pillars, the only way seemed to be through them.

"Jack, we have to sail through this forest!"

"I know, this why I took the wheel, guide me." He yelled back at her.

"Twenty to the left, keep straight." She yelled and kept observing the road ahead.

Jack turned the wheel, and stared at his men, "Make sure no water gets on deck!"

"Is there something we can help with?" Sofia asked him.

"Nothing my lady, please rest and enjoy the trip." He said with a smile as the waves roared behind him and lightning fell from the sky.

After just a few moments, Jack got a bad feeling, he looked around worried, "Charlotte, are we still on the right track?" He yelled.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" She replied. They were still following the same road.

"I don\'t feel comfortable when another person is sailing beside me, I have that feeling now." He looked at his hands on the wheel, this uneasy feeling, "CAIN! Do me a favor and inspect the area around us, as hard as you can!" Jack yelled and Cain smiled.

"Just tell me and I will do it," Cain clapped his hands. Creating hundreds of arcane eyes and sending them all over the place, under the water and into the clouds. Gathering as much information as he can, Cain noticed something.

Deep underwater, there is a current fuelled by magic. That current is indirectly moving the water at the surface and slowly diverging the ship. The current source was in the middle of the stone forest.

"I found it, Keep sailing and I will go fix the problem!" Cain shouted as he flew as fast as he can to the stone forest, SPLAT! Immediately taking a dive in the cold water.

Jack slowly started feeling at ease. With his skill, Charlotte\'s direction, and the occasional help from Nemmoxon to push the ship when taking sharp turns, they finally made it to the other side of the stone forest.

~Be wary, I did face a couple of Kraken and other monsters she is coming soon~ Cain sent a message to Alice and she shouted, "Get ready!" Alerting everyone but it was too late.

In the distance, where their hope of escaping the storm was, a titanic woman with a body made of water stood. Opening her arms as the storm rampaged with lightning and tornados.

The sailors froze looking at her, Charlotte\'s mouth remained open for a few seconds. "Um…Umberlee!"

"Shit we have to reverse!" Jack yelled but he then saw Sofia walk toward the tip of the ship, fire gushing from her mouth. "I\'m going to blast her off…"

"Stop! You will drown the ship and she is a goddess, she knows you\'re here and still attacking." Zaleria stopped her. Umberlee isn\'t stupid, she should have sensed Tiamat being there and is sure she isn\'t a problem and that is why she is attacking.

Thud! Thud! Chad walked toward them holding two steel cannon balls in his hands.

"What are you going to do?" Zaleria stared at him.

"Throw the balls at her." CRACK! Swinging his body, the ship floor cracked beneath his feet as he threw the heavy ball at a wild speed. CRACK! Immediately throw the second one.

PEW! PEW! The two balls hit their mark, tearing the goddess\'s body in half as if it was a dream. They had even more power behind them than being thrown by a regular cannon…the girls then remembered Chad redirecting cannonballs with his bare hand in the Aboleth battle, he could do that.

"Mortals…you have grown strong. But in the sea, this is nothing!" The goddess growled her body absorbing water and regenerating. She was unharmed. For Chad\'s power to take effect, he must hit directly or with a hand-held weapon.

~Leave her to me~ a voice rumbled behind them, ~I am about to level up, run away~

As they stared back at the stone forest, the star spawn stared back at them, his massive slender body slowly creeping in as his massive wings blotted the sky.


"Old one, there you are." Umberlee growled creating a massive water spear, "You\'re kind are unwelcomed in the sacred sea."

BAM! She threw the spear faster than the eye could perceive, and CLANG! Mid-air, the spear exploded and she looked at it baffled. Cain still didn\'t make any move.

"That was aimed at my son!" Chad growled as he was still mid-air, just after destroying her spear. "Impossible, that was a killing attack by me!" Umberlee gasped seeing a human destroy her spear.

FLAP! Ariel flew rapidly toward chad landing him in her hands so he can leap toward Umberlee. BAM! With all his might, Chad blasted toward Umberlee.

VROOM! Sofia and Zaleria did as well, quickly going into their draconic forms.

"Hold up…" Umberlee watched Zaleria open her jaw, a white blast was forming as the dragon\'s whole body raged into white flames. Sofia took her Tiamat form, charging all of her five breathers at the same time, with her size, one of her heads was already as big as Umberlee\'s whole body.

Between all that chaos, Chad charged with a divine punch that was the most thing scaring Umberlee, she could feel that it was bad to get hit by him.

[Divine interference]

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