
Chapter 197

“So, how does it look?”

“Yes. As expected, the infantry took the most damage. Two thousand have died while three thousand others are wounded. The pirma riding warriors similarly had approximately one thousand dead and fifteen hundred wounded. The warriors with significant injuries were sent to the shamans and the people of this area called the priests to be healed, while the ones with small injuries were just given emergency treatment and ordered to rest.”


Yulian let out a long sigh at Haisha’s report. The warriors were the life of Pareia. However, they had already lost three thousand and had close to five thousand warriors injured after the first battle.

Although it was a complete victory where less than three thousand of the enemy’s thirty thousand soldiers made it back, he could not take it lightly.

The people of the continent would give birth to thousands of new babies overnight, and half of them will be male. However, that was not the case for Pareia. The lives of each of Pareia’s warriors was worth more than even fifty of the soldiers here.

“What about the Red Storm and the cavalry?”

“Pansy got a small injury to his thigh and the cavalry had approximately five hundred dead and wounded.”

“The cavalry’s damage was less than the pirma brigade.”

Haisha nodded his head and explained the reason.

“In this flat plain, there was a significant amount of difference in the speed of the pirmas and the cavalry. In addition, they seemed to have taken less damage as the Red Storm was in front of them.”

Yulian took a deep breath to calm himself and forced himself to smile as he spoke.

“Mm, Pansy must not have trained enough. How could he be injured fighting the general infantry?”

“He is currently being ridiculed by everyone.”

Seeing Haisha also laugh and respond lessened the heavy atmosphere in the room a bit.

“Do not worry too much. The next battle should not have as many casualties as this one.”

As Runa confidently answered from the side, Haisha looked toward Runa and started to speak.

“Runa-nim, isn’t this your first war with our Red Storm?”

“Yes it is.”

“I am looking forward to seeing Runa-nim’s amazing strategies.”

“I have already thought about what to do.”

They had spent a lot of time together, but Runa’s relationship with the Red Storm was still rocky.

The feelings died down as time went on, and Haisha knew very well that they would have lost at least five times the amount of warriors without Runa’s timely orders and new inventions to attack the continent, but it wasn’t easy to release a deep grudge so easily.

‘I need to make sure Runa and the Red Storm completely trust each other with this opportunity. If we can do that, that would be an absolutely wonderful blessing for our Pareia. If it continues like this, the Red Storm and Runa will clash some point in the future.’

Yulian thought that way internally, but this was the one problem Yulian was not confident he could solve.

It was because he understood both of them so well. They were both just devoted to their mission.

“Yes Runa, is there something you have thought about it?”

“The core of this battle will be the Red Storm.”

Runa gave a short answer to Yulian’s question before opening up a large map on the table. There were large marks on the map that made it possible to know the location of the different landmarks.

“I took out the parts that I had even the slightly doubts about. I will need to scope out the terrain a little more as we have some time, but here is the basic breakdown of my plan.”

Runa pointed at the different marks with his finger as he shared his thoughts one by one with the two individuals.

“Hold on.”

Yulian made Runa stop talking at one point, and Haisha started to frown significantly at the same time.

“Runa.... if it is like this ......”

Yulian hoped that he interpreted it wrong and started to speak, but Runa helped confirm that Yulian had it right.

“Yes. The Red Storm will be the bait.”


As Yulian shouted out loudly, Runa looked toward Yulian with confusion.

“Yes, please speak, Glow.”

“You claim you want to use the Red Storm as bait, but isn’t this just putting the Red Storm in danger?”

“Glow, please do not treat me as such a petty fellow.”

“But this!”

“The Glow has a different role to play, so I will ask Haisha-nim who is the leader of the Red Storm. Haisha-nim, is this impossible? I created this plan because I believe that the Red Storm is capable of doing this. If you say it is impossible, I will make changes to the plan.”

Seeing Runa talking to him with a calm expression, Haisha could feel himself start to twitch.

And then that damn smirk and the words that continued to rile him up even more.

“I believe it was Thrint-nim who said to bring out a plan that was fitting for the Red Storm. What do you think? Should I make changes? If we get rid of some of our greed, it is possible.”

Haisha subconsciously shouted out loud.

“Just do as Runa-nim wishes to do. We will make it happen.”

“That is not good enough. If you do not have the confidence that you can certainly accomplish this, I need to make changes.”


Yulian shouted from the side, but Haisha’s response was fast as well.

“Of course it is possible. If it is not the Red Storm, who else could successfully complete this task?”

‘We need to do it. No matter who was here talking to Runa right now, they would all answer the same way.’

Haisha took both of his hands and slapped himself. It was to stop the twitch in his face.

“Then I will put my trust in you. We still have a couple of days. Please go plan out with the rest of the Red Storm about how you can raise the chances that you can succeed.”

“I plan to do so.”

Haisha bowed to Yulian before quickly walking out of the paoe.

“Runa, just what are you thinking?”

As soon as Haisha left, Yulian asked in a slightly shaking voice. Runa started to smile toward Yulian.

“Wouldn’t it be more safer with my riling them up a bit like this?”

“But this is too much. I would understand if it was a location where the Red Storm can move freely, but even if it is the Red Storm, they cannot last that long while they are surrounded. No, it may be possible if all of them were there, but you want to cut that in half and only send thirty? This is impossible.”

“However, this is our only method if we want to completely take control of it. This is still not too late. Pareia will not have any issues with just this half of the plain.”

Runa’s inner thoughts were in turmoil right now as well. If Greatest Warriors Egane or Vibli were here, they wouldn’t need to do such a reckless move. No, he would at least not think about splitting up the Red Storm.

However, they needed warriors who would pierce through the enemy soldiers in order to draw out the enemy’s main unit.

The Red Storm warriors may all be extremely strong warriors, but none of them had the leadership that Vibli or Egane had to pierce through the enemies. That was why at least ten Red Storm warriors needed to stand in the vanguard. That was why he needed to split up the Red Storm.

“Is that the only way?”

“Yes. The gate is an amazing fortress. We have no way of taking it without taking any risks. In fact, something like this is only possible because the enemy commander is a knight named Spotch who is one of the Silence Empire’s masters. If it was just an average commander, we really would not have any method to take the gate.”

Yulian started to contemplate things after hearing Runa’s words.

“What is the other method?”

“It is not really a strategy, but it is just building our own fortress in front of the gate. The enemy’s advantage will end up becoming our advantage. The Silence Empire needs to cross the gate in order to come to this side as well.”

“Runa, you mean?”

“If we manage to take control of the gate, not only will we be able to successfully pressure the Silence Empire, the Henkel Plains will completely become Pareia’s territory.”


Yulian let out a long moan before falling deep into thought. It was not an easy decision to make. A plain that could safely grow food, and a large number of people for the tribe. It might take them a while to get adjusted to the desert’s way of life, but it was only a matter of time. The people will be able to get out of the oppression of the nobles and be given more freedom in a better and safer environment, so it really shouldn’t be a problem.

Taking control of the entire Henkel Plains, and then continuing to take control of the mountainous Purez region if possible was the original agreement with the Rojini Kingdom.

“What are you thinking about so hard?”

“You’re here madam?”

Runa bowed toward the owner of the voice before offering her a seat. She was a woman, but she had earned his respect.

“Violet, are you done praying?”

“Yes, but what are you so worried about?”

As Runa explained everything that had happened, Violet seemed to be thinking about something.

“Do you have any good ideas?”

Yulian saw that Violet was not frowning and quickly asked, knowing that she had some type of plan.

“Do not worry too much. Runa-nim’s plan will not have any issues.”

“How so?”

Violet put on a slight smile on her stoic expression as she answered.

“I will go with the Red Storm.”

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