
Chapter 46 Awakening (End)

After saying she expects me to come to the Garden in 5 minutes, Valeria snaps her fingers once, then disappears from the Training Field. She has just used her Teleportation Spell without even casting it.

I sigh in admiration and envy. Now that I have learned how to use Magic, I know how hard it is to cast such a High Grade Spell, so I can\'t help but envy her for being able to use it even without casting it.

"This bitch... She is still asleep."

As I look down at Millonia in my arms, I find that she is still asleep. I know that she has been genuinely sleeping for the past 20 minutes, but I still expected her to wake up after Valeria left, just like what she always does.

I put her down on the audience seat, take my coat off, then put it on her; I may like seeing her suffer, but I\'ll at least keep her dignity. Furthermore, it\'s uncomfortable bringing a bare chested unconscious woman in my hand.

Although this castle hosts no other living beings other than me, Valeria, Ilschevar, and the unconscious Millonia in my arms, it still hosts Dark Spirits. Dark Spirits are humans who are so wicked, their souls got cursed.

They don\'t care about humans—they are there to clean the castle—but it just doesn\'t seem right for me to show up in front of them with Millonia in my arms, whose breasts are bouncing in each step I take.

"Alright, it\'s time to go." Finishing my thought, I pick Millonia up, and bring her to my hut.

Since I have always walked with someone on the way to my hut, I am now having my quietest walk to my hut. I can\'t hear a single thing from Millonia other than the sound of her constant breath, so I look around to kill my boredom.

I have been living constantly in danger for the past two months—I have always moved my body constantly—so having this peaceful moment is as delightful as it is boring.

p I can\'t stay in one place for long as I feel the need to move my body. Well, I can stay in one place for a long time—maybe it is influenced by my desire to catch up to those bastards—but I can\'t do that unless I learn new Spells.

The same reason also applies to why I feel the need to move my body. It\'s not that I suffer from ADHD, but because I always get stronger whenever I train. My mind believes that moving is equal to getting stronger.

"You understand yourself, well, don\'t you, Layland?" I smirk then mentally pay myself in the back.

I arrive at my hut not long after, and I immediately put Millonia down in my bed. There is a strong urge to bathe myself—I don\'t smell; just sweaty—but I stomp the urge down since Valeria wants me to meet her now.

Sprinting on my way to the Garden, I arrive in front of the door connecting to the garden not long after. I immediately put my hand on the door, which is actually a Teleportation Gate, and channel my Mana to it.

The Runes on the door shines brightly as it is activated, and it opens not long after, revealing the admirable scene behind it.

Despite having stayed around this castle for two months, I have only visited the Garden twice, so the scenery hasn\'t ceased to amaze me yet. I don\'t look around too much though; I quickly run toward the stone arbor.

The guards of the Garden, the Gargoyles, which have been merely statues before I arrive in front of the arbor come to life the moment I am about to pass the arbor. They stop me in my track, and I don\'t resist them at all.

"State your business!"

"Woah, relax you damned Gargoyles! It\'s not like it\'s my first time coming here."

"Hoh? You are that baby Demon, Layland."

"What the fuck are you talking about? I am JUST a Demon."

"Hahaha. Lady Valeria told us to call you that way since you are not awakened yet."

"Pfft. Whatever. Anyway, let me through. Miss Valeria is already waiting for me."

The two Gargoyles on each side of the arbor look at each other before shrugging their shoulders and let me through. I am too busy to thank them, so I leave them while ignoring their cheers of good luck.

\'Why are they cheering for me anyway? Those Gargoyles really have some screw loose in their head.\' I shake my head in amusement and confusion.

The scenery of the Garden is as magnificent as usual, however since I have an appointment with Valeria, I can\'t enjoy it at all. I run through the Garden, until I finally slow my pace down when I see Valeria in the Path of Reminder.

She is slowly walking toward the Throne of Eternity, which is on the other end of the path. I don\'t know if she walks slowly purposely, but I immediately catch up to her, and walk beside her.

"That was very quick. I half expected you to have some intimate moment with Millonia."

"You know that something like that will never happen between us. Spitting at each other is the most intimate thing we can do."

"Oh... Well. It does seem intimate to me."

"I think there is something wrong with your definition of intimacy, Miss. Valeria."

Valeria giggles softly at my comment, and the walk turns silent afterwards. We soon arrive in front of the Throne of Eternity, which is surrounded by the seven statues of the Heroes that managed to kill the Demon Kings buried there.

Valeria gazes at the seven Heroes surrounding the grave solemnly for a few seconds before turning her eyes to me. I am slightly surprised by the look she gives me, but I do a good job to hide my surprise so she doesn\'t know about it.

"Humans are weak—spiritually and physically. They have nothing on them other than sheer willpower, and a speck of intelligence—they are nothing but glorified targets for the other races in this world."

Valeria moves her gaze back to the seven statues. "Despite so, the God still favors them. They are blessed by the Gods—they are given the strength to face the other races. They trample the weaker ones, but they still got away with it, unlike Demons."

"Whoever the God is, they are really open about the favoritism, aren\'t they?"

"Yes. That is the only reason why many races side with humans. Not only are they afraid of the Destroyer that will be born among Demons, but they are also afraid of being punished by the God."

Valeria flicks the air with her finger, and a 42 inches wide screen appears in the air in next moment. I am already familiar with this Spell of hers, so I am not really amazed when it shows the face of someone I abhor the most.

The screen is showing me the situation on the other side of the world, where one of the Heroes is at. This Hero is also coincidentally Mark, my former tormentor, who is in the top list of Heroes I am going to kill.

"Look at the man beside the Hero you know well."

Valeria motions toward the gray haired, fit, elderly man standing beside Mark. The old man is donned in armour from head to toe, and he really looks cool to me—I have never seen an old fart that cool.

"That man is Alivert Storm, one of the six Heroes who survive the war between Demons and humans 30 years ago. He is the personal trainer of Hero Mark Lane."

"Well, he has the aura of being a trainer."

I chuckle faintly to hide my bubbling rage that has become barely manageable. I haven\'t heard any news about the bastard for the past half a month, but now that I can finally see him, he has become way stronger than before.

I don\'t need Valeria to tell me how strong Mark has become; I can see it with my own eyes how well he kills those Middle Grade Beasts. I can easily deduce it has been thanks to the old man Alivert.


Mark has just swung his sword once, but it managed to carve a trench on the ground. I will say that the move is wasted on a mere Low Grade Beast, but I get that he just wants to showcase his power.

It seems to me that everytime Valeria shows what the Heroes are up to, all of them know that I am watching so they flex to me. \'Look what we have become,\' is what I always see from their face.

Although I know that I can definitely catch up to them soon, I don\'t like that at all. I have promised myself to never be looked down upon, and I have never been looked down once for the past two months.

Seeing the look on their face, especially Mark, amplifies my hatred on them, but in turn, I become more motivated to get stronger.

"Good luck with the Awakening tomorrow. That is the start of your journey of becoming the owner of this world."

"I will do not disappoint you, Miss. Valeria."

"I am glad." Valeria suddenly hugs me, and it slightly surprises me. "I hope you will remain the same after the Awakening."

I hug Valeria back, and at her words, I smile faintly. I won\'t remain the same—I can\'t not change, but the way I treat her and those I am thankful for will remain the same.

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