
Chapter 1567 1,564: Wang Ming’s Method Of Charging (1/97)

“In any case, please rest assured about Ziyi’s condition, master.”

“Those people who had been monitoring student Zhou’s house were all captured, and not a single one of them was released.”

“Battle sect’s Keorn has already used his connections in mixiu to simultaneously take action against the foreign-funded enterprises that interfered with Jiudaohe. I believe there will be results in the near future.”

“Also, there’s one more thing, master... I think...”

“Forget it, master, you can get busy first. After master returns to the country, I’ll personally come and Tell Master.”


Zhou Ziyi had never thought that one day.

He would be able to live in Odd Zhuo’s home for a period of time.

In this world, there were two men he admired the most.

The first was his father.

And the second was Odd Zhuo.

The former was his life support, while the latter was his spiritual pillar.

When he had been in the car earlier, he and Odd Zhuo had worked seamlessly and seamlessly together.

For a moment, Zhou Ziyi really felt like Odd Zhuo’s disciple.

But Zhou Ziyi also knew very well.

Being Odd Zhuo’s disciple might be an extravagant hope.

It was a joke.

If he was serious, he would lose.

After returning to the apartment, Odd Zhuo could actually clearly sense that Zhou Ziyi’s mood seemed to be a little lower than before.

He knew exactly what the little guy was thinking.

In fact, what he had said in the car just now wasn’t all a joke.

Odd Zhuo also had his own plans.

But taking in a disciple was a big deal after all.

Odd Zhuo couldn’t just take it in like that.

Thus, in the end, Wang Ling still had to nod his head in this matter.

Odd Zhuo was cutting vegetables in the kitchen in his apron when he suddenly stuck his head out and spoke to Zhou Ziyi. “Ziyi, can you come over and help me out?”

“Of course!”Zhou Ziyi, who had been in a trance, suddenly agreed.

“Do you know how to cut vegetables?”

Odd Zhuo moved a chair so that Zhou Ziyi could stand firmly on it.


Zhou Ziyi nodded. Even though he had lost two legs, he was still very capable of taking care of himself.

Usually, when Zhou Ziyi was alone at home, he would cook by himself.

“Shred or diced?”

“Shred cucumber, diced turnip, and chop up the chili on the other side. Help me peel it.”


“You’re quite capable, young man,”Odd Zhuo praised.

Zhou Ziyi’s face turned red.

He felt that he was hopeless too.

It was just a very simple compliment, and it would make him very happy.

He hugged the pillow and looked in the direction of the kitchen.

He looked at Zhou Ziyi with a slightly hostile gaze.

She had taken note of this little guy’s “Flirting”with Odd Zhuo in the car earlier..

He pressed the remote control and pretended to be fine on the surface, but in his heart, he was very irritated.

He hadn’t watched any program.

When the program switched to “TV drama channel,”a very familiar line came out. “You only lost two legs, but she lost love!”

Yoshiko Kyoko:”...”

Zhou Ziyi:”...”

Odd Zhuo:”...”


At the same time, the closed-door competition between Yoshiko and the national college students was finally about to begin.

The top prize was one million Sun Island dollars.

Translated into Huaxiu’s Huaxia dollars, it was about sixty thousand dollars at the exchange rate.

This prize money might not seem like much to others, but it was especially important to Wang Ling.

The combined strength and family conditions of the contestants who could enter this competition as representatives of the various schools wouldn’t be too bad.

Apart from Wang Ling, almost no one else was going for the prize money.

Personal honor and the school’s honor were more important.

Jiudao and Zhimu Junshan of the academic affairs office were worried about the public opinion that had erupted today.

He vaguely had a suspect in his heart, and knew who was behind this

“Zhou Xiang...”Zhimu Junshan thought it over and over again, but this was the only person he could think of.

He had to be the one to solve the problem. If he wanted to change the public opinion on this matter, he would probably have to ask Zhou Xiang to make a concession and speak on behalf of the administrative office.

For this, Zhimu Junshan was actually already prepared.

As the phone rang, Zhimu Junshan finally waited for the signal to make a move.

“Is everything ready?”

“Very good...”

“Then, please invite teacher Zhou Xiang to my office. It’s time to talk to him.”


Zhou Xiang did not expect Yuki Junshan to find him so quickly.

But this time, his confidence was different. In the past, his biggest concern was his son.

Now, Zhou Ziyi’s problem had been completely solved.

He had nothing to be afraid of.

After that Miss Sun’s docking, the resources that his son would enjoy in the future would probably be something that even Shu Junshan would never dream of.

And now, behind Zhou Xiang, there was the Huaguo Water Curtain Group and Zhan Zong working together to support him.

One was a large-scale medicinal pill consortium with a worldwide reputation. The other was a newly rising, official-backed, and globally recognized Super Sect.

When he returned to China this time, he would also receive a special offer from the war sect to go to the war sect to teach Chinese.

The salary was twenty times higher than the price offered by Jiu Dao and the other side.

Not only that..

The person in charge of docking at the war sect also promised to give him a mountain to teach Chinese as well as the history of cultivation in the future.

This was a course specially designed for those children who did not have talent but wanted to contribute to the cause of human cultivation.

Zhan Zong was not the only one. Other schools actually had similar courses and teachers who specialized in this aspect of knowledge.

Cultivation was not just about raising one’s realm and knowing how to use all kinds of gorgeous spells and magical treasures.

Passing on the cultivation culture and historical heritage was also a very important part.

In the modern cultivation profession, those historical masters who had a well-known position, even if their cultivation was very low or even no, as long as they had made some achievements in the field of cultivation history and culture.

The treatment they received was actually not lower than that of those high-realm cultivators.

The warring sect was a sect that blossomed in all aspects. Chinese and history lessons were already in the process of preparation, but the appearance of Zhou Xiang just accelerated the process.

Of course, to give Zhou Xiang such a no-worries conditions.

And not just because he wants Zhou Xiang to make a decision as soon as possible.

But Zhou Xiang himself is indeed a talent worthy of these resources.

When he came to Zhushu Junshan’s office again, Zhou Xiang’s confidence was obviously much better.

He was no longer bowing his head like those social animals, always lowering his head to receive Zhushu Junshan’s various disdainful gazes.

After entering the office, he directly sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and looked fearless.

This action shocked Zhushu Junshan and the board member of the foreign-funded group beside him, Holland.

Zhushu junshan immediately sneered, “Teacher Zhou, are you going to break the rules?”

He clearly didn’t ask anything, but Zhou Xiang actually showed such an attitude in front of him.

This made Zhushu Junshan’s suspicion have an answer.

“You privately spread a religious organization that doesn’t conform to the school’s culture... you are already suspected of illegally spreading religious beliefs! According to the laws of this country, you can be detained!”Zhushu Junshan threatened.

“Religious organization?”Zhou Xiang could not help but laugh. “Gray religion, except for the word ‘religion’and the way it is written. What else is related to a religious organization? That is just a student literature association.”

“Do you think your glib words are useful? Zhou Xiang!”

Zhimu Junshan snorted. “If you are detained for breaking the law and committing a crime, you will also face dismissal from the school. Your income is gone, what should you do with your disabled son? Have you thought about it?”

“So, you’re using my son to threaten me?”

At this moment, Zhou Xiang could only sigh at the decisiveness of his decision back then.

Fortunately, Leek Sasaki had found him in advance and expressed his willingness to cooperate with Huaguo Water Curtain Group and Zhan Zong..

Otherwise, he would really be restricted by others like he was now.

His son was his lifeline.

But now, his biggest weakness had been completely solved.

Zhou xiang: “Zhimu Junshan, you really are a sinister person. My Son often tells me that someone is watching him when he sleeps at night. It should be the person you sent, right?”

Zhimu junshan laughed: “Since you know my methods, I really don’t know why you are still acting tough here. Teacher Zhou Xiang, you can’t leave the nine paths and the treatment they give you...”

“Then you might as well make another call and ask if the people you sent to spy on you are still around.”Zhou Xiang shrugged nonchalantly.

Yuki Junshan frowned slightly when he heard this.

He thought of Zhou Xiang’s unusually tough performance today, and for a moment, he was actually a little worried about the situation over there.

It shouldn’t be..

Yuki Junshan thought anxiously in his heart.

He had clearly just spoken to his informant on the phone and said that the situation there was under control.

At that moment, with a slightly skeptical expression, Zhimu Junshan dialed the number again.

The person who had picked up the call was actually Odd Zhuo. “Hello, Mr. Zhimu Junshan! Is there anything else? The situation is under control!”

Hearing this, Zhimu Junshan realized that the person who had picked up the phone didn’t sound quite right. “Your voice isn’t familiar to me...”

“I’m new here.”

Odd Zhuo replied as he cooked. “I was the one who spoke to you on the phone just now.”

“So the situation... has been resolved?”

“Yes, Mr. Zhimu, it’s all been resolved.”

“Then how did Zhou Xiang...”

“But your people have been dealt with.”


“My wife is waiting for me to cook, Don’t disturb me if there’s nothing else.”

”? ? ?”

Odd Zhuo smiled. “Oh, that’s right, those people you sent are now locked up in Songhai city’s No. 1 prison. If you don’t believe me, call them yourself. I reckon they won’t be out for more than a decade for the crime of espionage.”

”? ? ?”

At this point, the call was cut off..

Zhimu Junshan hung up the phone with an incredulous expression.

Damn it!

What on Earth had this guy Zhou Xiang done..

“Who’s backing you up...”Zhimu Junshan was so angry that his whole body was trembling.

This feeling of being teased made him furious beyond control. He stared at Zhou Xiang with hatred in his eyes. “Do you think that even if you save your son, you can still leave Sun Island Alive?”

“Why, does the administrative office of Jiudao he still plan to make a move against me, the teacher of the people?”

Zhou Xiang stood up with a mocking expression on his face. He dusted off the dust on his pants, he walked straight out of the door. “If you want to make a move against me, feel free to do so. However, I would advise teacher Zhushu Junshan to stop as soon as possible. Don’t ask for trouble.”

“If you leave Jiudao he, how are you going to Live!”

“How can I Live? He! Tui!”

Zhou Xiang raised his eyebrows. His throat trembled, and he left some phlegm on the ground of the academic affairs office. “I’ve already sent my resignation letter to the academic affairs office and the principal’s office mailbox. You Disgust Me.”

“You wait for Zhou Xiang! I Won’t Let You Have It Easy!”Junshan stomped his feet in exasperation.


Dongfu City football field.

This time, the closed-door competition for the top 100 high school students in Sun Island would be held here.

All the delegations would have their own waiting rooms.

Before the match began, Wang Ming reconfirmed the one-off talismans on Wang Ling’s body.

There were still 66 talismans in normal operation now, and he judged that it shouldn’t be a problem for him to survive the match.

“If you feel that something is wrong, then leave first. Don’t worry about anything, okay? I’ll use my brain waves to erase everyone’s memories here,”Wang Ming instructed Wang Ling.

Wang Ling:”...”

He realized that ever since Wang Ming and Zhai Yin got together, this guy’s brain waves had become more and more omnipotent.

But after confirming their relationship, Wang Ming’s brain waves had indeed become much stronger than before.

Wang Ling guessed that this was probably the result of the constant stimulation of adrenaline and male hormones in a man in love.

In addition, his brain waves during the day and at night helped his idiot brother become even more powerful than before.

“Why do you look even more nervous than Ling Ling?”Zhai Yin couldn’t help laughing.

It wasn’t a public occasion now, so she still maintained her original appearance.

It was mainly because she had been pretending to be lotus sun earlier, and her performance had been too unnatural. It could almost be said that she was riddled with loopholes.

So to be on the safe side, Zhai Yin and Lotus Sun discussed that in private, Zhai Yin should go back to being herself... in order to adjust her state of mind.

If it was Lotus Sun’s turn, Zhai Yin could use a magic treasure to change her appearance and complete the disguise with one click.

“Of course I’m Nervous! The main thing is that I’m afraid that the order won’t work. What if I accidentally use an extra hundred million points of strength to erase Sun Island from the satellite map?”

“Is it that exaggerated...”

“I can’t, Yin, I need you to recharge my batteries...”Wang Ming took a deep breath and put his arm around Zhai Yin’s waist as he rested his head on her chest.

And this was the legendary brain cushion human flesh box recharge..

Lotus Sun, who was pretending to be a good son of nine temples, watched enviously from the side.

At that moment, Leek Sasaki pushed open the door and entered with maple, peacock, and Quanzhe from Hattori, who had gone out to gather information.

“Everyone! Are You Ready?”

Leek Sasaki said, “The results of the drawing of lots have just been decided. The total number of participants from the 100 delegations this time is 500. Half of them will be eliminated in the first round. According to the order, the second wave sang’s match will be the first to start. The opponent is Sakai Kazuya from Sangtian High School.”

“This surname sounds a little familiar?”Lotus sun frowned slightly.

“That’s right! This Sakai Kazuya is actually Sakai Fengnian’s younger brother who was forced to send away that pot of purple cherry blossoms.”

Sasaki Leek couldn’t help laughing. “The key point was that in the afternoon, Sakai Kazuo also joined the branch of the nine paths and gray religion...”

Wang Ling:”...”

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