
Volume 3, Third Shared Rule of the Twelve Holy Knights: “No Matter How Weak the Sun Knight Looks, Never Ruffle His Feathers.”

Volume 3, Chapter Third Shared Rule of the Twelve Holy Knights: “No Matter How Weak the Sun Knight Looks, Never Ruffle His Feathers.”

Translator: raylight


In the middle of the night, within the palace of the Kingdom of Moon Orchid, there came a shriek from Princess Alice’s room.

Princess Ann and a bunch of knights hurriedly barged into Princess Alice’s room, but all they saw was Alice kneeling in front of her full-length mirror, her face hidden in her hands and her head hanging low. Upon hearing that someone had entered her room, she agitatedly shrieked, “Get out! All of you, get out!”

The knights looked at each other in dismay, but they saw that there were no other people in the bedroom. They then looked at Princess Ann, who nodded her head, indicating that the knights could leave.

Ann walked to her sister’s side. “Sis, what’s wrong? Were you frightened by a cockroach?” she asked cautiously.

Alice only shook her head, not saying a single word.

Seeing her sister in such a state, Ann was so worried that she was starting to become agitated. She said promptly, “I’ll go look for someone to help…”

“Don’t go!” Alice hastily stopped her sister.

Ann stopped in her tracks. Doing this is not okay, doing that is also not okay. I really don’t know what my sister wants me to do. “Sis, your behavior is worrying me greatly. No matter what, you should at least tell me what I ought to do!” she said helplessly.

Hearing that, Alice slowly lowered her hands. When she lifted her head, she immediately saw her sister’s shocked expression, and began to cry with a sob.

Ann revealed an odd expression, and unable to make heads or tails of the situation, she asked, “Sis, why has your face… become so much darker? Wasn’t it fine during the day?”

Alice sobbed, “I just finished applying a mask to my face. When I looked in the mirror, I realized that I had actually become this dark. That’s why I screamed. My skin…”

So it was as small a problem as turning darker. Although she is a little dark, it’s not a big deal! Ann didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry as she said, “I’ve already told you not to take such delight in applying masks to your face. Look! Now you’ve run into a problem.”

“How is this possible? I did everything according to what was written in the recipe!”

Alice promptly produced the skin-whitening recipe that the Sun Knight had given her for her sister to see. “Runny mud, egg yolk, valerian root, earth that has been scorched, newly gathered sand, green pepper, ebony wood, fresh water plants, olives, radishes, lavender, expired milk. After stir-frying it quickly with a strong fire, fix on face for three hours.”

Ann looked at that so-called recipe, at first feeling that the recipe’s ingredients couldn’t be any weirder, and not believing that her sister actually dared to apply that to her face. After even closer inspection, the expression on her face became even stranger as she asked her sister tactfully, “Sis, where did you get this recipe of yours?”

Alice immediately replied, “The Sun Knight gave it to me! His skin is really very good, so white and tender. It’s not possible for there to be a problem!”

As expected… Ann gave a forced smile and said, “Sis, have you tried looking at the first letter of each line?”

Once Alice heard that, she immediately lowered her head to read the recipe. She read the letters out loud, “R-E-V-E-N-G-E F-O-R L-E-A-F. Revenge for Leaf! Ahhh!”

The lich’s body had been destroyed, Awaitsun had nearly been beaten to death, but to think he wouldn’t even let her off either…

Alice’s shriek echoed in the palace for over three days.

“Sun Knight! You despicable, shameless, narrow-minded, villainous bastard!”

One day, with his heart filled with sweetness, Leaf read the love letter that Ann had dispatched an envoy to deliver.

Dear Leaf,

The third shared rule of the Twelve Holy Knights that you talked about last time, “No matter how weak the Sun Knight looks, never ruffle his feathers,” has never made more sense. My sister has applied masks to her skin for a whole month, but there hasn’t been a single sign of it turning whiter.

However, my sister’s lover was not seriously injured because the Sun Knight healed him, so the speed at which he rushed back to the Cathedral of the Shadow God was very fast. He immediately came to propose, but my sister didn’t dare to meet him before her skin turned whiter. She also didn’t dare accept the proposal, so right now she is washing her face with her tears every day… However, even though she washes her face with her tears, she is still unable to restore her fair skin.

Sigh! The Sun Knight is too scary. Leaf, you should be careful never to ruffle his feathers. If you do end up doing that, then you should hurry and escape to my place here. I will have Mike hide you within the Monastery of the God of War, so that you will perhaps be able to escape calamity. Here’s wishing that you never ruffle the feathers of the Sun Knight.

Yours truly,


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