
29 PDS – Chapter 29

[Pervy act detected: blowjob + swallowing 400 PDP x (1.5 title bonus + 2 state of undress bonus + 2 first time bonus) = 400 x (1.5 + 2 + 2) = 2200 PDP]

[Hope base horniness raised to the max.]

[Hope fear: 0]

[Hope trust: 99*)]

[Hope affection: 95 (+10)]

[Hope love: 90 (+10)]

[Hope loyalty: 81 (+10)]

[Congratulations, user! You have taken your potential daughter\'s oral virginity. One-time bonus: 5000 PDP!]

Nice! System, can I specific myself as a target of the skill Honey trap?

[Yes, user. However, the skill will have no effect on you.]

But it will have an effect on the second target nonetheless, right?

[Yes, user.]

So, if I use that skill on me and Katie, I can make her super horny and willing to fuck me, thus having a chance of raising her stats?

[That is correct, user, and very ingenious too.]

Why, thank you, system. Can you tell me what \'temporarily increase\' means?

[It depends on the target, user. The hornier and more attracted to you the target is, the longer the duration. In this case, since it will not affect you, it will affect your target for double the duration. You can safely assume a duration of at least 2 hours. Probably leaning toward 3 hours.

Lovely! Now, let\'s see…

I have 11075 points available, hm…

System, buy the skill Honey trap, please. Also, buy 12 aphrodisiac drops. There will be no side effects if she ingests so many, right?

[All of the system\'s products are side-effect-free! Please do not insult me!]

I chuckle at his peeved tone. Ok, system, I am sorry for doubting your professionalism. Go ahead with the purchases, please.

Active skill \'Honey trap\' acquired

12x aphrodisiac drops acquired

All items moved to inventory, remaining PDP: 75

The stats are rising nicely. Hm… I wonder if… system, get the amnesia drop ready!

[Yes, user]

"Honey, I want to ask you something…"

While I talk, I keep toweling her lovely body.

"Yes, daddy?"

"I am thinking, if I were to do this kind of thing with your mom, she might accept me as your daddy more easily… what do you think?"

Hope freezes at my words and stares at me.

"You mean… you and mom… with your p-penis?"

"Yes, honey, that is what I mean. But I want to hear your opinion."

Hope scrunches her face as she thinks hard. I can almost see the gears turning in her pretty little head. Finally, she slowly replies.

"Well, daddy, I think it might be a good idea… if you let her experience what I experience with you, she might understand more easily how good you are to me! Besides, it is normal for mommy and daddy to do this kind of thing, isn\'t it?" God, I love this little horny chipmunk!

"Indeed, love, this is how it should be… I am glad that you agree with me. But I will have to take it slowly, and perhaps even trick her in the beginning. Are you ok with that?"

Hope nods while smiling.

"Yes, daddy! I know that you would only trick her for her own good, I trust you!"

I kiss her forehead and finish toweling her, then we help each other dress. Time to go meet mommy!

We move downstairs and enter Hope\'s and Katie\'s apartment. Katie is as always busying herself in the kitchen, and upon our arrival she greets us cheerfully. I can see, though, that she is actually nervous around me.

System, hit her with Dog trainer and Cat herder.

[Yes, user.]

The change is evident as the skills have an instantaneous effect.

[Activating skill; Cat herder.]

[Katie trust increase: 58 (+15).]

[Katie loyalty increase: 33 (+5).]

[Activating skill; Dog trainer.]

[Katie loyalty increase: 38 (+5).]

Katie is now much more relaxed than before. I sit at the table while the girls finish preparing dinner, enjoying the view of their lovely butts as they move around. I guess Hope took from her mom…

Dinner is finally ready and we sit all together at the table. We chat about this and that, with Hope\'s bubbly personality switching from topic to topic. She is almost hopping on the chair when she tells her mother the results of today\'s study session, and I can see that Katie is both happy and impressed.

[Katie trust increase: 63 (+5).]

[Katie horniness increased: 58 (+10)]

Yup, definitely impressed. Hehe…

After dinner, the girls clear the table, then Katie and I move to the sofa with our coffee, as per our newfound tradition, while Hope says goodnight and move to her room. Heh, my little bunny knows what I intend to do with mommy dearest, so she will probably spend half the night masturbating while imagining daddy doing mommy. When I have time, I should review tonight\'s video recordings. Perhaps, after Hope is completely broken, we could review them together… hehehe… for now, though, let\'s get this show on the road. System, I wonder, can you put the drops directly into her mouth instead than in the cup?

[I could, user, but unless she has liquids in her mouth, she will feel weird about it and there is a big chance that she might not swallow and spit the drug out instead.]

Leave that to me, system! Just wait for the moment that she is swallowing to add the drug, don\'t wait for my command.

[As you wish, user.]

I turn my attention 100% to Katie as she talks about inconsequential things until she pauses. My turn!

"There is something that I think we should discuss, Katie…"

"Sure, what is it, Ben?"

"Our growing attraction to each other…"

Katie freezes and looks down, unable to meet my gaze.

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