
Chapter 101: <Game king>

Chapter 101: <Game king>

Thanks to Lee Sunghyun, Woosung was the talk in the luncheon. Woosung was introduced to most of the people at the party. He managed to make crucial acquaintances that day.

After the event, Shin Yongwon walked towards Woosung.

“So did you get a chance to talk to my daughter yet?”

“Unfortunately, no.”

“Gosh, I keep telling that girl she needs to be more aggressive if she wants to get what she deserves.”

Shin Semi poked her father in embarrassment, but he continued, “I heard you helped her out a lot since the time you were working for Nuri Finances.”

Shin Semi warned her father, “Chairman!”

“If you are planning to get into the mobile carrier business, you will need a lot of money. I know you have a good amount of funds, but you can never have enough.”

Woosung replied gravely, “I will remember that.”

“I would normally invest in only solid businesses, but when it involves your children, you end up making decisions with your emotions. I may be the Chairman of a big company, but I am still a father first.”

Shin Yongwon turned to Shin Semi and murmured, “I started the conversation for you, so now it’s your turn to finish the deal. I will see you later.”

Shin Yongwon left slowly. Woosung looked at Shin Semi in confusion. Shin Semi also looked surprised.

After a few minutes of silence, Woosung offered to her. “I will give you a drive.”

Shin Semi accepted and followed Woosung. Jun Taewon looked at them from afar with uncontrollable fury. Woosung glanced back at him knowingly and walked away.

Shin Semi flinched when she saw Woosung’s new car. “Nice car.”

“The company offered to buy the safest car out there for me.”

Shin Semi knew cars very well.

This was an 800,000-dollar car.

Woosung was clearly doing very well in his company.

Shin Semi said to him, “By the way, thank you for your advice before. I was able to gain a little bit of my father’s trust because of it.”

“I’m glad to be of help.”

In the car, Shin Semi gave Woosung timid glances. When she first met him as an employee of the Nuri Finances, he looked worn and average. However, a good suit did wonders for him. He looked striking and she was attracted to him.

“Do you no longer need any more gossips about Daeyang from me?”

“Haha, thanks to you, I am getting enough information on them.”

“Then I guess you don’t need me anymore.”

Woosung didn’t know how to respond to this question. The car became silent. After a few seconds, Woosung replied smartly, “A relationship isn’t just about needs. That would be too dry.”

Shin Semi tried to be brave and asked honestly, “Then do you think we could become something more?”

“Maybe in time.”

A vague answer.

However, it was enough to break the ice.

“We have arrived.”

The driver announced. Woosung looked at Shin Semi’s eyes. “Well, I guess I will see you later.”

Shin Semi left the car without another word.


The next day.

Jun Taewon called for his assistant who reported what he saw last night.

“Woosung dropped Shin Semi off at her residence and went straight home.”

“Phew…So he didn’t go anywhere or meet anyone else?”

“That’s correct.”

“Did you find anything about his plan for the telecommunication business?”

“We know for sure he is planning for it.”

“Of course I know that. He wouldn’t lie in front of the Minister of Information.”

“He is steadily recruiting new employees and buying equipment. His right hand is Jang Gwangchul, who used to be a famous daytime trader with a popular website.”

Jun Taewon panted in anger.

His assistant continued, “What should we do about Blue S?”

“What do you think?”

“I think we should still launch it. If we lose more customers, it could be dangerous for us. If we also lose iPhone…”


“I don’t think KND will be able to get into the telecommunication business. It will cost more than he thinks he could afford and to find experienced workers will be very difficult too.”

“But he declared it at the luncheon!”

“Perhaps the government is behind it. Lee Sunghyun might be using Kang Woosung to pressure mobile carriers to drop prices.”

This made sense. Jun Taewon replied slowly, “And that is why Lee Sunghyun mentioned it in front of everyone?”

“It’s a perfect plan. It was meant as a warning for everyone.”

Jun Taewon agreed.

The assistant continued, “Why don’t we release Blue S? We need to retain our customers.”

“Fine. Go ahead with it.”

The assistant suddenly stammered nervously.


“What’s the matter?”

“KND has told us that it doesn’t have the products to supply us.”


Jun Taewon punched the desk.

His assistant explained nervously, “They said they are already running their factories at their maximum capacity to keep up with the demands from LU and KG. They said once the factory in Gimpo is completed, they may be able to supply us. I think you need to talk to Kang Woosung in person.”

Jun Taewon bit his lips. He was embarrassed in front of everyone yesterday, and now he had to go back to Kang Woosung and ask for a favor. His pride couldn’t take it.

He asked, “Why didn’t you tell me before yesterday’s luncheon?”

“We got the message this morning.”


Woosung was doing this on purpose.

Jun Taewon had a decision to make.

Should he swallow his pride and beg?

Should he possibly cause his company a huge loss?

After a big sigh, Jun Taewon replied, “Where is Kang Woosung now?”

“He went to America. He will be back in December. His company couldn’t give me his exact schedule.”

“Alright. I will contact him.”


November 27th.

“Dubai World proposed to delay repayment of its debt of 26 billion dollars for six months.”

“The experts are predicting a possible financial crisis in Europe.”

Before the news, Woosung already had Alex take a short position on WTI crude oil.

Alex asked him, “Should we sell now?”


“But if we sell now, our profit would be over 400 million dollars.”

Woosung wasn’t satisfied yet.

“Just wait.”




These were the prices of Woosung’s WIT future.

Woosung continued to wait until the price dropped to 73 dollars.

“Now we take a long position.”

Alex excitedly started selling. He took a long position quickly.

The price started to go up and ended at 76 dollars that day.

It was all thanks to Woosung’s memories from his previous life. Alex saw him as the god of investment.

They worked together for a few more days. The price went up to 78 dollars, then down to 70 dollars, and then back up to 78 dollars within days.

Before Christmas Eve, Woosung made billions of dollars.

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