
Chapter 669 Angelic Proposal & Preparation Perils

Chapter 669 Angelic Proposal & Preparation Perils

"Ah, that\'s right! You are going to make some big changes today, aren\'t you? Any Idea how long I should expect you to be gone?" Breya asked as she picked at her cake, savoring each bite.

"The actual change is not going to take that long. Like Eliza jokes, I will just wave my hand, even though it is an extremely complicated process," I groaned.

The truth was that I had my brain working in the background like a crazy person for the last two days. There was just so much to take into consideration, and with everyone moving around, I had to keep a constant count with my birds and rodents I controlled. If I lost count, there was a chance I might accidentally turn someone into building supplies.

The chances of that were very slim, but Murphy\'s Law states that anything that can happen will. So, it was always best to be prepared. Thinking of the Winds of Change, I had not had a lot of time to spend with them since coming to the world. I might have to ask Breya if I could have them all over for a day this week.

"Galio," Breya said, pulling me out of my thoughts, and making me look up into her golden eye.

"Sorry," I grinned, and she smiled back.

"Not a problem. I know that you have a lot on your plate, even if you are supposed to be taking a break," She said, and I winced. "Still, you are the God of this world, and time waits for no one. Maybe you should use today to get everything you need to get done in Northwall so you can relax more while you are out here with us."

"Are you sure? I should just be entrusting everything to everyone else, but there are just some things that only I can do," I sighed, but Breya nodded.

"It will be more than fine. I only ask that you summon Tallia and let me have her for the day," Breya said, and then looked down at the ring I made for her. "I would like to talk to her about this so I understand it better," she explained and then put up a hand when I raised an eyebrow. "I understand that this means you want me to be your partner, but whatever marriage is, it is a foreign concept to me."

"Ahh," I said, nodding my head. I had forgotten that Breya wasn\'t like the other goddesses. Even though her soul was from Prime like the others, she had not been one of my wives, nor did I even know her.

"Yes, I will get Tallia, but that makes me think that I am going to have to do this quite a few more times in the future," I sighed with a smile, and Breya reached across the table to put both her hands over mine.

"I am just glad that I am the first person that you asked. I know that you know the rest of them a lot better than me, and you have more of a connection, but this makes me feel special. Especially considering that we have this beautiful small person together," Breya said, her voice softening to a mere whisper, her golden eyes brimming with raw emotions. She was radiant, her aura resonating with her overwhelming happiness.

I tightened my hold on her, and my heart filled with a warmth that was hard to describe.

"Yes, it does make you special, very special," I affirmed, pressing a gentle kiss on her knuckles, "And you are right. We need to dedicate the day to preparing for the Goddess games. The big changes can wait. As for \'marriage,\' it\'s a human ritual where two individuals promise to be with each other for all their lives. Do you remember the vows I said while giving you the ring? That is part of the ritual."

She nodded, "So then I will take it that this is the equivalent of a mating ritual?" Breya asked, and I nodded, making her giggle. "I suppose this is a little backward, considering how we already have Grace."

"True, but better late than never," I laughed, but then gave Breya a questioning look. "You know, I have never asked you about Angel mating rituals. Is you taking me up to the clouds to have sex like you did the normal ways that two female Angels do their ritual?"

Blushing at my query, Breya averted her gaze momentarily, twirling her diamond heart ring nervously around her finger. "Well, Galio, our \'rituals\' are more about a deep-level bonding than anything else. It\'s about the unification of souls, to fly high above the world and just let our energies interact in harmony..."

She glanced at me from the corners of her eyes, her cheeks a shade of crimson pink. "That being said, Angels\' rituals are as varied as the stars in the sky," she added with a small chuckle, "For me, flying high with you... It was one of the most fulfilling experiences I have ever had. It was just... us."

I grinned back at her, my heart swelling with joy at having such a loving angel as part of my life. "Indeed, it was. And I am looking forward to many more such \'us\' moments with you."

After another heart-warming kiss, I prepared to take off for the chores waiting for me at Northwall. It was going to be a long day, and the Goddess Games were not going to arrange themselves. As I stood up to leave, I waved my hand, opening a tiny peephole.

"I can feel your single eye on me, Cat God," Tallia growled, and I opened up the portal to the size of my head with a grin.

"I was just checking to make sure you weren\'t busy!" I laughed and then frowned at her. Tallia was still in bed in a cute white cat nighty. I truly would never get tired of seeing her look so cute in her room filled with white cat memorabilia.

"What is it that you actually want? Don\'t you have a city to build, or a pair of Angels to attend to?" Tallia asked, and Breya pushed her face into mine so she could see.

"I actually asked him to make a portal for you," Breya said with a girlish smile that made Tallia sit up with a quirked eyebrow.

"I am listening," Tallia said. "You are not normally this excited."

"True, unless it is sweet, but look what Galio just gave me!" Breya exclaimed, pushing me right out of the way, and putting her hand with the ring on it.

I didn\'t need to see to know that Tallia flew out of her bed because her face was now protruding out of my portal.

"He proposed to you?!" Tallia demanded, but Breya only shrugged, backing away from the portal.

"I guess if that is what you call it. I was hoping that you could explain it a little-" Breya tried to say, but was cut off as Tallia\'s face disappeared from my portal. At the same time, a flat portal appeared above and in front of Breya, dropping Tallia out in front of the Angel.

"Tell me everything!" Tallia demanded and then looked at me with a cold look that made me wince. "I will overlook this one time, but I had better not have to explain myself," she growled at me, and I snapped to attention while opening a portal simultaneously.

"Yus, Ma\'am! I will take my leave!" I saluted and then jumped through the portal. I had known she would be pissed that she wasn\'t first, but I knew she would understand. All of them had already said their vows to me, but Breya never got the chance on Prime. I would just have to make sure that I planned something big for Tallia.

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